<<@user-cu8bq1vw9b says : Израиль Америка преступник Нетаньяху Баиден.>> <<@user-lo8en1nt1u says : Israel muss jetzt einen Gegner nach dem anderen niederringen und hart bestrafen.>> <<@Kabir-cs4zd says : Oct 7th massacre carried by zionist terrorist forces on Hamas account, but propaganda news still tagging on Hamas 😂😂😂>> <<@adele_0000 says : Victims will also have to file Law suit against the Israeli government. Video footage and testimonials from Israeli civilians who attended the music festival implicate the IDF in executing the "Hannibal directive" whereby they opened fire from an Apache helicopter on cars heading to Gaza even while knowing that Israeli civilians were in the cars. Tanks fired on homes and the IDF shot at civilians during the chaos. A couple of Israeli news outlets actually reported on this.>> <<@russbianchi8120 says : Exactly how do you collected from outlaw illegimate states?>> <<@sebastianlems8497 says : These Jews are crazy>> <<@glorialeder989 says : I am glad to hear this. How do I get involved ?>> <<@glorialeder989 says : Did you sue the protestors on the campuses across America? And anyone who supports them?>> <<@dawar-yu2ts says : Only you are recovering not the whole world, you know what the people of the entire world except the collective west think about you , that you are committed genocide, you are thieves, you are grabber of Palestine land, and you are extremely criminal nation, that's the fact, you stupid people, don't fool your people,the world is against you, you are isolated, because you think you are too Smart,face the reality>> <<@rinachaniago-hw2zo says : Stand For The IDF Soldiers Unit To Saving Then Protection For A Israel Nation People's From The Ultimate Dangerous Enemy With A Their Fighting Spirit Never Surrender On The Patriotic Lion-Heart Inside Anytime Forever , Shalom Aleichem & God Bless To All of You In Around The World ! 😎🖖 Shame For The Islamic-Radical World Especially From A Iran Proxy Alliance ( HAMAS & FRIENDS + SUPPORTER'S ) & The Qatar Government As A Global Terrorist Habitat With The Palestine Donation Campaign On A War-Crimes Money~£audry Financial System , Don't Trust of The Terrorist Country Including Indonesia or Malaysia Government To Always Funding Them Anytime In Every Where 🤐 The ANTI-SEMITISM Is The Also ANTI-CRIST & ANTI-DEMOCRACY Anytime Every-Where Then The Anti Hebrew-Legacy Is Anti-Torah + Anti Bible HollyBook ; 100% Anti God or Anti Humanity In Every-Places Like The Nazi Movement Event History ! 👥👣 Where The Pro Hamas Protestors To Speaking About A Their Palestinian Human-Right Conditions When The Alot Iranian Citizens To Also Persecuted By A Local Government Regime Like *"MASSA AMINI CASE"* To Death From *'Iran Syariah Law Police'* Then Resulting A Massive National Anarchy Chaos In 2023 Past Years Ago Until Now , This Is A Very Hypocrites! Take Alook When The Syrian Regime Leader *"Basyar Al-Assad"* President With Her Ally Friends ( Hezbollah Faction Militias + Iranian Volunteers Batalyon ) To Destroy The Allepo City & Idlib-Town With A Full Damage Inside To Also Including The Civilian Casualties Victims By Assad-Army Attack Since of 2010-18 Past Years Ago __ Where A UN-Council To Making The Cease~Fire Deals In There?? Nothing At All This Is A Very Hypocrites Discrimination Policy !!!🤔🧤 A HAMAS Follower's or ISIS Philosopher's Are The Real Devil Moeslim Radical Believers With The Pure Evil Religious Monster To Just Only One Way Ticket Into A Their Own Heaven Version Like A Pyscopat Behavior Personality Anytime ! 