<<@patriciapierce19561 says : She meaning kamala will be cursed by God if she has a part in mistreating Israel. Read your bible and see what God says about humans do anything to hurt Israel.Woe be unto anyone going against Israel.>> <<@privateconfidential4775 says : Free speech: Why are Australian news journalists so aggressive and cocky?>> <<@jackbraddell1124 says : Not easy to replace Biden. Potential candidates with his level of corruption rare.>> <<@jackbraddell1124 says : We want cackling>> <<@edugarciaa says : Right now, who is really running the United States? Dems in despair. Deep state in panic.>> <<@World-Sojourner.22 says : 🇺🇸 Let him stay! Better for America cuz HE won’t win!>> <<@dkpick says : Joe's ego is too big for him to step down. I think it will take the 25th amendment to take this loser out of the presidency and replace him with an even bigger loser! God help us!!!!>> <<@aaroncaseyfilmphotography6862 says : He HAS NOT had a stellar career, nor any significant contribution. He is corrupt and racist and evil.>> <<@andrewolearnick5739 says : With a report by Axios that Biden only received good news and Harris ignores her morning briefings we need to get rid of these clowns.>> <<@TerisaLea says : Romans 1:28 God will give them over to a debased mind>> <<@sallykushmaul1393 says : She is a big Joke. Vote Trump. She wants that power and she is good for nothing so far.>> <<@Ludwig1954 says : I find Kamala Harris and Joe Biden a glorious pair. Kamala behaves consistently like the bubbly and ever cheerful ergotherapist in the dementia ward of a geriatric nursing home. And Joe - well ... Together, they put up a TV soap opera that would be very funny - if it were not so tragic! When reality beats satire by a mile!>> <<@mrddcass6540 says : Who are you to tell anyone they are making a mockery of themselves? Listen to the sound of your own voices. Its ridiculous.>> <<@DeathbringerDrago says : Shutting down coal plants is shitting on the American worker. You government officials are TRASH and Treasonists.>> <<@sharonjonsy9412 says : Harris is do stupid, God help America!!>> <<@gianniminicucci7462 says : wow, what a freakshow..>> <<@reganwalker8858 says : I agree with everything save Biden has had a great career. He lies every time he opens his mouth, and has been repeatedly proven to do so. Since at least the time he was VP, he has milked America's adversaries for millions to gain access and favor. It's a despicable legacy.>> <<@JohnBaseley-m1z says : She’s on drugs. It’s obvious.>> <<@myccream says : It doesn’t matter. Nobody with half a brain is going to support or vote for a cackling cockroach!>> <<@lorenzomagazzeni5425 says : Apparently the world "Broad" is taboo with the tube - A broad road, no way - say a wide road, Broad minded ? forget about it. Anathema>> <<@shawngibson7514 says : The idea that presidents “run America “ is laughable. They really contribute nothing of any great value. It’s the everyday business owner and workers that run America. If the government disappears and we have no more presidents, life goes on.>> <<@georgelooney8949 says : You misspoke. Leech. Almost 50 years of public leech.>> <<@randybennett5417 says : Pa. Sen Bob Casey could replace Harris quickly.>> <<@donswarthout3603 says : LENR is the promise of the future, but the government in the US is blocking. If we had LENR, everyone would have energy, and there would be no more need for war, anywhere. _____________________________________s8w_____________________________________________________>> <<@jacquelinefroehle5868 says : 50 years of CORRUPT JOE BIDEN IS THE HONEST TRUTH HERE. Stop pretending that Hillary, Biden, Obama, Pelosi are honest good people.>> <<@trollhunter8842 says : 50 years of grifting and leaching off We the People. A career in politics is shameful. Being a politician is not a real job. It is a joke.