<<@davefoord1259 says : There is no cloud. Its just someone elses computer. What a dickhead>> <<@GirtByIdiots says : It's not top secret if you let all the hackers know who to hack.>> <<@LIKEFUNK says : He should've entrusted it to Menulog or maybe Uber or AirBNB instead the mad fool...>> <<@politicz1973 says : Operation "Cloud Cover" is being initiated with Amazon. This will just be like the rest of the "pigs fly" policies created by the criminal finger rosary bead wearing..pearl clutching Catholic 4th Reich "5 eyes" Industrial Arms and Intelligence Complex of this Catholic 4th Reich. After Assange they must rename this Amazon service "Cloud Cover." This will enable them to put compartmentalising on steroids and behind that an A I we know nothing about in their Matrix. It will have more compartments of seperation than the design of the Pentagon with the nerve centre A.I in the bunker in the middle of the design. "Cloud Cover" for the gods of Baal Hammon and Tanit walking hand in hand with the spirit of Haman demanding more human sacrifices.>> <<@AnchorsAweighNarooma says : I thought Labor wanted "made in Australia" but everything so far seems to be made by overseas companies. So you can now buy in total secret any Amazon item in the cattle dog range....>> <<@ronan4681 says : Isn't that in breach of the standards as set out by the Defence Signals Directorate>> <<@rickpenhall4504 says : Doesn't Amazon get hacked all the time?>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : You have got to be joking. A private company owned by a billionaire - who hates democracy. Amazon is a big Democrat party supporter and political donour. And putting all that information in the the hands of a company - that exists in another country. This information could easily be accessed by and U.S. government agency. AS Amazon is a U.S. based company. Only labor could be that stupid - no doubt - told to do this by the U.S. You have got to be joking.>> <<@robertfitchett-o6n says : Those top secret clouds can be seeded oh mighty Defence Dumpster Richard Marles.>> <<@blackorchid2180 says : OMFG !!! ... this Government circus just keeps rolling on ... what could go wrong trusting an organisation headed by powerful elites whose goal is to bring the Western world to its knees 🙄 ... Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, WHO, WEF and other nefarious groups must be laughing at how easy it to manipulate this incompetent Government ... I don’t understand how Australians are happy to sit back and let them continue 🤷‍♀️>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : So giving our information to dirty America>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : Is like the top secret National Security Committee, where Albo kicked out Australia's spy agencies?>> <<@OzTrump11 says : Sold out….>> <<@Will_CH1 says : WTF??? Why not have a couple of mainframes that are not connected to the WWW.... Silly me, they already have that! Why on gods earth would you want to put that data where it can be hacked and send 2 billion of our money overseas? How much of that money is finding its way back into the pockets of the globalists? This swamp needs draining!>> <<@questioneverythingalways820 says : Will ensure Amazon gets access to every single node of information both private, public and defence….it’s not like Amazon runs the 5G core, has cameras in all the intersections or a range of other local programs aimed to siphon data….nah.>> <<@audreycollins9841 says : Bloody idiots!>> <<@spyder5571 says : Yeah just give jeff bezos all the ammunition he needs. You think he doesn't have a back door? He has smarter people working for him than the government.>> <<@katb945 says : Excuse me useless over paid career politicians could you consider at all the homeless the cost of living immigration etc the things that affect every day people you know the ones feeding you and your families.>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : this is a scene more bizarre, hilarious and absurd than the Doomsday Device from *Dr. Strangelove*>> <<@combatwombat2021 says : Now that's just a challenge......😎>> <<@3StevesFilms says : As an ex IT worker I can inform everyone that a "cloud" is just someone else's computer...>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : These idiots have their heads in the clouds. Amazon robots will run it.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : " I WILL LEAD AN HONESHT & TRANSHPARENT GOVERNMENT " <-- ALBOZO ( THE COAL EXPORTING CLIMATE ALARMIST ) ..>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : ZERO TRUST IN THE UNIPARTY TRA!T0RS .. D!CKY MARLE5 IS A C0RRUPT FUKCW!T.>> <<@JimboJones-ld7el says : Australia is going down dark road>> <<@WitchDoctor-m9s says : With Amazon. 😆😆😆>> <<@darlingdeb7010 says : Mmm hummm...don't trust that at all.>> <<@insaniam_convertunt_scientiam says : Giving top secret information to a private international company to -sell- protect? _What could go wrong?_>> <<@eb2505 says : Audit all government spending, gifting and grants and show for the world to see.>> <<@ThePresidentOfAustralia says : After eating 3 generations of babys. They can finally afford this from geoff bozosz>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : Amazon servers are run by china 🇨🇳>>