👹☠️😈 A Qatar Government Is The Iran Proxy Alliance To Also Funding Donation Into A Several America College Institute Like The Colombia University New-York & Etch Its A Terrorist Money~£aundry From The Iran Government , CCP-PLA Beijing , Vladimir Putin Administration In Russia & A Pakistan Corruptor Politician's To Will Try Destroying The Freedom Democracy Country Form US Soil In Anytime Every Where Forever ! Why The Global Moeslim Philosopher's To Can't Protest About A Different Islamic Problems Like The Rohingya-Refugees Crisis of A Junta-Military Solution on The Myanmar Conflict or A Uigurs Etnic-Cleansing Genocide In Xinjiang-China By The CCP Regime Policy Since of 1951 Until Now When A Extrimist Palestine-Pro Sympathier To Want Vanishing The Jewish-Hebrew Exist In A Their Ancestor Soil From The Abraham Heritage Legacy By The Massive Hate~Speech Narrative Anything For Them ! 👥🌍 The Israel Nation Exist & A Freedom Ukrainian People's + The Taiwan Democratic Country To Have Self-Defense Right To Again The Olyqarcy Dictator Regime Like A Russian Putin Leadership Tyrant or The Khomeini Teheran Terrorist Ruler + A CCP-China Dictatorship Otoriterian With A Hardest Determination Struggles Effort Anytime Forever Never Surrender For The Truly Liberty Freedom! 🤖🌟😈 *'PS : Shame From My Country Is The Indonesia Government Official To Just Sending A Sea Hospital Boat For The Palestinian People's In A Gaza Strip Territory When The Alot Poor Local Indonesian People To Can't Helped By A National Healty Department Who Especially of The Remote Island's Area Like A Rural Papua Province Residence Anytime!'* 🏥🌏🛳🚑 Islam Akan Kuasai Dunia Dgn Lenyap kan Negara Israel , Amerika & Uni Eropa Kata Ali Khamenei Kpd Pentolan Hamas Hassan Aliyeh ! Kenapa Nggak Sekaligus Hancurkan Juga RRC-Tiongkok , India & Russia Berani Nggak ? Maunya Islamisasi-Dunia Tapi Sekongkol Dgn Rezim Sosialis-Komunis-Ateisme Yg Notabenenya Anti Demokrasi Juga Anti Tuhan Dasar Munafik Ngaku Calon Penghuni-$urga Tapi Mempraktikkan Budaya Jahiliyah 🌍☠️ HAMAS = HAMA PENYAKIT DUNIA Bukan Kelompok Pilihan Tuhan Mana Ada Sang Pencipta Bela Kriminal Ngakunya Nabi Islam Muhammed Ini Adl Turunan Ismael Anak Kesayangannya Nabi Ibrahim / Abraham Yg Di Klaim Hidup Se Zaman Dgn Nabi Mussa , Nuh & Yessus Bahkan Klaim Adam-Hawa Ucapkan 2 Kalimat Syahadat ; Masak Cuma Etnis Arab Yg Pertama Ke Muka Bumi Pasti Suku Jawa-Kalimantan-Papua DLL Nggak Pernah Ada / Eksis Selamanya Dasar Bodoh Hanya Klaim-Dongeng Tanpa Analisis Sejarah Yg Mendlm 🤨 Fir'aun Ramses Tenggelam Di Laut Merah Oleh Tongkat Nabi Mussa , Golliath Jagoan Perompak Bajak~£aut Dari Filistin Tersungkur Oleh Raja Daud / King of David , Pemimpin Nazi Jerman Yg Membantai 6Juta Warga Yahudi Yg Di Kenal Dgn Peristiwa Holocaust Akhirnya Tewas Bunuh-Diri Bersama Pengikutnya Dlm Perang Dunia Ke-2 1937-45 & Akhirnya Pemimpin Iran Ibrahim-Raisi Tewas Dlm Kecelakaan Krn Tangannya Penuh Darah Sejak Ia Mulai Menjadi Hakim-Jaksa Penjagal Terhadap Warga nya Sendiri Maupun Dgn Musuh Abadinya Juga Baik Dari Dalam Maupun Luar 😎🤲 *"NB; Mustinya Juga Harus Di Selidiki Aktivis2LSM Asal Indonesia Spt Hussein-Gaza ( MERCY ) Yg Melarikan Diri Ke Perbatasan Jalur Gaza - Mesir Di Rafah Kemungkinan Mereka Ini Kolaborator-Konspirator HAMAS Via Ormas-Parpol Indonistan { MUI-PKS } Yg Ber Ideologi Khilafah Intoleran & Bisa Kelompok Ektrimist Lokal Di Sini Juga Sdh Terjalin Ikatan Kerja-$ama Termasuk Tukar-Menukar Informasi Intelijen Ala Kadrunista Tsb Bahkan Bisa Saja Masalah Serangan 7Oktober2023 Lalu + 250 Sandera Israel Telah Lama Di Ketahui Antar Interen Kalangan Militan Islam Itu Lewat Pintu2Diplomasi-Rahasia!"