<<@DJ70404 says : Or did Albonese get told by China not to go? I'm leaning more to that because Albonese is a coward and too scared to stand up to his Chinese masters.>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : Australia hasn't, Pinocchio and labor has.>> <<@samfurman8432 says : The USA can let Australia deal with China on its on. By by Australia wine sell it to China.>> <<@TerenceBischoff says : And gave $40 million plus to Hamas to appease the burka Senator.....we are fools.>> <<@Dee-m6f says : Albanese doesn’t want to be seen to conspicuously support the US because it will upset his China dictator mate. Weak as piss Albanese is.>> <<@stevencorlett7972 says : Not surprising AT ALL albo would rather sit around a picnic table singing songs & holding hands with the WOKES & GREENIES, again I'll say it he's a CCP PUPPET WITHOUT A BACKBONE>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Rimpac , sounds dodgy.>> <<@GregMoylan-pn6sr says : Aussie's can make it clear we will not stand for "The Jellyfish" retaining access to the Aussie cheque book. If AlboSleazy wants to chase his dreams of intermittent power, massive immigration, funding Muslim causes (e.g. tens of $millions to Gaza) and pursuing every Woke distraction known to man (e.g. The Voice)... he can take his band of Top Shelf Muppets & do it somewhere else.>> <<@paulgrima3812 says : Your Dad would be extremely sad to see what’s happening in the country now. Dad was a man with love for Australia. We don’t see that love much these days. As a fellow Australian, I’m ashamed of the state of our defence capabilities. Just imagine the amount of money that was wasted towards the Covid era … that could of gone a long way towards our defence services. But not only Covid, all the other money wasting thingys, that could of been used towards defence. We could have a aircraft carrier now !?!?!?! BRING AUSTRALIA PRIDE BACK cause china could wipe us out in one day !?!? 🇦🇺❤️❤️🇦🇺>> <<@peterjackson5225 says : Just goes to show how much we need to vote the fool out ...never ever vote Labor>> <<@Leftyintollerable says : Labor government is an absolute embarrassment to the citizens of this country and our allies. Can not wait till the next federal election to vote this communist labor government out!>> <<@BCox-vm6xd says : Yes, the US needs to stop protecting everyone. We have paid over and over for the allies to be safe and protected. My response is the US needs to stop paying for everybody's success. Yes, I'm a combat vet so I'm tired of seeing my friends and loved ones not coming home.>> <<@pkd6369 says : DON please dont forger KEVIN the clown>> <<@MarkHines-p8d says : Albo prefers to spend $600,000,00 for another NRL team in New Guinea Not on defence.>> <<@Martinoconnor-du6lc says : is it just me or does that new pommy pm look just like Anal?>> <<@BernhardGolz says : ADF 5000 personnel shortage meant 3 Frigates etc. not sent. Conscript the albino city unit Aboriginals "Welcoming Aussies to F**k Out of ABO COUNTRY". No-one is dumb-enough to fight for a country that's turning you into "White Trash". If I've lost my country, what's it matter who runs it ?>> <<@josephgee143 says : Excellent decision Mr Albenese.>> <<@sergiozammel8261 says : Well Russia is the place with all the fertilizer, and to make up the loss we can go to Canberra to shovel all the bullshit that comes out of there. As far as RIMPAC goes, we can send a few shiploads of ass pirates to cover for us until we get Navies real sailors numbers back up, and all our wrecks repaired. America can understand our incompetence as they have a world class stage showcase of their own.>> <<@JimboJones-ld7el says : Slava Russia. USA are waongers 2024. only racist declining coubtrys follow this xenophobia shit>> <<@ralphmogridge8364 says : Conservative party wants to drag Australia back to the early 1900s to the good old days!!!>> <<@MultiBazilbrush says : Good for Australia.>> <<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : Albozo is a disgrace and Marles are turning the Australian defence force into a laughing stock in front of our allies,,,,our allies will turn their back on us if we turn our back on them,,,,>> <<@dpitt1516 says : Labor has made our defence a complete joke !!!!!!!!!!!!! What is their problem ?????????????? They have depleted our forces so badly we would not have a hope in defending ourselves !!!!!!!!!! They are still sticking to China more than the US !!!!!!!!! An absolute joke !!!! That alone is why I will NEVER vote for them again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@grantsapain says : Yeah, Australia wants the security of a US defense partnership, without the responsibility...