<<@kriztov265 says : So does high quality coal from Australia that doesnt produce a waste product that needs to be encased in stainless steel and then submerged in concrete so we can dispose of it. Time to get back to the simple truth the only reason coal is demonized is due to how its regulated for profit and the fact it is direct competition for the overseas companies making a killing selling the renewable dream that continues to grow their profits. Its time the blackmail sanctions and the countries pushing them that the Qld labor government are telling us all about on the radio daily in a vague manner ,are put before the Australian people in a clear manner so we can boycott the countries forcing us into the so called renewable dream age. Yeah nuclear is getting better but we need power right now affordable power not something that will be debated for a decade and promised within twenty years. The coal power system was deliberately gutted and run into the ground to justify the insane renewable agenda that climate crisis Chris Bowen is jerking himself off over in the closet.>> <<@peterjohn5834 says : Absolute rubbish and dishonest. The CSIRO report was prepared by Private Enterprise.>> <<@rob6543 says : His a good guy>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : This segment with the c leancut US guy pushing nuclear energy is a paid advertisent. SKY says it is sponsorsed which means it is a paid advert>> <<@stephenbrickwood1602 says : 5cents kWh off my rooftop, 50cents kWh from the grid. Battery Vehicles parked 23hrs every day and all night with oversized battery, why would the 20million buildings need grid electricity. Economic Mormons No electricity bills No gas heating bills No petroleum bills AFTER TAX SAVINGS doubles the benefit. Nuclear grid electricity is stupid economically. Also add military costs from the 80% of the world's population that lives in dictatorships. That have nuclear electricity industries. He complains about experts from different backgrounds but is silent on grid economics. He talks about latest technology but is silent on Battery Vehicles technology. He is a Mormon. ๐Ÿ˜Š She is a Mormon. ๐Ÿ˜Š>> <<@stephenbrickwood1602 says : 3:04 solar 19.7% available daily but produces 100% of the daily demand. The grid is frightened by dirt cheap rooftop electricity. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ>> <<@stephenbrickwood1602 says : UTILIZATION factor is the big deal with nuclear promoters. Simple economics. Per day I am paying a connection fee $1 for electricity and $1 for gas. Because electricity was not reliable when I built. My feed-in 5cents and supply 50cents kWh. My vehicles are parked 23hrs every day. And all night. My UTILIZATION FACTOR for my vehicles and my rooftop and my money means gas and electricity and petroleum are economic dead ducks. I am not stupid. Millions are not stupid. Offgrid in the suburbs and towns and cities will kill grid electricity economics. Kill nuclear grid economics. NUCLEAR PROMOTERS are stupid. 20million buildings and 20million vehicles in Australia, even just a few going offgrid is economically dangerous for the remaining grid customers and grid owners. Grid costs are fixed and shared by the remaining customers. Rooftop PV can over supply all day. Battery Vehicles oversized battery can over supply all night. A little fossil fuels in mid winter weeks is nothing.>> <<@stephenbrickwood1602 says : Smith made a fundamental safety mistake with his recommendations for air traffic control at the Broome airport. Mistake could have seen fatal accidents. He reversed his recommendations.>> <<@stephenbrickwood1602 says : Build nuclear in the middle of Sydney, say in Balmain, cooling water from the harbour. Small footprint. No transmission lines. Ezi pezi Highly trained, expensive operators on 3 shifts a day, 365 days a year, can live nearby. Happy days, city buildings rooftops are too small for rooftop PV.>> <<@scubaaddict says : We need more fact based decision making with open transparency in parliament, instead of crazy far left ideology with smear and scaremongering campaigns trying fool the Australian people to serve there own agenda and investment portfolio.