* 👥👹👺🫂 Indonesia Ini Paling Getol Bela Eksistensi Negara Palestina Habis2an Krn Faktor-Utama Adl Pembelaan-Total Terhadap Umat-Islam Di Seluruh Dunia Walau Kadang Munafik Standard-Ganda Pas Giliran Pengungsi Etnis-Rohiniyah Myanmar Di Usir Dari Tanah Serambi-Mekah Aceh , Mendingan Pemerintah R.I Saja Yg Ngasih Uang Kpd Masyarakat Arab-Palestina Di Jalur-Gaza , Tepi-Barat , Jordania , Lebanon & Syria Gunakan APBN Biar Cadangan-Devisa Kita Habis Total Ujung2nya Krisis-Ekonomi 1998-99 Terulang Hingga Timbul Huru~Hara Sosial Besar2an Tak Jamin N.K.R.I Tinggal Sejarah Utk Selamanya Hingga Akhir Zaman Paling Yg Nyesal Adl Anak-Cucu Kita Nanti! 🌏🔥 Pasti Jama'ah Kadrunista Iran Selalu Main Petak-Umpet Sama Polisi Arab-$audi Udah Sekian Kalinya Mereka Ini Bikin Ulah Thn 1984-85 Ratusan Jamaah Iran Ini Di Tangkap + Puluhan Lainnya Terluka Bahkan Ada Yg Tewas Krn Bikin Huru~Hara Di Tengah Ka'Bah Kawasan Masjidil Haram Termasuk Melukai Aparat Keamanan Setempat Dgn Sengaja & Fakta Nyata Jemaat Laki2nya Membawa Senjata-Tajam + Bom Rakitan , Taqiyah Mereka Ini Anggap Berdoa Sambil Lontarkan Hujatan Bakalan Di Terima Sama Allah-$WT , Asal Tahu Saja Di Afganistan Juga Pakistan Bahkan Suriah Komunitas Muslim Syiah Banyak Yg Tewas Krn Selalu Di Serang Militan Sunni-Wahaby Ektrimist Anti Syiah Di Mana Masjid Mereka Selalu Di Bom-Bardir Hingga Hancur Luluh~£antak Malah Di Indonesia Saja Terutama Kota Pasuruan & Situbondo Jawa-Timur Komunitas Syiah Indonesia Juga Berapa-Kali Di Presekusi Hingga Rumah-Ibadahnya { Mushola } Di Bakar~Habis Krn Alasannya Ini Adl Aliran Sesat Nyimpang Dari Islam Makanya Tdk Ada Yg Peduli Jika Kelompok Muslim Syiah Di Intimidasi-Rassisme Oleh Sesama Se Iman-Aqidah Mereka Sendiri __ Lihat Saja Saat Ini HAMAS Organisasi Terror Palestina Bermahzab Salafiyah-Wahaby Garis Keras Masih Terlihat Akur Bersekutu Dgn Syiah Faksi Hezbollah Di Libanon Selatan + Al-Houties Yaman Selatan Sbg Bagian Dari Proxy-Iran Nanti Begitu Negeri-Khilafah Islam Palestina Raya Terbentuk Tak Jamin Mereka Golongan Sunni-Millitan Palestina Akan Berbalik Hancurkan Kaum Syiah Di Manapun Mereka Berada Dgn Dukungan Dari Pakistan + Turki Sbg Upaya Kebangkitan Ottoman Ke-2! 🤔☝ NB : Dulunya Iran Adl Negeri Kerajaan Persia Moderat-$ekuler Di Bawah Pimpinan *Syah-Reza-Pahlevi* Menjadi Wilayah Makmur-Modern Di Timur-Tengah Thn 1962-78 Spt Layaknya Kerajaan Inggris-Raya / Great Britain Kingdom , Namun Setelah Revolusi Islam Pimpinan Ayatollah-Khomeini Thn 1979 Yg Notabene Berasal Dari Afganistan Pulang Dari Pengasingan Di Paris-Perancis + Dukungan Kelompok Sayap-Kiri Komunis Iran ( Dukungan Uni Soviet ) Semuanya Berubah Total Menjadi Negeri-Kadrunistan-$yiah Bahkan Iran Itu Sesudahnya Baku-Hantam Dgn Tetangga Irak Hingga Pecah Perang Irak-Iran Thn 1979-88 Bahkan Iran Sendiri Sempat Kehilangan Wilayahnya Sekitar 45% Di Kuasai Pasukan Rezim-Irak Saddam-Hussein { Wilayah Basra & Koramsar } Untung Irak Kehabisan Dana Utk Beli Senjata Hingga Berhenti Dudukin Iran Lalu Beralih Invasi Ke Negara Tetangga nya Yg Kaya Minyak Yaitu Kerajaan-Kuwait Thn 1990-91 Sblm Akhirnya Di Kalahkan Sekutu [ Amerika & NATO + Arab-$audi & Mesir ] Hingga Sadam Tumbang Pd Thn 2005-2006 Lalu Itu __ Iran Kini Mau Coba2 Mengulangi Kesalahan Irak Di Masa Lalu Dgn Hegemoni Politik Islam Garis-Kerasnya Itu 👉🌍🔥💥 NB ; Tiap Tahun Puluhan Ribu Jama'ah Haji & Umroh Dari Berbagai Negara Muslim Termasuk Indonesia Tewas Di Tanah Suci ( Mekkah-Jeddah-Arrafah-Madinah ) Tewas Akibat Suhu Panas Tinggi + Desak2an Terhimpit Satu Sama Lainnya Dlm Terowongan Mina , Tetap Nggak Kapok Malah Di Anggap Itu Udah Takdir Pasti Langsung Masuk Surga Walau Ia Koruptor Yg Lagi Dlm Masa Investigasi / Pemeriksaan KPK Bahkan Ada Banyak Kasus Jamaah Wanita Yg Mengalami Pelecehan~$exual Bahkan Pemerkosaan Contoh TKW Indonesia Ribuan Hamil Tanpa Suaminya Yg Notabene nya Adl Majikannya Sendiri Maka Muncullah Keturunan Arab Ngaku2 Turunan Cucu-Nabi Lalu Merusak Demografi Negeri Kita Ini Demi Kedudukan-Kekuasaan Belaka!