<<@LisaSorrentino-q4e says : Biden / Harris 2024 independent dems have no spine and the republican s have no integrity! Vote blue democracy over autocracy democrats get behind president Biden and stop the chaos within>> <<@seasonmechanic says : https://youtu.be/QGLmFtwnDS4?si=6uNaw9W60t7dej69>> <<@courtneybrubaker9738 says : Some questions the media won't ask Trump today: "Vladimir Putin ordered a deliberate attack on Children's Hospital in Kyiv today? Will you condemn this attack and ask your friend to stop attacking hospitals?" "How many settlements did your campaign pay to settle sexual harassment claims against Boris Epshteyn?" "Why did you call Jeffrey Epstein so many times?">> <<@caxcan9438 says : Can we defund one side political fake news like this one cnn and msnbc>> <<@tadeuszgawron4748 says : Yes Mail vouchers will be counting for ever again>> <<@AssanRaelian says : Good luck America; you’re going to need it.>> <<@braindead7560 says : Biden still wise ass old man go get that WHITE HOUSE JOE ...........>> <<@TRUMP_IS_YOUR_NEXT_PRESIDENT says : *At this point, you'd think Democrats would finally jettison the whole "81 million votes" charade and embrace the fact that widespread fraud took place in 2020. I mean, at least that way YOU wouldn't be on the hook for electing the worst presidential disaster in U.S. history... But, hey, you do you!*>> <<@gathrightcrystal says : The Biden's can label victims from that laptop Russian but when someone says something about a Biden it's slander according to agent Hunter and Abby>> <<@pcastromedina says : CNN = CROOKED NASTY NEWS.>> <<@paulbentley1705 says : Such tools.😂>> <<@pamamime1 says : CNN doesnt matter. Biden doesnt matter. The Dems dont matter. The status quo is broken.. Vote 💚 Jill Stein.💚>> <<@kam1470 says : Question: is biden unfit for presidency. CNN/ABC/MSNBC: Too early to call.....>> <<@tomherr5684 says : Why Aren’t You Asking The Felon Why -H E Won’t Drop Out????? Why are you doing this? Did Biden’s team give you some indication that he was quitting? You Fin Traitors. Phuck CNN -This is campaign sabotage->> <<@THollandcunt says : 🫥https://youtu.be/nZ6tjUk1QOA?si=itVq3blUuyhVBprB>> <<@gregoryM8105 says : PASS THE BATON JOE SO WE CAN STOP THE DONALD IN 2024!!!>> <<@Joe-j1f says : When he said he couldn’t remember if he watched the debate or not?😂 like when he said he’s gonna beat Trump again in 2020😂>> <<@dons3073 says : He will lose the election and you know it>> <<@davidmcclure7052 says : AND IT WAS A DISASTER>> <<@TheJosephoenix says : If this was my parent, Theyd be on their way to a supervised retirement home>> <<@anthonygross1963 says : Biden referred to himself as first black woman president. Time to take grandpa’s keys away.😂>> <<@OhioOwns says : I keep forgetting this is CNN and they remove CLEAN POSTS that simply make Biden look bad. talk about cowardice.>> <<@OhioOwns says : there isn't a single negative post on this entire vid that doesn't have a "but but but but but Trump exists!" reply on it. just saying the guy's name doesn't win your argument or make you look smart, say something of actual substance. and not more "nana nana boo boo" whinings....>> <<@punchthem4582 says : Can't even imagine being a CNN propagandists having to look yourself in morrow.>> <<@AuroraColoradoUSA says : Brandon spent his entire LONG career driving a wedge between American men and women. This is poetic justice.>> <<@punchthem4582 says : Please American hating left continue to run Joe Obiden or Kamilaaaaaaaaaaaa... CNN makes Pravda look like a credible news outlet.>> <<@jdleo18 says : Funny CNN has a opinion on President Biden but fails to call out donnie the liar cheat and treasonous con man, who wanted his own VP hung because Pence wouldn't break the law! Seems CNN is promoting and the mouthpiece for a liar a cheat and a treasonous pos? Why is that?>> <<@HarrietHattie360 says : This unprecedented instability in the red states, where Republicans control both the governor and legislature, is a recipe for disaster.>> <<@Sherry-v2r says : Hey CNN, you think there's a connection between the Epstein Doc drop and DeSantis being overlooked for VP? What about the Acosta and Trump connection to Epstein? What does Acosta know he isn't telling? Ratings right? Come on! American's are more interested in honesty and integrity than CNN realizes. Trump will lose in November, again. Biden/Harris 2024!>> <<@MF-tt8be says : Trump 2024>> <<@reynoldquintero2698 says : You vote Democrat you vote draft for the war get ready young men and women😮>> <<@TheRedMenace12 says : This reporter failed to fact check Trump during the debate. No journalistic integrity or ethics. CNN is declining fast and resorting to panic mode to get viewers. Pitiful.