>> <<@GeoffMiell says : I'd suggest Dr Adi Paterson is misrepresenting the facts re the UAE's Barakah reactor project construction times. Per the IAEA's PRIS data: Reactor Unit _ Construct Start Date _ Commence Full Ops _ Construct to Operate BARAKAH-1: _ _ 19 Jul 2012 _ _ _ _ _ 01 Apr 2021 _ _ _ _8 years, 08 months, 14 days BARAKAH-2: _ _ 15 Apr 2013 _ _ _ _ _24 Mar 2022 _ _ _ _8 years, 11 months, 10 days BARAKAH-3: _ _ 24 Sep 2014 _ _ _ _ _24 Feb 2023 _ _ _ _8 years, 05 months, 01 day BARAKAH-4: _ _ 30 Jul 2015 _ _ _ _ _ _ Pending _ _ _ _ _ _8 years, 11 months, 05 days+ The first criticality and grid connection dates for: BARAKAH-1: _ 31 Jul 2020 _ _ 19 Aug 2020 BARAKAH-2: _ 27 Aug 2021 _ _14 Sep 2021 BARAKAH-3: _ 22 Sep 2022 _ _ 08 Oct 2022 BARAKAH-4: _ 01 Mar 2024 _ _ 23 Mar 2024 https://pris.iaea.org/PRIS/CountryStatistics/CountryDetails.aspx?current=AE The UAE conducted an Energy Planning Study in 2006, which led to the announcement of their Nuclear Policy in 2008. Thus BARAKAH-1 took more than 15-years to get-up-and-running from scratch, and more than 18-years to get BARAKAH-4 close to full operations (it's connected to the grid but commissioning is still ongoing). I'd suggest the media are not challenging false statements being made by many commentators.>> <<@VelvetRiot-hz5mp says : When your mobile phone is powered by nuclear people will take you seriously. And what is stopping anyone from building a nuclear plant if it is that easy, on the other hand why wouldn't you just get a solar panel down the road and do that? It's basic economics, because nuclear is insanely expensive and not technically possible.>> <<@weekendwithbevoblog2171 says : BOM have also been corrupted by Left Wing Group Think.>> <<@wasfpoh2222 says : I completely agree who cares about creating a nuclear wasteland I want to sit in an air-conditioned room watching my million inch tv pulling data from 10G towers the future population be damned. This pro nuclear propaganda is as dumb as the pro so called renewable rubbish. So the government increases tax on electricity the normies say oh power prices too high then wants the government to use additional tax to fix the problem they caused with tax. People are sooo much dumber than people realise>> <<@baldrick6071 says : Why isnโ€™t Dr Paterson on mainstream media so the general public get an accurate understanding of nuclear production??>> <<@imeagleeye1 says : The costs incurred in decommissioning are prohibitive. The fact of the matter is as history shows Nuclear power plant Waste management systems still have no way to de Iradiate any waste or iradiated water or building materials or contaminated environmental issues. Simply digging holes and hoping some future generation can deal with it. How can this be safe or smart>> <<@bones8961 says : Save Australia ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ Dr Paterson It's unbelievable that the government would go down any energy transition road without having all the facts, and doing accurate costings before spending billions on something that won't keep the lights on.>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Credlin trying desperately to give credibility to Duttons nuclear nonsense. Dick Smith sells minor electronic things and could sell no one on nuclear. The other guy was in charge of the tiny lucas heights nuclear reactor which does not provide any power and never has. Dutton would take decades to build one nuclear power station, it would be small and provide little power but delay renewables in favour of coal, which is what he wants.>> <<@QuadographyAustralia1965 says : We're listening Dr Adi Paterson, Get this genius Dr back on and Dutton and Bowen for an hour long special going head to head.>> <<@GStreet-o9z says : Nuclear energy is clean, reliable and always on. Lift the ban and join the rest of the world for cheaper power.>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : And is the most expensive form of energy production, Adi. ;)>> <<@hadrian3487 says : Bowen now in panic mode. Looking like a stupid muttering Democrat.>> <<@kirannnnnn says : Ban coal and nuclear>> <<@bigearz255 says : we'd all like to drive around in a Rolls Royce but we can't afford it....