<<@SturdyThorpe says : Americans demand Biden take a cognitive and neurological test on national television. Let's put this to rest once and for all. It's over CNN. Biden's mind is gone.>> <<@Mark-c8q7p says : QNN is lying to you>> <<@blackbird5634 says : Biden is the new ''Colonel Blimp'' he can't see past the last war, the last battle, and the last era. Biden would like to fight by the Marquis Of Queensbury rules, but Trump and his gang of thugs have been sharpening their knives for decades. Resign Joe. Give Harris the job and let her run for office. She will kick Trump's ass.>> <<@Patb-y3b says : CNN on a two year delay>> <<@KaiserBlade says : Wheres the Audio from the Hur CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION OF BIDEN?>> <<@KaiserBlade says : Hunter is funneling $200 million of campaign funds to the 20 LLC OFFSHORE DUMMY COMPANIES.>> <<@jasonsilverman-ur9nq says : Lets put it in SIMPLE WORDS that everyone can understand and know to be FACT. Joe Biden is a piece of sh*t. This is the easiest and most direct way to put it. If he gets re-elected the country is in very big trouble and I hope we don't have to witness that. The simple FACT that Biden is not withdrawing proves his selfishness and massive disrespect for this country. The international community see's him as a complete joke which means the see our country as a complete joke and this is FACT. God save us. Heart attack, Stroke, anything. If he does not step aside willingly I pray that God will step in. Its COUNTRY FIRST, NOT EGO FIRST. MASSIVE DIFFERENCE.>> <<@Ideas336 says : Can you believe this idiot, he thinks he is ahead on the polls! He believes CNN lies!>> <<@Ideas336 says : CNN lies about everything. Biden has no success stories unless they consider the lawlessness going on around our country success. Could be, that is how stupid CNN, MSNBC and all the democrat media are! They know the truth about immigration but do not report it, they know what is happening in California, NY Chicago and all over our country and they do not report the truth because it will not reelect Biden. Lies, lies just like Biden!>> <<@Ideas336 says : If our country selects Biden, we will become a lawless criminal country. We will no longer have capitalism thanks to the pathetic democrats. According to them, lazy people and criminals can have it all. It is a disgrace that they encourage that behavior. Look what is happening in California, NY and Chicago prosperous cities that have drowned in democrat laws. Biden is a weak pathetic criminal leader; this is why we see the lawlessness people getting away with everything. Now other countries are concerned about visiting the US. This pathetic leader did this in less than 3.5 years what can we anticipate in the next 4 years. It will be too late. We need to save our cities and country from these idiots.>> <<@josephwassilie5416 says : " Game Over...AFTER...Vice President...WINS the Seat for President. ! "👍>> <<@pcastromedina says : Why aren’t you reporting on Trump’s connection to Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring?>> <<@josephwassilie5416 says : " Yeah. ...Game Over ...After They ELECT HARRIS for President . ! "👎>> <<@josephwassilie5416 says : " Look at That Sad Stuff Face " !>> <<@josephwassilie5416 says : " Do i Seem i Care. " !>> <<@marniehibotelho511 says : It doesn't take a test. Millions of people saw and have seen him speak. It doesn't take a doctor to make a decision. Be real!>> <<@firefly11777 says : What are u learning? Constant spin dishonesty is a failed campain.>> <<@swidgin4886 says : So CNN lied over and over again. Got it>> <<@VincentPowell-g6j says : Truly wish we had fair and equal media coverage. CNN is no different than Fox News. They should both be considered opinion based broadcasting because neither is news.>> <<@Demogordon says : They’re still desperately trying to cover for him. The insanity is showing>> <<@thequietearthgardens says : There’s no world where Biden can win. The American people saw what they saw.>> <<@josephmburu9337 says : Interesting times to be alive😮>> <<@phillanassa759 says : Good old Jet Lag Joe..>> <<@marialofgren-ip6uq says : What about talking about values? Decency. Empathy. Telling the truth. Wanting to take care of the next generation and leaving a planet they can live on?>> <<@martyberry1917 says : Talk about project 2025 and quit with the Biden dementia fear mongering, ya doorknob(s).>> <<@marialofgren-ip6uq says : Why do you go into the Trump/FOX/MAGA talking points?? Why don’t you talk about the crazy person that ignored when they put up a GALLOW in front of THE CONGRESS TO HANG VP Mike pence? Poor American democracy when FOX TAKES OVER.>> <<@marialofgren-ip6uq says : You keep using the word panic. Stop being complicit. A good nights sleep is necessary for everyone, most certainly for the ones that work extremely hard. And are 80 years old. I think Biden is extremely competent. And I do not enjoy the drama. I’ve read his book and can see that he is empathetic and wise. The opposite of Trump. Choose wisely America. The world depends on the land of the free and the brave.