<<@start3215 says : Война разгоняет ВПК и запускает Индустриализацию...>> <<@bigman23DOTS says : Careful India….russia may just become Chinese speaking Chinese run owned and operated>> <<@SamsonSam-j9s says : Full support Russian from northeast>> <<@Cherishthemoment says : What planet does this network get their news……too funny.>> <<@trl_xprking1425 says : Russia is not who wants this war. but USA / NATO who are profiting from it>> <<@tonydagraca7951 says : It's imperative that Russia doesn't gain anything from their illegal actions, or they will continue to pose a threat to Ukraine and other countries.>> <<@lepetitroquet9410 says : The russian plan to "grow the economy" is: - increase taxes - divert most of the civilian investments into military production in good that will explode on the battlefield - raise the interest rates over 15% - reduce the list of countries you export to - sell what you export at lower prices - reduce your working force Given how many people are saying the russian economy is a model that should be followed and overperforming every advanced economy on the planet, one has to wonder why they don't want to reproduce the same policies at home. What could go wrong ;p ? And if basic economic logic wasn't enough, a quick reminder that Ukraine's GDP grew faster than the russian one in 2023. So add "have your country invaded by a massive military force and some of your cities razed to the ground" to the list of policies for economic success for those people ^^.>> <<@ahm7944 says : Yes, it is number 72 in the world as good a Palau 🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@ahm7944 says : The Russian woman running the IMF keeps lying about GDP growth in Russia. Let me explain: if you have 100 buyers and 100 producers exchanging a 1:1 $ for $ , the GDP is $100. If then, 50 buyers have no money, only $50 can be exchange and new GDP drops to $50. A negative grothw of -50%. BUT Putin comes in and prints $80 worth of money to buy only army related products, the new GDP is 80 + 50 = $130 or a 30% growth. An oligarch got rich, but 50 average buyers became poor. And printing rubles creates inflation.. spending money in tanks to be destroyed is not and investment is burning money, more inflation. Unlike buying a agriculture tractor..... not to mention he killed 550,000 of his men as cannon meat...That's Russia today. Time is in Ukraine's side.>> <<@tedchandran says : Jai Hind. More Global South countries could follow Russia to use their MIC to become Rich.>> <<@JoeyRay-fz1qe says : At what cost, a better economy, better life stye for the most, what does the West have, lower economy except for the US that is bleeding the EU dry to keep afloat. Lower incomes for Western citizens, tax them more to get funds to buy and give away military equipment. Its all up size for Russia and down size for the West but they won't say that, they keep telling lies to hide their incompetence!>> <<@stephenjhanmarkalentajan762 says : Putin is a smart leader.>> <<@sundayegede298 says : You are a liaer>> <<@anyanasochukwudi5713 says : Wion used to be the best news channel but now we can’t trust them>> <<@jerrysingh9152 says : India still can't build a modern rickshaw 😅😅😅>> <<@ntwadumelawild1808 says : What is wrong with her?>> <<@josiahairhien3938 says : Russia of today is successful when you go throughout Russia big cities, middle cities, even smaller cities, the level of improvement you see is far better than what you would have seen if it were to be just 10 years ago or even 20 years ago constructions everywhere houses being built not just in Moscow, St Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. all the smaller cities are even experiencing a massive boost. Vladivostok today is better than Kiev>> <<@Decade-c9k says : This growth doesn't help the people's wellbeing. See for example the Russian article "«Яйца и куры дешеветь не будут точно»! ФАС пообещала остановить рост цен на востребованные продукты, а что нас ждет на самом деле", whose title means: “Eggs and chickens will definitely not get cheaper”! FAS promised to stop the rise in prices for popular products, but what awaits us in reality?