😢🎉>> <<@anuragroy8242 says : American a.....hole>> <<@IRANSHEERKHORSHEED says : ایران شیر خورشید 👑💖👑💖👑💖👑👑👑👑👑👑👑>> <<@mrashad219 says : ADL is the clown 🤡 face of zionism. You should sue them in the ICC 😂>> <<@anthonyhuber-permanentlyre7808 says : *So, the ADL actually doing something useful for once?* And why not China? But we all know ADL won't dare go after them.>> <<@user-kw3jw9gh4p says : Sue Iran, N. Korea n Syria over support to Hamas!!>> <<@LuckyJeffLA says : Wait. What about China and Russia?!>> <<@JustinDrew-ur1hr says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the world is watching and laughing at Israel. What a joke. Don't believe anything this stupid station has to say. They lie lie lie about everything and we buy it. We've been brainwashed and told lies about these countries in the middle east they are always making up stories about the middle east countries and make them look very scary and bad and evil. But it's not true. Israel murder killings and bombings of Palestine for 76 years. So. Iran is not a problem Lebanon Yemen Syria Iraq r not the problem. Israel is the problem Israel is the only one bombing. So think about it. Israel is illuminati's 👁 puppet State created in 48 for the NWO Agenda and Israel is the chosen ones for WW3. Wake up people. Israel is the problem. Middle East counties are not the problem. They don't go looking for problems and war with major powers. But stories and lies r made up and then they are attacked by Nations or Israel just is doing the attacks. How long have you heard that Iran is the evil ones and terrorists organizations and wants to take over the world or attack the United States or attack and take over Land and Saudi Arabia or Israel. Getting a nuclear weapon. How many times are we going to hear about Iran being the evil one. Think about it 🤔 wake up people!!!>> <<@CjBird-mm8rf says : Don’t involve us wit your shenanigans 😅😅😅😅>> <<@Cleisthenes607 says : Suing? LMAO will the ADL denounce itself for perpetuating jewish stereotypes?>> <<@imperiald3864 says : Greenblatt needs to resign. The only way for the ADL to revive itself is with new leadership. Someone whose not a woke piece of garbage Or DNC operative.>> <<@asa1973100 says : In the past 7 years, the Palestinians have received $16.2 billion in foreign aid. It is estimated that between 90 and 95% of this money has either been stolen or diverted to terrorist groups.>> <<@rickycosman33 says : The Mossad did not know about all that money Hamas was handling? Those tunnels and rockets cost bucket fulls of cash.>> <<@maqboolhussain1542 says : Israel must be sue on Palestine holocaust. israel done most genocide in entire human history>> <<@fizzybubblech2128 says : Haha the joke ADL is left with no friends>> <<@Joe-Tdot says : LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣 the joke of the day>> <<@Yaakovseed says : So, the over 34,000 Palestinians murdered by Israel should sue America, Israel, Britain, France and NATO for 100 billion dollars for supplying Israel with the weapons that killed so many innocent people! This guy from the ADL is a disgusting human being! He could care less about the people killed on 10/7…want to line his pockets…how much will he get???>> <<@yotg6902 says : Of course the jews want money 😂>>