<<@abandofvillains says : Shes here not to protect us shes here to silence anyone that goes against the main stream media’s narrative that serves the overseers and the modern day plantation owners of us the slaves…. Slaves to debt slaves to never ending increasing bills, the agenda of keeping the people uninformed and misinformed I hate to think what Australia will become 10 / 15 years from now it’s vile and this woman is ….well I don’t want to get banned on here so I won’t say…..>> <<@ronaldmasters1225 says : She needs to be sacked and sent home.>> <<@johnmancini4700 says : Gobsmacking BS to the public domain! Hypocrisy at its best from labour. How low can these labour ministers go?>> <<@silverfox6010 says : Is she an American? Hmmm.>> <<@JohnWood302 says : The e-misinformation Commissioner not the safety commissioner! Just like the government during convid told lies about the whole thing calling out scientists and vaccinologists who refused the party line and told us the truth!!!!>> <<@infidel202 says : The left crying misinformation 😂 sack the lot of them, yankie go back to California>> <<@alvinwong5521 says : Both the role and the employee have no legitimate place as a public servant: sack her>> <<@markedwards1755 says : She’s a liar>> <<@douglasherron7534 says : Why are Aussies allowing a Yank to spread US-style BS in your country?>> <<@John-ul4hv says : Misinformation Bill exempts politicians>> <<@John-ul4hv says : Dutton's a Dud he just wants your Votes LNP/Labor have destroyed Australia the GREENS incite hate Albo is a globalist with LNP in support we are in trouble. Digital ID rammed through Senate with NO democratic argument by Labor supported by LNP, sub section 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 future mandated, it shouldn't of passed the Senate without a bloody debate and referendum the People know the gov't wants power and control of the People and for Australia to go Cashless look to gov't for fraud and corruption, REPEAL the Bill, get rid of it Misinformation Bill exempting protecting politicians lies and silencing the People what they read and say on the Internet E-Safety Commissioner coming after you and U-Tube, Identity Identification Bill giving gov't the right to hold your information and share it with greedy corporations globalism, authoritarian totalitarian vote the ONE Party who opposed these Bills ONE Nation give the Duopoly a clear message>> <<@lozfromozlyons4749 says : ubject: Request for Investigation into Online Bestiality Content Dear eSafety Commissioner, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a deeply concerning issue that I believe warrants your urgent investigation. Recently, I came across evidence of an individual posting disturbing bestiality content on a social media platform. The nature of this content is not only grossly inappropriate, but it also serves as clickbait to direct users to the individual’s website. Given the accessible nature of social media platforms, I am extremely concerned about the possibility of children being exposed to such harmful material, which can severely impact their mental and emotional well-being. I initially reported this matter in a letter to your office, but I received a response from the Freedom of Information (FOI) team indicating that they would be forwarding my letter to the respondent. Additionally, they did not provide a clear indication that the issue would be investigated by your office. As an ardent animal lover and a citizen deeply concerned about the effects of such content on vulnerable minds, I am sincerely requesting that your esteemed office take this matter seriously and investigate promptly. My aim is solely to protect the welfare of both animals (virtual become reality) and children who might inadvertently come across this content online. I must express my discomfort with the idea of my personal details being shared with the individual whom I have reported. Revealing my identity to the suspected perpetrator is akin to exposing a victim to potential threats or harm from those they report. I urge you to consider my request for confidentiality seriously. In conclusion, my sole intention is to bring this grave issue to the attention of the appropriate authorities to ensure that necessary actions are taken to remove such reprehensible content from the internet and protect those who might be exposed to it. I trust that your office understands the severity of the issue and will investigate it with the diligence it deserves. Thank you for your attention and understanding. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, My name>> <<@lozfromozlyons4749 says : I made a complaint to the eSafety Commissioner about an Australian person who hosted a video that featured bestiality. A video not condemning such things. Someone promoting alternative sex perspectives. The eSafety Commissioner did not reply, however their Freedom of Information FOI coordinator contacted me saying words to the effect if you don’t withdraw your letter to the eSafety Commissioner, they would provide my details and my letter to the respondent person. Stating they have a right to know. I have the emails. I wrote back saying they did not have my consent to give my personal details to this person as there could be unintended consequences, in other words retaliation. I said f you investigate my complaint and latter the court wants my personal details, then happpy for that to happen then. No statement from them about investigation. I just wanted them to investigate, do their job. Essentially I’m the victim pointing out the danger of such things on social media on the public in particular children. The MO of the eSafety Commissioner is to go after people like Musk n Billboard Ted, Ben whatever his name is. People like the person I complained about, eSafety will pressure you to withdraw. It’s disgusting it’s shameful n it’s misconduct at the highest level of Government. Happy to send said correspondence to Sky News. Will post my last letter to the eSafety Commissioner here soon as I have no faith in the eSafety Commissioner.