>> <<@garysheppard4028 says : โ€œI donโ€™t support the establishment of big nuclear facilities here at all.ย  Iโ€™m opposed to it.โ€ Peter Dutton 2 March 2023>> <<@KT-bb1tb says : China has Built 37 New Nuclear Reactors over the Last 10 Years for a Total of 55 ! While Selling Albozzo Wind Turbines and Solar Panels ?>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : "Noook-leear" won't cost anywhere near renewable projects and will be more reliable and consistent thus cheaper over a long period of time ๐Ÿ‘โœ… someone tell Bowen "he's dream'n" of too many "Sao biscuits " melting in hot cups of tea ๐Ÿต๐Ÿช i take it that buffoon Bowen hasnt tried melting a timtam in hot chocolate ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿต>> <<@Samael_Monasteriis says : I really hope we get nuclear power soon. Energy security is National security. We shouldn't be gambling our descendants future.>> <<@skyliner467 says : Safe nuclear energy is the future.>> <<@theverylovelychannel4498 says : Can someone post a link of the journal article he refers to please?>> <<@MiemKing says : What's This They Want to turn a third of Queensland into wind farms.. WTF OMG ๐Ÿ˜ฑ.. NO NO NO GO NUCLEAR ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ>> <<@vinnierex2 says : Keep the nuclear videos comin>> <<@brandonbaker5884 says : Nuclear is safe, cost effective, and green, ie fit for purpose. That's why you can't have it. The grifters can't profit from it.>> <<@travstar5447 says : Adi is a star. Deals with facts, not Bowen Bullshit>> <<@selwyn500 says : COAL is pretty good at providing power too and it won't cost as much as a nuke plant. COAL is efficient, clean and we have buckets of the stuff. Australia must take back control of OUR resources.>> <<@travstar5447 says : Well done Peta & Adi Paterson. Facts. Base Load power must come from Nuclear, Gas or Coal. Wind & Solar are intermittent, therefore irrelevant re base load. Laura Tingle, Sarah Ferguson, Albonzo, CSIRO & GenCost are all BS. The ABC is a flog fest of Taxpayer funded Socialist lefty nutter activists.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Another nuclear reactor in France has been cancelled because it costs too much>> <<@nealkent says : Out immediately for the very toxic renewables and EV's and back with coal power and slowly introducing Nuclear and continue with petrol and diesel powered engines. There is NO CO2 increases, its all a lie.>> <<@ekka6560 says : This guy is Awesome!>> <<@RP-le1fp says : And that power is really on like a billion percent in earthquakes and wars. Then things tend to get messy.>> <<@russellcullen9913 says : Why would you get a cost off a government agency like the CISRO i think private would be the way to go.like the people that build them.>> <<@TheGameIsUp1984 says : Peta get this bloke on again...the public needs to hear this important information and the great detail of how it is explained...what a smart chap.>> <<@kangaroohybrid5633 says : No Thanks To Unsafe and Unclaean Nuclear Power...Lives Lost and Health Impacts from Chernobyl/ Fukushima Nuclear Disasters.>> <<@EL_Duderino68 says : Nuclear energy has been conclusively proven to be more expensive to produce electricity in Australia than any other technology. So much so, that no business is prepared to invest in it and Dutton is proposing to go the socialist route and make the government fund it all.>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : The green/left are masters of misinformation, and project the assertion onto anyone against their narrative.>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : Welcome to my Country I am Australian this is my country and all Australian's country Was then and always will be. SO CHINA AND LABOR Stick your disenfranchising psyops>> <<@GrandpaVince says : Similar to dingo pie which gives you loads of energy and you can purchase new dingo pie feeding tubes that pump pie into you 24/7>> <<@SteveXNYC says : Nuclear war would do the same.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Start building nuclear power stations now!>> <<@stewartbrooker says : costs are costs. Adi keeps saying that if things are different Nuclear would be cheaper. There are plenty of real world examples on what the real cost of nuclear is.>>