>> <<@AmericanPendetta says : Democrats are gay>> <<@mason114932 says : It's about democracy or dictatorship.>> <<@ironeagle22a says : Time to walk out to the mound and take the ball.>> <<@makishimizu8660 says : 国家犯罪"人間狩り"を継続したまま同じ政治基盤を続けるな。 The Biden camp continues to "conduct human trafficking, human experimentation, and human hunting through technology encirclement" all over the world. They are not the president, but the leader of a national criminal terrorist organization. We have also analyzed the long-standing cover-up of the truth involving the G7 and the CCPGuo operations. Of course, public execution or the death penalty would be too light.>> <<@christophercottrell8227 says : I’m glad Joe got over his dementia, and doesn’t have that anymore. He should never do an interview after dinner time. He was really tired and had a cold. He is back to tip top shape again to take on Trump.>> <<@Aron2063 says : "The Democratic Party is Bursting with Talent" OMG dude 😂😂😂>> <<@Aron2063 says : Kamala Harris, the DEI hire of the Century 😂🤣😂>> <<@JeffreySmith7777 says : Alert and orientated, but sometimes Falls "up" stairs, off a standing bike, calls out teleprompter cues, often speaks in tongues, talks about things that never happened, wanders off aimlessly, forgets the day, where he is, who his wife is, can't find his way off stage, shakes hands with the invisible, talks to the dead, and needed a bunny rabbit to show him the way home from his own garden..>> <<@martinwhite418 says : The interview was done early in the day, yet ABC tried to decieve us that the interview was in "the evening". Let's see an interview that is done after 6pm.>> <<@kobieventer9497 says : to be honest, I never worried or asked about the competency of any leader's past decisions? they may be drunk, they may be high, they may have dementia, who cares, as long it is approved by a confident team.>> <<@tenaguin1054 says : CNN has not been reporting honestly to people why should they listen now?>> <<@LickItnStickIt says : Biden lies a lot too, not as much as Trump, but he is more the same as Trump than not.>> <<@johnn5705 says : LOL, you a bunch of fools to believe Biden is going to go anywhere but the ballot box to vote himself back in office. You people out there are that weak minded? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Research, not weak azz polls shows, no Biden, no democratic win. Now, if you can't get that in your head, then you have bigger problems than talking politics.>> <<@MrPitt9166 says : Why is fake news CNN news not reporting on Biden been taking to the hospital https://www.google.com/search?q=joe+Biden+airforce+taken+to+the+hospital&oq=joe+Biden+airforce+taken+to+the+hospital+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTI3NDc0ajBqNKgCArACAQ&client=ms-android-vf-se-rvc2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8>> <<@yabetabe says : Vote for Democracy or Dictatorship. Such a tough decision! CNN failed too at the debate. They did not rebuttal all of Trumps lies.>> <<@michaeljones3290 says : This aged well 😂😂😂>> <<@Black.Wolf.678 says : The Beznau nuclear power plant in Switzerland, Metsamor Plant in Armenia and Fessenheim Plant in France was chosen as the most dangerous reactors in the world due to its design in the 1960s and 1970s . The nuclear reactor should have been close a long time ago. Because it spreads radiation to Europe and other continents. Radioactive and chemical wastes of the Меtsаmоr Nuclear Power Plant enter the Caspian Sea through rivers and then into the oceans through other rivers. The NPP is located in a seismic country and a strong earthquake can occur at any time. Armenia should be sanctioned and embargoed to close this reactor. This environmental terrorism must be stopped. Тhe number of cancer patients in the world is increasing rapidly due to nuclear power plants. The government of Armenia, which is a military-economic ally of the invading Russia аnd receives financial and military support from it, should think about the health of the peoples of Europe. The Prime Minister of Japan said that the chemical and radioactive waste of nuclear power plants in Japan will be discharged into the ocean. As a result of water circulation and rainfall, plants will absorb toxic water. There will be radiation in drinking water and cancer patients will increase. Russia's political and military leadership is planning armed sabotage at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Mines are buried in the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant from all sides. Explosives are placed inside the reactors. World leaders must stop this ecological disaster>> <<@RobertDixon-sw3dz says : His cabinet doesn't have the guts to remove him and he is not going to quit.>>