<<@robdimasi2758 says : He has no right to be there we are a southern country>> <<@LeighPennington says : Please please let's vote them out,I need to be sure my children will be in good hands before I pass on πŸ™>> <<@Martinoconnor-du6lc says : he embarrasses us daily>> <<@RosemaryHorvath says : What a sook>> <<@johnrozs says : Albo would rather go to a pride march than a NATO meeting πŸ™„>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : I guess he is getting tired of being embarrassed over and and over again.>> <<@aaronyearbury8344 says : Being embarrassed in front of biden would be hard, but if there's someone up to the task it's Airbus albo>> <<@JoannDavi says : Canada is shameless.>> <<@BronwynMurray-sc2xu says : Albo went to the previous two aummits because they were important, so does this mean the NATO Summits are no longer important. It just isn't like Albo to pass up an all expenses taxpayer funded trip on Toto One.>> <<@pefrja1 says : He is an embarrassment.>> <<@darrencarter-fk3oo says : Albo is baby Biden, hopeless, incompetent, spineless>> <<@AlanBritt-s1l says : Albo is a weak prick>> <<@harryevans5577 says : Albos embarrassing to start with the gutless little worm, His Chinese boss as told him not to go,>> <<@kkcw6668 says : Since when should the Nth Atlantic have anything to do with a Continental sized land mass Sth of the EQUATOR with the Capital(on borrowed time)at roughly 35degSth,149degEast>> <<@pegibbons says : He's doing as China bids! You think China is relaxing trade for nothing? Albanese is a TRAITOR!>> <<@ffmann461 says : Or is more like Albosleazy is just throwing a Hissy fit because he is not getting his way on other things and falling down in the polls!!>> <<@philippeters5079 says : Woke PM has lost critical thinking next will be Dementia>> <<@gavinwilson4601 says : Gee he loves to fly, this doesn't add up>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : Albo wants an early election - as a labor muslim senator has defected from the labor party. Except - the walls are closing in him - called reality. Given all he can do is issue lies every day. And everyone knows who - messed up the economy - drama drag queen albo - and his - clueless clowns - called ministers. If you ever want a a classic example of how NOT to run a government - ablo's - is your man - or she - or cousin it - or whatever - he calls himself - her - it.>> <<@haroldmclean3755 says : Australia is not part of NATO , The North Atlantic is nowhere near Australia>> <<@TonyStewart-q6e says : Rupi is a traitor. T>> <<@briananderson7285 says : NATO the forever war machine bringing death and destruction to a country like yours.>> <<@MrBigMatt123 says : Each-Way Airbus albogressy and his greens teal mean girls coalition have failed and destroyed Australia VOTE THEM OUT>> <<@robertfitchett-o6n says : Odd, masochists usually love that sort of thing.>> <<@ogcheekycheeky6852 says : Grow up albo>> <<@zlt2450 says : albo's Chinese sugar daddy told him not to go as they are friends with Russia, and fully sponsoring their war against NATO.>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : Albosleezy the Australian Biden>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : He doesn't need to go to NATO to be an embarrassment, he's one in Australia. Pinocchio is a utter disgrace>> <<@gunga360 says : Albo do the best for this country and FK ?>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Easy stay at home then. Must be itching for an overseas trip, the kitchen must be getting a bit hot is it?>> <<@sometingwongwai9679 says : Lets see, this NATO summit is about collecting additional payments beyond the already existing 2% of GDP for its members, so you want to join in and get caught up in having to pay $2B a year forever, and then complain about the cost of living and inflation?? Aussies are so funny, hahaha>> <<@wilbur1884 says : LOOK AT WHAT BIDEN'S DOING TO AMERICA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ IS EXACTLY WHAT ALBO'S DOING TO AUSTRALIA πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME WAKE-UP AUSSIE LANDER'S.πŸ€”ALBO'S GOT BIDEN'S PLAYBOOK>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Whatever>> <<@eb2505 says : Why not? Embarassment is his only area of expertise.>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : Nato is a globalist war machine. I hate Albo but nato is evil. What can we do for Ukraine its stuffed>> <<@Critical-Of_Thought says : Well, he could go....with a bag over his head to hide the shame!>> <<@mrwarren777 says : He is already the words biggest embarrassment for Australia do you really want this idiot representing us>> <<@lesleyweber4585 says : Worst PM ever.>> <<@SebastianYap-xj9ju says : The law is whomever keeps the word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so Matthew said jesus christ son of man did not come to break the law but to obey the law is there is only one lawgiver and judge who can both save or destroy so the law is whomever keeps the word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so even Jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh obey word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so life and resserection jesus christ flesh is true God and eternal life so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death is proof jesus christ did not come to break the law is whomever keeps the word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so Matthew said jesus christ did not come to break the law but jesus christ came to obey the law is whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so arch angel Michael fight snake dragon not strong enough so arch angel Michael help Gabriel put hands on son of man be strong be very strong son of man had already entered world so John baptist said testing the spirits is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so the man fell like a dead man in superman movie 🎬 because the man see proof superman spirt is word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death How can flesh without spirit save itself inside consuming fire πŸ”₯? By their deeds their works their fruits so you know they are bad