<<@TonyStewart-q6e says : What an absolute lie. Captain shitfor brains. Captain is a broken record. T>> <<@Melbournelost66 says : Albanese is China's BOY! Marles is as useful as tits on a bull! Where's the ads for joining our armed forces????? You never see them like we used to have in the 80s and 90s. WHERE ARE THE RECRUITMENT ADS??????>> <<@amandamcgillivray7484 says : Any political figure or media personality's who are connected to the global decades long deep state corruption , All fall in a game of chess ,The truth and logical thinking doesn't exist ,, the enemy of Australian people is the unaccountable international interference and influence over national state and local govts political policy's , I for one , will NEVER TRUST the Australian media and govt EVER AGAIN ,or any govt body of overreaching powertripping, nothing but a bunch of liars who are NEVER held to account for deceiving the public .. Lie and deny policy's are the Antichrist policys in the flesh ..>> <<@lbrowno says : no Aussie is going to join the ADF, bust their balls and risk their life for 20 dollars per hour, you want people to join, make it $100 per hour, and actually look after them when they leave by giving free health care, free housing, no taxes for the rest of their lives>> <<@peterbrown4943 says : Nothing new here. Everyone with more than half a brain knows we have not been spending enough on defence. I feel for America looking after the free world and nobody emphasises the respect America deserves. When it comes to these nuclear powered submarines which I have grave doubts if we will ever get them. Bear in mind they are nuclear powered the Labor party would never allow nuclear arms no ICBM’s or missiles or anything. In short all the money spent on these submarines and they will essentially be tourist vehicles. We can put a few important people on board to float around the world in relative secrecy but if real war were to start we won’t be able to blow stuff up.>> <<@Alan-ep1qp says : Sadly, acting in so called good virtue, Australia is being 'thrown under the bus'. And is passing the 'point of no return'.>> <<@waynefawkes1556 says : Pffft>> <<@robertdavie1221 says : Australia has enjoyed generations of prosperity so where is the defence capability to show for all this wealth? Governments in this country on both sides of politics are elected and then promise all sorts of outcomes, only to do nothing while they serve out their time in office before passing the problem on to the next government who then repeat the same process. Labour sat on the submarine question when they were last in office for six years and did nothing before passing it on to the Coalition government who then lost another nine years. That is why we won't have any submarines to replace the Collins class until the 2040’s. Words mean nothing, anyone can say words. What matters in the end is real military capability which is why China is busily arming itself today. We have been badly served by both sides of politics in this country.>> <<@harryevans5577 says : That bastard albonese is opening the door for an ezy takeover for china, Hes a gutless pathetic excuse of a human,>> <<@Spockfucious says : Former SS, really Bolt, nice slip up 😂😂😂>> <<@peterdoyle3205 says : The one thing you don't hear from this channel is that Labour inherited the defence force in this poor state from the Libs and Nats.>> <<@donaldjones8881 says : Not a wonder younge people don't want to join the defence force.Andrew Hastings put it on a nice way saying its cultural reasons.Look At West Australia 90% is supposed to be under land claims.Why fight for a country thats no longer yours anymore to be free and enjoy>> <<@graememcdonald5121 says : Pathetic government>> <<@peterjames174 says : the submarines are a joke.>> <<@DebraPatience says : It happens everytime Labors are in.>> <<@patrickdoolan4553 says : Labor doesn't want to upset China, Albanese thinks if you treat Chinese as comrades they will not interfere in Australia. All China will do is box Australia into corner that they think we have not way to get out of. Albanese would love to set up a Chinese style government in Australia. It will never happen. Just like multi culturally it only works if you choose what cultures you alow to come in as migrants. Migrants that will get along and want to be part of Australia. Not set up their own culture in Australia. Labor with their appeasement of Moslems has created the mess they find themselves in. Allowing large numbers of migrants into Australia that have no intention of being part of Australia. They set up their own communities. Segregation. This