>> <<@kris8742 says : Joins BRICS>> <<@aussienscale says : It is pathetic, one ship and one plane !! What a joke !!>> <<@susannelles5033 says : How ignorant can one be???Big Pharma Tech and al concerned are the bullies and those pulling the strings for MONEY>> <<@susannelles5033 says : Wake Up forget Nato, Uncle Sam !!! and the 5 Eyes !!! PEACE is what everyone wants! Stop raiding countries for their commodities>> <<@RoyParavinic says : Imitation government, pretending to have policies, nothiing that benefits populationand yet we have to keep him for rest of his life at taxpayers expence.>> <<@BigRed1af says : Albo is such a slimy worm , slithering and wriggling like a good Keating man.>> <<@jo-annemoss8783 says : This is great tell the world about our defence. We have had a PM open the flood gates for all. Best get our defence force working once again. Why won't people join our defence force because we don't have one. And when they go to war, they are scrutinised for their actions. I would love to see any politician go to war and see real pressure and make decisions whilst trying to stay alive. Albo and cohorts you have already failed. You can't make a call that will help anyone.>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : "Mr SnivelMaster Fake PM of PR & BS" made a start with appointing Rudd to this mission, using AUKUS as a cover, now as time is unfolding almost all is forming a much different picture for our country, that is Socialism, the art of deception...when you get a chance...VOTE THEM OUT...>> <<@markd774 says : It's a race to see how much damage to Australia, the labour party can do before they are ousted. Bonus points given for total destruction of economy and alliances>> <<@AllanMcKinnon-d6s says : Erin do your homework. No ship was available to be deployed to the Red Sea. Currently no ships are available. The Libs were the ones that cut back on defence spending.Nine years of nothing. Labor has increased defence spending since coming to government. The mess the Libs left Australia in is deplorable. There are competing needs in this country at the moment as a percentage of funds spent defence is not doing to badly. Have you got a sensible suggestion rather than whinging. ……all the time. Doing away with the French subs was a mistake . The betrayal of the Morrison government and the lies he told was so wrong. No comment from you on that though>> <<@leroylindblom2513 says : Stop the facade, its over.>> <<@christopherharrold3045 says : labor prefers CHINA as a leader over America.>> <<@gail9906 says : You can thank Labor for that! 🤬❤️🇦🇺🦘>> <<@BigBopper-zm1kf says : Labor is the most cowardly party>> <<@Insidious_Rage says : Well i wouldnt wana participate with a Biden admin either tbh>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : Australia chooses not to engage with this PACKRIMMING.>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : and All those whining and Bitching below about money for Housing .. forget defund National Security Defence obviously Chinese Muppets just like the Complete Labor Governments at all levels Greens and Teals will be the first to scream like stuffed Pigs .for the ADF to save your useless Necks You'd all Collaborate with the Enemy like the Vichy French of WW2>> <<@ChristaFree says : Australia illegally spied on Trump's campaign in 2016, reporting back to Obama "through other than official" means. Your ambassador offered one of his aides a prostitute. Some of our "allies" aren't really our allies.>> <<@daveevans4260 says : when Trump is back i hope he remembers labor for the traitors they are>> <<@v_DICE_v says : It's almost as though Australia is deliberately limiting our capacity to engage in any war with China to preserve our relationship with China afterwards.>> <<@EddieWhitehead-e7z says : Dislike Albo , but to hell with the Yanks good for him.🇦🇺>> <<@Chad.H. says : "Snubbed!" Thanks to albosleezy a trillion dollar of tax money going to support America weapons manufacturers. Your media twist and manipulate facts like albo !>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : Al-pinocchio is a leader of a woke Labour party and any war games is bad optics, but, doesn't the Defense Force now use inclusive language and pronouns anyway?>> <<@lornacarlos says : Albo is showing where his interest and loyalty reside - with China and the Muslims. Australians better believe it and do something to stop this shift of alliance. before it is too late.>> <<@MarkBrown-gc6hr says : Australia is the USAs biaaaatch>> <<@JColly_ says : Is this Albo or Marles that are making these idiotic decisions?? Honestly this current government is a complete joke...>>