Seeds. By his work his deeds his fruits so you know he is good seed so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ is good seed shall never taste physical death so son of man sows good seed is word of Jesus christ so son of man sows good seed is superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so Jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth is superman spirit is good seed is word of Jesus christ is superman spirit is good seed is superman spirit is word of Jesus christ. Is Barack Obama spirit the same as superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so what is differences between fake vinedressers and true vinedresser belong to true vine jesus christ gives vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire πŸ”₯ is proof Clark Kent spirit is word of Jesus christ so superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so King Arthur spirit is word of Jesus christ so superman spirit is word of God so Clark Kent spirit is word of God so superman rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows flesh profits nothing because flesh cannot give life to spirit but it is spirit gives life to flesh so how can flesh without spirit save itself inside consuming fire πŸ”₯ so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book is proof world people spirit cannot accept helper spirt of truth is superman spirit is king Arthur spirit is Clark Kent spirit is word of Jesus christ so world people babies spirit cannot accept helper spirt of truth is advocate is comforter is superman spirit is spirit of man from future bible book of revelations Is word of God is word of Jesus christ so superman flesh rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows superman spirit is spirit of man from future bible book of revelations Christians spirits follow Roman catholic Church Vatican city Rome pope Francis spirit is word of Jesus christ so world people cannot accept helper spirt of truth is advocate is comforter is word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps my word shall never taste physical death so world people spirit cannot accept helper spirt of truth so world people babies spirit can not accept helper spirt of truth is word of Jesus christ. Is Donald Trump president of USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ spirit the word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death. Is dai la lama spirit the word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so is Morpheus team red pill members spirit the word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so neo of matrix is red pill of matrix is word of Jesus christ is neo of matrix is word of Jesus christ is red pill of matrix Is mother Theresa spirit the word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death Is Abraham spirit the word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so is Abraham children spirit the word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so Abraham died and all the prophets died so are the prophets spirit the word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so Abraham died and all the prophets died so Abraham children spirt said now they Abraham children spirt know jesus christ son of man has demon is chief demon Beelzebub so do not presume you are DNA children of Abraham because God can raise children from stones so God can raise son superman man Mountain yhwh is stone rock from infinite one God the father uncut hands Old man Clark Kent and USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ government president Joe Biden spirit is word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death. In superman the movie 🎬 number 4 , has old man Clark Kent is sick man is dying old man Clark Kent the dying old man remembered life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too holy spirit is helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is superman spirit is old man Clark Kent spirit live forever so dying old man Clark Kent flesh DNA become young man superman John Williams theme song is proof flesh Clark Kent profits nothing because flesh Clark Kent cannot give life to holy spirit is superman spirit is helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is Clark Kent spirit is king Arthur spirit is shazam spirit is Clark Kent spirit so dying old Clark Kent is sick dying old man becomes superman John Williams theme song is proof flesh profits nothing because flesh cannot give life to spirit but it is spirit gives life to flesh so superman spirit is Clark Kent spirit is dying old man Clark Kent spirit is word of Jesus christ so dying old Clark Kent become young again superman John Williams theme song is proof flesh profits nothing because flesh cannot give life to spirit but it is spirit gives life to flesh so superman John Williams theme song is proof whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death>> <<@evil17 says : He is an international embarrassment & a sellout.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Where's Albo after this morning why is he hiding for what a spineless coward>> <<@abdosimon says : Why are they interrupting the PM? I’m not an Aussie but this is the most one sided news ever. I thought AUS was more free in its press>> <<@Design_no says : Worst govt in modern history award goes to Albo and the team πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@Leftyintollerable says : Yeah. Because he already knows that he's an embarrassment to us as a nation and on the international stage.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : We're not even in NATO.>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : https://earthquakes.ga.gov.au/event/ga2024narxfq Silence on Man Made Quakes>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : ALBOZO HAS A COUNTRY TO SELL OUT, SO HE'S BUSY.>> <<@ThePresidentOfAustralia says : That he is gay.>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : China isn't comfortable with Australia's alignment with NATO and our allies>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Incident in Christies Beach South Australia Details can be found online link will not work>>