isn't good longterm. Just social disharmony. Devision. That is why most Australians voted against the voice to parliament .Everyone needs to be treated equal in Australia. That includes politicians, they are not our masters they are the people's servants. But what is happening today is politicians think Canberra knows best. Canberra stop dictatorship to Australians and stop governing for a few and govern for all Australians. Lessons to Australians stop lecturing. Talk is cheap actions speak louder. And mean a lot more. This is the Australian way the Australia i love. Stop saying what carn't be done and what can be done. And stop this notion that things can be free,nothing is free someone has to pay directly or i directly. So all should pay something. Socialism has never worked in history and it won't work now. Russia and China will eventually fail. People without purpose loose ego to achieve. So lets get back to give all peple purpose that they can do anything in life. Not just for the elites. A lot of the way rules are being regulated is about protecting the status quo of the elites. Handling out money isn't fixing cost of living. You have to attact imput costs that is driving inflation. So you don't need the hand outs. The hand outs are only feel good politics. Conning the people.>> <<@alistairnelson-u3r says : Typical right wing crap 😠>> <<@JoshFrancis-d6i says : They went woke>> <<@rexhamer9281 says : You can have all your wind farms solar panels and nuclear power stations because I think this country’s first priority is defence of this country because if we can’t defend what we have got we will finish up with nothing think about it>> <<@0401412740 says : China going to invade Australia now>> <<@donkist2348 says : Albo. 😳>> <<@peterschaefer2946 says : when the media and gutless dogs try to destroy our greatest war heroes and the chief throw you under the bus why would you>> <<@peterschaefer2946 says : man do we look like total loosers in this world>> <<@Buddy89538 says : Lucky we’ve got a decent Air Force with modern electronic early warning aircraft and the JSFs other than that our ADF is at its knees.>> <<@XavierAnderson-eg5fp says : They spent 80 billion on internet.>> <<@XavierAnderson-eg5fp says : Albo sleazy king off the spastics at your service.>> <<@rore410 says : Al Rambo what you doing>> <<@Mrbuckaroonie.. says : I did my 20 years in the Army. Now I just sit back and shake my head at the state of the ADF. Not having a go at the troops. Politicians and Senior Officers let it get in this state.>> <<@Mrbuckaroonie.. says : Who can blame the young kids for not wanting to join after they saw how the media and Senior Officers treated our Special Forces boys. The ABC came after SASR after East Timor and ABC and Channel 9 after Afghanistan. No top cover from senior officers. Why go overseas and risk your life to be treated like that. It isn't just Labor. Most of the failed Defence Acquisitions were thanks to the LNP. Bianca below is on the money. The whole country is stuffed, not just the ADF. Everyone has been seeing it decline for the past 20 years and nothing has been done about it. That is why we are in the position we find ourselves today. Poor leadership. The day John Howard left office is the day we started going down the tubes. National Service is the only answer to fix the ADF manning shortage. Been on Centrelink unemployment for 6 months, in you go.>> <<@janellesmart6332 says : Is Albo working to the UN Agenda. Albo seems to bend over and take one for his mates in the world forum. Albo continues to buy shit from China instead of building our own war machines.>> <<@richardcarey169 says : PISSANT PROFESSIONALS........THE ANZACS>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : Albanese following the directions of his master Xi in China!>> <<@oldsgtdad8472 says : "SADLY", this is exactly what it was like under Bob Hawk and Paul Keating in the 1980's and early 1990's. Bob Hawk SOLD BOTH our AIRCRAFT CARRIERS to CHINA for a pittance, Army and Air force was in serious bad way. Our Tanks had to watch their hours of usage, our Soldiers still wearing uniforms also equipment, what Soldiers wore in Vietnam. It took John Howards Liberal government modernise our defence force. Built our Battalion's back 9 from 6, Kick ALP also Greens and Teals out.>> <<@pugthepug7910 says : Keep waving those pride flags.. pride that will come before the fall!>> <<@paddlesmcbean2366 says : That is what Albo’s masters want, a weak Australia. Easier to control and pillage.>> <<@troywallace322 says : Defence capabilities are a bit like fire extinguishers . You may not need them every day but your glad that there around when you do!