>> <<@richardlang803 says : The only thing that would prove if he is up to the job is live and unedited campaign appearances without a teleprompter, which, in my opinion are really not necessary at this point, because he has already shown many times that he is not up to the job! He is old, no fault of his, but, he is not his former self! Many people of his age loose their mental abilities, which appears to have happened to him and that condition continues to progress in older people to the point where they can no longer function!>> <<@semivuetibau7569 says : Biden have said he's not going away he's the nominee and he'll beat Trump. It took him less than a minute to say that. CNN is bullshitting>> <<@chelms1039 says : The 4th would have been a perfect time for President Biden to address the nation!>> <<@davidgroskopf7898 says : Total bull>> <<@justbeingmesparks6538 says : This does NOT even sound factual. How any "ally" would come out and say this sh!t is quite irresponsible! Please remember that CNN was bought by a right-wing person - Biden "doing bad" is right up their ally.>> <<@dennismingus says : President Biden's problem is that he looks too old to Lead. It is not about campaigning that won't save him. He must do something dramatic to relieve inflation pressure on the public and the government. I am Wonderful, Counselor. I can provide that information, but he has to accept me.>> <<@stevenzepeda4489 says : Cnn is the new fox>> <<@titioshodi3641 says : You are liars. You are allowing Russia to pick the president. Why will the president talk to allies>> <<@elainepalumbo9837 says : I’m so sick of hearing about all of this. November can’t come soon enough. Trump 👍👍👍>> <<@warrenadams2157 says : People need to be more RESPECTFUL to our President !!!>> <<@warrenadams2157 says : God Bless Our President !!!>> <<@DwayneShaw1 says : I thought Biden was too old in 2020 (and so was Trump) - I think 70-72 is a more than reasonable age limit for who i will back politically. I think Biden (abd Trump) should have never run and should step aside. But, at least Biden hasn't been found guilty of sexual assault, and multiple counts of Fraud over decades, like Trump - including defrauding his own charity; for crissake! Biden has never said he wants to terminate the Constitution, or that he wants to get revenge on opponents - and actively sought immunity to do so.. I will vote against the fascist parody of a despotic buffoon regardless of what the other choice is. The incompetent will do less damage than the blatantly fascist fraud.>> <<@GOPClownshow says : CNN And Fox News are fake news!! VOTE BiDEN/HARRIS 💙💙💙💙>> <<@manuela9671 says : so basically the President is saying that (with the travelling) the job is too much for him.>> <<@judyshallstrom415 says : More speculation about what someone means or thinks.>> <<@melonrobotics says : CNN and MSNBC took orders from the Democrats alongside Obama to prop up a corpse to defeat Bernie. The idiots miscalculated. Now a zombie walks among us and democracy is on the line.>> <<@always-ask-why says : Biden has been tested for the last 4 years - there's no need for more tests in the next few days. During the last 4 years, all of us who support Joe Biden have been on pins and needles hoping he doesn't make a fool out of himself and the Democratic party everytime he speaks on camera. *The test is over - he must drop out now.*>> <<@Depthcharger says : He needs to be honest. Stop blaming your foreign trips. You had 12 days back in the states, including a week at Camp David to rest and prep. You failed, Mr. President, and need to do what's best for the country and step down. If you don't, I think your VP would be fully within her rights to invoke the 25th Amendment>> <<@mauricefrancis473 says : Folks what if we were wrong? What if Biden is planning on claiming Trump a threat to America and claims a stay as president or he creates fake electors. I'm saying they may have a chest plan. The SCOTUS gave the power to do it.>> <<@77Creation says : He needs to step down. And Kamala Harris should not be the one to replace him. If Hillary couldn't beat Dump, there is NO way in heaven that Kamala Harris will. But the DNC establishment are dumb as donkeys. And are guaranteed to make a jack a## out of the entire country...again.>> <<@mistygomez3036 says : Biden has already stated that he had a cold and suffered from jet lag on the night of the Debate. Ive seen his campaign rallies such as in NC, giving awards to the 2 civil war heros, 3 or so interviews and one on ones with the public.. why arent you reporting on that? .. instead you say hes doing nothing? By whos standards? .. True Biden may die of old age or come down with dementia in the next 4 yrs.. but lets deal with that when it gets here. If we as a Nation can survive 2 Presidential assassinations we can overcome an old President. Kamala Harris is very capable of finishing out Bidens next term.. then if you dont like her work then dont vote her back in.. at least voting biden/harris right now gives you choices in the future.. Vote Trump and youll never have a free and fair election again.. hes already promised he will run for a 3rd term.. theres precident for that.. and with this Supreme Court dont think he wont get it.. be wiser media.. watch what your saying.. report the right sht.. keep doing what youre doing for more ratings and youre going to have half the US convinced to do the wrong thing...>> <<@KateLopez-wr6nx says : The President was sabotage, even foreign leaders know it. It's been going on for a while>> <<@ericwonderley7015 says : Maybe zombie jobriben should take a cognitive test!!!>>