>> <<@CarolCannava says : Obama wanted Harris for VP. Harris worked her way to the top Allegedly We know Obama, Jarred, Rice, Sanders, Warren, ect working behind the scene Allegedly>> <<@guylancaster2055 says : But she is still preferable to the maga lunatic… who says he can make Russia great …make North Korea great…make Iran great because he is a smarter president…… that is more dangerous than Biden’s dementia or Kamala’s idiocy>> <<@briancoughlin6732 says : Harris has already declined>> <<@bobwhite2 says : The cackling albatross>> <<@matnels277 says : YouTube is soft , my comments get deleted for saying what the old boy had to say 🖕🏻>> <<@HadesInfidel1776 says : 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇦🇺 AMERICANS HATE KACKALA! DON'T WANT HER, KILLARY CLINTON, GAVIN NEWSCUM & PLEASE, NO BIG MIKE AKA "MICHELLE". NOPE! MAGA!>> <<@EdBenji says : 50 years of talking shit & getting paid well for it...>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Yellow bus would do better than Kamala😂>> <<@jmd4629 says : Ok? Lets clear this up? 1) the " ho" from frisco? 2) go her job by Doing " wille brown" Daily on his desk! There is proof!! Next this women(?) Is capable of Nothing legal! When she was the DA in frisco? All she thought about was how 2 flash her badge.. .true stories look then up Along with kids getting threat letters about going 2 school! She never passed any real " leagal docs" Finally there is a recording of her screaming while screwing willie in his office!!!! All facts.....look them up>> <<@Slumbert says : Probably all with huge cognitive problems in democrat party.>> <<@thebluesbrother says : If he resigns the gravy train stops.>> <<@jlang893 says : Biden had a stellar career! Where do you get these commentators. He has lied and lied throughout his career and is utterly corrupt>> <<@feggyduss6463 says : Sky News is terrific! I enjoy watching all of you! Spot on. Great Analysis. This is a magnificent show today!>> <<@feggyduss6463 says : It is nice to see Peter Graves back on Television. I loved him on "Mission Impossible.">> <<@JusticeGlobal says : A dead fruit fly has more integrity, character, and honesty than her. It's a shame to have people like this in leadership.>> <<@ffmann461 says : Albosealzy is bad of a PM as Justin Turdeau. Which is why both countries have been made into dumpster tire fire!>> <<@alfiewashere.695 says : We need to look at who has investments in renewable energy companies. There has to be a reason, other than concern for the planet, that these politicians are so hysterical in their opposition to nuclear energy. Maybe we could start with ex PM Malcolm Turnbal and his company 'Turnbal Renewables'?? Im sure we'd find many conflicts of interest.>> <<@ffmann461 says : Michelle Obama has not even run a lemon aid stand the last 30 years! Any job talents Michelle would be so out of date she would be useless, unless she lets Obama governs through her!>> <<@MarilynClark-i3b says : President trump 2024!! America first!! Maga>> <<@GregMoylan-pn6sr says : Is there any merit to Pauline Hanson's argument that Labor's promotion/support of Unreliable energy sources is all about the Money?.. Union-controlled Super funds have invested heavily in "Unreliables", so Labor needs to keep promoting and subsidising these "investments" to ensure the rivers of slush money flowing their way from the Super funds do not dry up.>> <<@MAGASTRIKETEAM says : Leave Cameltoe Harry alone 😂 TRUMP2024 FJB>> <<@arashiranitehran1440 says : ***********************DURING BIDEN*******DURING TRUMP INFLATION RATE............19%..............................2% BUDGET DEFICIT...........+37 TRILLION...............0 CRIME............................+50%.............................0 HOMELESSNESS ............+50%....................,.....NO INCREASE ILLEGAL MIGRANTS.......10,000,000.................ILLEGALS WHO CAME DURING OBAMA WERE DEPORTED *DURING BIDEN ONE NATIVE AMERICAN LOST JOB OR BECAME HOMELESS FOR EVRY ILLEGAL MIGRANT ENTERED THE US *DURING OBAMA AND BIDEN RUSSIA TOOK A PART OF UKRANE BUT DID NOT DARE DURING TRUMP *DURING BIDEN ISREAL WAS INVADED BY HAMAS DUE TO BIDEN WEAKNESS *DURING TRUMP ISREAL CHOOSE JERUSELUM AS ITS CAPITAL AND NOONE DARED TO SAY ANYTHING THEREFORE, SMART VOTERS DECIDE BY FACTS AND NUMBERS, NOT A DEBATE OR LISTEN TO SOME OF THE MEDIA AND DEMOCRATES WHO HAVE BEEN TRYING TO MISLEAD THE VOTERS IN DIFFERENT WAYS. PLEASE VOTE AND DO NOT RELY ON POLLS.>> <<@jennic2251 says : Stellar career? He's always been a boob. 3 x loser running for pres.>> <<@WestSideDave1 says : You lost me at " He's (Joe Biden) made a huge contribution.">>