>> <<@wiztido1 says : Same in America and many other nations of the world>> <<@elijahtenywa3063 says : 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 i agree with high income nation from the imf. Be realistic on the citizens part. Where is the data to show that people are miserable? 😂>> <<@user-kq9rk9cf7x says : Can't understand why mona & co. are so perturbed by the Rus-Ukr war? It's not like the 2-1/2 gujjus have to go & fight the war. For nobody would be interested in hiring the thakelas in the first place. So chillax budau.>> <<@quaciebrowne8929 says : Putin is giving the Russia people a good life>> <<@PurieSardido says : It will collapse eventually right after the Ukraine and Russia war, why because it was Putin's Loyalist and oligarchs that gotten all the contracts from the government of Russia...>> <<@elkanaajowi9093 says : Of course, the deniers will rubbish these gains, and yet if it could have been the opposite, they could be shouting at full strength.>> <<@andre8860 says : War does work>> <<@fabianyaptortong1885 says : No shame indian media , own backyard facing hunger, poverty and million living in slum after 80 years independent no improvement and planning to lift yhem out of poverty but intefer and badmouth others country population living standards. What a hypocrite and shameless clown journalists and country today world can see and read 😂😂😂>> <<@KELOEBAN says : The mode propagandist journalist>> <<@pb5014 says : Please show real news and “misery” of ordinary Russian people instead of talking BS. Compare US homeless and India’s poor to “misery” of Russians>> <<@Lancetdrone says : Russia also now have a good boost in domestic production of consumer goods, due to the fact that many Western companies have left. This is funny, the West has closed itself off from Russia with a wall, but continues to transfer money for oil and gas. Also, there is nowhere to withdraw money from Russia and it has to be invested in domestic production.>> <<@papgambia6593 says : Lol. Congratulations. I have never seen you call it as it is like u just did. It is sad that a great country can be reduce to begging in N. corea and iran. U can loose everything in a day because u are under a dictatorship. Democracies like India don't wake up one morning to invade Nepal because they welcome chinese military ship. Never happens.>> <<@ЕвгенийИ-м9у says : рассказывают сказки впк всегда толкает экономику просто растут зарплаты и цены но ни чего особо не поменялось 1 день работы и можно на пол месяца продукты купить как тяжко живётся)))>> <<@HafiZzZzZz says : When will India become a high income country like Russia ? We can no longer wait.>> <<@FeliciaJones-y5y says : THIS IS A COUNTRY FOUNDED OR STOLEN BY/FOR INHABITANTS OF THE WORLD.., HOWEVER, IT IS APPARENT THAT THOSE SITTING IN THE HIGHEST SEATS, SUPREME COURT JUDGES LOOKING AT A SOCIETY THAT IS IN DIRE NEED OF HELP, AND TURNS IT'S HEAD AGAIN WHERE DO WE GO FOR HELP!!!! THE HIGHEST HONOR OF THE SUPREME COURT TAKES IT LIKELY THAT A CRIMINAL SHOULD HAVE A PASS TO BECOME A DICTATOR????..THE WORLD KNOWS THAT D. TRUMP HAS BEED INDICTED AND CHARGED WITH NUMEROUS FELONIES. HE HAS TRIED TO OVERTHROW OUR NATIONS ABILITY TO LIVE THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF EVERY WOMAN MAN AND CHILD IN AMERICA..... THERE IS KNOW WAY THAT THIS IS ETHICAL PRACTICES FOR ANY LAWYER..IM NOT A LAWYER AND I HAVE ENOUGH COMMON SENSE TO SEE THE TRUTH THAT SETS BEFORE ME/US AS A NATION AND WORLD. I ASK HOW THE> (MENTAL STATE, ECONOMIC STATE AND BASIC NEEDS OF US CITIZENS--HOMELESSNESS, ALSO THE ISSUSE WITH GUN VIOLENCE AND THE FACT THAT MOST OF POPULATIONS INCOME DOES NOT MEET ITS DEBT RATIO, DOES NOT SEEM TO BE AN URGENT MATTER TO THE SUPREME COURT JUDGES WHO TAKE GIFTS (BRIBES) AND STILL SIT HIGH AND LOOK DOWN ON THE LESS FORTUNATE CITIZENS , YET STILL THEY HAVE A SEAT FOR LIFE!!!!????. FJONES /HUMANITARIAN/AMBASSADOR FOR PEACE.>>