>> <<@davidirwin3477 says : Just another clear indication that Labor and it's unions, protected by the Australian communist media are determined to destroy Australia while Australia sleeps.>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : This is terrible>> <<@martinscrapp7166 says : Gen Z and Millennials don't care enough about Australia to enlist. Meanwhile, state governments, particularly WA, are doing their best to disarm law-abiding firearms owners...making it more difficult to muster an armed civilian force to repel and invasion force.>> <<@ianenniss4405 says : America has Biden Australia has Albo the worst government Australia has ever had 😢>> <<@goodsnavigator3528 says : That's because the real war is globalism vs the nation-state, and that is why every Western nation is under attack, two Chinese generals admitted to a "people's war on the west on three fonts", cyber/information and elite capture, IP theft, hence the Confucius institutes. A lot of division and identity politics can be put down to communist subterfuge, look up Yuri Besmenov's (A KGB defector) advice on how communism would attack the West, which is also prevalent in CCP strategy, "Art of War". "Sun Tzu recognizes that there are many ways to win, but the very best way, he writes, is to defeat the enemy without fighting. That is, to maneuver him into a position where his resistance is futile">> <<@davidcroucher8697 says : Don’t know why we just can’t call an early election right now and boot the bastard out. We need a strong leader not a weak little man. Defence should be a number 1 priority in this day and age no matter the cost.>> <<@DJ70404 says : Australia has a problem. Our young men and women are not encouraged to join our armed services, and I believe in many instances they are actively discouraged. There is no real education on the benefits of a military career. On the other hand, we have a lot of 40 to 60 yo's who are more than capable and fit enough now to serve in our navy and would do so if given the opportunity to retire there. I think our older men and women who are are a under used resource, could easily handle military life. There are many who no longer have kids at home who could relish the opportunity for a good secure career change leading into the end of their working life. I would. I'm 53, and I could definitely pass the physical aspect, so could a lot of others I know.>> <<@YvonneCrean says : Labor is all over the map with everything. Useless socialist big spending lying government 🤢>> <<@deanmcmurray329 says : Hot take: When you indoctrinate young people into believing that their country was "stolen" and tell them they should be ashamed to wave their country's flag, you will have less people willing to serve to defend that country. I think bringing back a short stint of mandatory military service for 18-25 year olds (not military combat, just basic training and community assistance) will go a long way in improving respect for the country, respect for the ADF and overall will improve national pride. Even 12 weeks would be good. Imagine if no matter what your race, gender, ethnicity, sexual preferences etc. you all do your service as equals. The benefits would be limitless.>> <<@svracing9894 says : Australia is weak under Albo period.>> <<@RoyParavinic says : Australia has no need for large defence forc. Australia needs its waters and borders protected, may be increase size of our Army to repel land invasion. Government through its lazy management has given and sold most of whats walued. So who are we protecting country from.>> <<@RodShoesmith says : As the government keeps telling you its not your country let the real Australians fight for it>> <<@brothermaynard3200 says : But we do have a mighty and invincible ABC...😂>> <<@dannyberardi5746 says : The Labour government, with the greens and the teals have surrendered to 😡🇨🇳China. It is simple as that Australia is no longer a democratic country is now a Communist🇨🇳 country our flag will be switched over very soon. This is what we’ve allowed in our country democracy and freedoms ceased to exist, replaced by communism-in stealth, so if you haven’t woken up already Australia pull your head out of the sand because it’s in your face the freedom and democracy that you cherished once no longer exists because you’ve been lied to and you’ve allowed this labour government with the green and the teals to dismantle democracy and our freedoms, so you must take responsibility whether you like it or not 🤔😡🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳>>