<<@BMD74 says : What a waste of taxpayers money on modifications! Our Parliamentarians could have all been annihilated! No one and nothing is safe anymore with people like this around! They have changed our easy laid back lifestyle forever! They should be sent back to their countries of origin!! They’re all loss! No profit troublemakers who are a threat to our national security! Why on earth did Albanese’s administration bring more of these people over? They look down on Secular societies. They are brainwashed into thinking we’re immoral! That is why they show us nothing but disrespect and intimidation! Horrifying to think they can easily carry out a 7/10/23 less than animal assault in Parliament house with nothing and no one to stop them! We accommodate them, spend millions of hard earned taxpayers money on them and we get intimidation in return! They have a long history of turning on their host country eg: Jordan gave them refuge, they tried to kill the King but failed, killing his PM instead etc etc>> <<@nikonboy07 says : Orchestrated by our own government. Nobody just walks into that building and gets up on the roof, considering the security in place😄>> <<@horstwestpfahl2459 says : All that money for a flag pole. Yet they forget a simple fence.>> <<@NorisGroves says : SHARIA BEST FOR AUSTRALIA!! ABOLISH DEMOCRACY....>> <<@Gregpriestley-q4e says : And all they received was a 2 year band the book should have been thrown at them, charged with trespassing and fined 10K each>> <<@pkd6369 says : palastine penny could also join payman as party secretary>> <<@az-yq3rk says : Weak politicians need to unite and support each other against Islam laws that break Australian Laws.>> <<@Mr57ride says : our govt is weak and the world is laughing at them, what a joke to allow these morons to scale our leaders house, what sort of security do we have ? mall cops ? if this was Russia they wouldnt have the nerve to go near it>> <<@MichelleBrack-h7j says : The PM is a Traitor he probably gave them free security passes to get in.>> <<@FLAPARON says : If they are not banging on about Gaza, they will be ranting on about climate change and stop oil. They are serial demonstrators, who seek attention. Perhaps they need to see a doctor and get treated for ADHD.>> <<@johnmancini4700 says : So much for a thorough risk assessment when considering the security upgrade. Let alone the expense!>> <<@herculesboy says : A quote from an 1899 book by Winston Churchill, "The River War," in which he describes Muslims he apparently observed during Kitchener's campaign in the Sudan: "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.">> <<@jasondavenport9939 says : Dipshit awards 😅😅😂>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : Where are the Labor Greens Teaks speaking against this invasion of Parliament>> <<@Petergrand371 says : Barnaby stop drinking that burbn you lot have done a lot of damage to Australia health and safety first for the country that is>> <<@blueocean625 says : The war is now in your backyard.. Australians should wake up.>> <<@Gavin-i3b says : Inside job preplanned well organised inside information looks like someone has done their research to bypass and gain axes>> <<@Gavin-i3b says : Inside job preplanned well organised inside information looks like someone has done their research to bypass and gain axes>> <<@JohnBen-f4n says : We are laughing at you, you welcome rapes into your country, and you support them. If someone says something, you are Islamophobia. Enjoy your stupidity>> <<@Raymond-w5i says : Hamas are terrorists>> <<@MousaHaghani says : ARREST AND DEPORT YOU AUSSIE IDIOTS 😱🇬🇧>> <<@missyboyd-morris says : RETURN Aboriginal STOLEN lands!>> <<@SheridanMellor says : Peaceful in my opinion. Keep protesting for what you believe in Australia! They want to take our democracy away and freedom. Don't let fake media tell you how to think.>> <<@me-domeditationrelaxmusi8227 says : Payman or anyone else if you guys want to help Palestine, please GET OUT. Don’t mess with Australia 🇦🇺>> <<@vikkisum5272 says : Australia the laughing stock of the world, demonstrators climbing on top of Parliament House , security ?? Where??>> <<@starboy-zg5kn says : The greens are dividing our country>> <<@hellenicspartan4458 says : Parliament security 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@NathanMulvay says : Someone let them in. Obviously.