>> <<@justvisitingterra6459 says : YES THEY ARE CORRECT !, IT WAS ALL MISINFORMATION / DISINFORMATION, HANDED OUT COPIOUSLY BY THIS LABORIOUS GOVERNMENT . SATT.>> <<@MickAngelhere says : Hmmmm it seems the ones who keep saying it’s misinformation are the ones who are peddling misinformation>> <<@WilliamGriffin-vy6mo says : This corruption has to stop 🛑. If you vote liberal labour nationals greens you're a Bloody idiot ! Corrupt to the core !>> <<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : Julie Inman Rant ,,,,is another one of Albos special socialist mate's from Stalag 17 on the taxpayers gravy train trying to shut down anything she doesn't agree with!!😂>> <<@gavriloprincip1477 says : E Karen loyal Davos not Australia. Get rid of her.>> <<@gavriloprincip1477 says : E Karen appointed by the LNP, will not be voting or preferencing them. IT(she) is NOT the friend of ordinary Australians, Get rid of her.>> <<@aliceclayton1914 says : How did this American idiot, get so much power. Does she have Australian Citizenship, I doubt it, constitutionally she shouldn’t be there!!>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : sack murdoch misinformation for promoting racist shit.>> <<@sounds.of.arcturus says : Dangerous liars. E safety Karen needs to be fired immediately. Totally irresponsible and dangerous liars.>> <<@rosielynmurphy892 says : Misinformation, disinformation & lies, look to the government first!>> <<@hariseldon3786 says : Yes - but how much does she get paid?>> <<@lylehooper6986 says : Get rid of our WEF stooges that are rife throughout the bureaucracy. Isn't it treason to do the work of a foreign entity?>> <<@marksmart9754 says : So they’re going to ban themselves? The governments lies and misinformation is rampant. Someone needs to regulate them. Not the other way around.>> <<@letmeexplain1816 says : She's on the WEF Organisations payroll !!>> <<@johnwoodward1873 says : Do these people think that no one has ever read Orwell's book 1984? This book is probably where they got their framework for their ' ministry of truth' lies.>> <<@adamw1555 says : It's all projection..>> <<@oja7561 says : Ekaren is orwellian. She is actually a shill for big tech.>> <<@jenzag7621 says : The esafety commissioner's added lying to her portfolio, so she can keep her job. Disgraceful! Spineless Albo, should get rid of this unelected, foreign, Twitter ex-employee and stop wasting taxpayers' hard earned money. The main reason Sooky Albo employed her, was because he was crying over the memes posted about him on social media and wanted them stopped.>> <<@hhrfc671 says : " I am your only source of truth ".......Jacinda Ardern.>> <<@PhilipRanson-d5t says : What a useless self serving person e Karen is>> <<@chrisb3248 says : F… off back to America. But don’t worry about applying for work in a Trump run America. Maybe f… off quicker and ask joe for a job. You would fit well in that group.>> <<@steverogers9507 says : What a waste of TP monies.>> <<@fromthemill9781 says : Waste of taxpayer money as usual. All these clowns spouting misinformation are on the taxpayer clock. Parasites>> <<@SteveRowe-t9x says : We don't want her don't need her would happily pay for her plane ticket back to the usa,nothing but magoos stooge trying to silence critics of the government>> <<@spoon2827 says : Here we go, a yank telling us what we can say and think and see!>> <<@MickeyDC-om3pv says : Sack her. She lied and is supposed to control lies.>> <<@DigitalDemonicDavros says : Why do we have a fogein lady talking about censorship?>> <<@daniel-bg5nq says : I'm sorry did he say the "great" kyle sandilands?>> <<@dominiceggins9409 says : Ffs is the government for real, the lies, the disinformation, the endless false narratives to drive their absurd unconstitutional agenda, please drive this absolute train wreck of a labour government out of power.>> <<@seratbushcraft6979 says : If anything is associated with the government then it’s corrupt can’t people get that into their heads>> <<@wcbbsd says : Global criminal centralised authority says.... Ha ha... now shut up and all hail Statism, get back to servicing our ponzi scheme, our forever wars, and your never ending debt.>> <<@WANOS123 says : E karen should be on o fans.>> <<@tonykampkes9861 says : Ex Twitter employee, still employed by an US intelligence bureau??>> <<@HenryFamilyTheFirst says : Who is this Ms. Information?>> <<@MelbourneHandyman says : Waste of money.sack the department>> <<@briananderson7285 says : Ray Martin called me a dick head dinosaur.>> <<@kenrasmussen4270 says : the biggest source of misinformation is the government.>>