>> <<@jashansaini69 says : These Muslims coming to western countries to invade .result are here.Need to fix before it’s too late.>> <<@Chookho1 says : Wake up Australian politician where is Australian sovereignty If you are not familiar with world sovereignty No flag should be erected on country soil except the flag of the country exemption embassy building only Where were politician where were NSW premier when Palestine flag erected in Bankstown city council was in news the politician confirm they are not brilliant they don’t care about Australia sovereignty t Feel sorry for soldiers who spend their lives serving and protecting country sovereignty In Melbourne in coburg MP IS KHALIL Palestine flag on school On Sydney Rd at during Xmas season was on school Another one high on Bulla Rd on way to Melbourne air port it is A joke politician pass by who cares They care about there seat election>> <<@axle.australian.patriot says : The weirdos that promote "Free speech equals no rules and do what you want". Except they think there in Merica and don't realize Australia is a different system. P.S. Someone may want to let some of the politicians know it is Australia too, not Merica, or Chyna or Harmustiene.>> <<@pm-um3zv says : New heights of tolerance. What are we doing????>> <<@marilynshepherd6480 says : Will you lot just stop this, PALESTINE IS NOT OUR ENEMY, AND ISRAEL HAS NEVER BEEN OUR ''FRIEND'', THEY TREAT US WITH CONTEMPT>> <<@ETERNITY777 says : 😡😡 AUSTRALIA IS A VERY CONFUSED COUNTRY 🤪🤪🤪🤪🧠🧠>> <<@Andrew-g2c says : Insurection.... LOL>> <<@Andrew-g2c says : Insurection.... LOL>> <<@Andrew-g2c says : Insurection.... LOL>> <<@Andrew-g2c says : Insurection.... LOL>> <<@stephenstavrosdimitriou4513 says : Where were the police sharpshooters? This is Labor's fault because they won't stop their unleashed immigration and are flooding us with migrants. Stop immigation now.>> <<@robertsutton3439 says : All of this comes back to gutless lying albenezi we never had this shit until this cockhead got in thankyou flog jerkoff gutless labour lickers sooner the better this pathetic government gets there gutless asses kicked out>> <<@jacqueopaolo5707 says : Clown Show😂>> <<@jacqueopaolo5707 says : Fuckin hopeless😂>> <<@MargaretLangley says : Palestine is governed by Hamas and has been for a long time. These protestors have no idea of what is really going on there.>> <<@kingseb2252 says : I really really hste Palestine now snd anyone who supports them we need to crush these pathetic "protests" reorganise they are terrorists they don't deserve freedom if they are gonne deface our capital building and i do think our government should be harder on stuff like this>> <<@rosswoolley2854 says : Where is the SWAT TEAM>> <<@blackcorp0001 says : Next time they might be doing more than protesting 😮>> <<@Aileen-n1u says : Australia needs Donald Trump for pm . He would stop this stuff from happening.>> <<@gregoryray9920 says : I recall skateboarding near parliament house in the 80s, we were stopped by security within 2 minutes>> <<@jimphennah1492 says : "Palestinian" a term created by Yasser Arafat and the PLO. There has never been an independent state called Palestine. The term was created by the Emperor Hadrian when he renamed Judea. Palestine has only ever been used as the name of a province within someone's empire. The Ottoman Turks, when they ruled the area, never used the term. By contrast, historians and archeologists gave found plenty of evidence of an unbroken Jewish presence in the Holy Land going back millennia. As for "stolen land", it was either bought legally by Jews from their owners or vacated by the Arab owners on the instructions of the Arab Higher Committee. The "Palestinians" are descendants of Arabs who moved to the Holy Land ~1900 or in the interwar years to work on Jewish farms or in Jewish businesses. The purpose of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine was to re-establish a national home for the Jews there, the member countries of the League of Nations having recognised the claims of the Jews to ownership of the land. The term "Palestinian" was used by the British to designate the Jewish population in the land, not the non-Jewish. The civil and religious rights of non-Jews were to be protected in the re-established homeland for the Jews - and the civil and religious rights of non-Jews are protected in the modern state of Israel.>>