<<@thehazelnutspread says : There's a whole bunch of bare land in Australia. It isn't exactly crowded.>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : Those lands belong to Aboriginals. ❤️🔥💪👍>> <<@Zog696 says : This priest is waiting to be the last person to turn out the lights at the last Anglican Church in Australia.>> <<@NHL4740 says : I wouldn’t take any notice of that sanctimonious woke fool.>> <<@tkk-hh2td says : Churches seem to be an easy target these days cos they don't fight back, how about you ask the governments to free up alot more grown land for residential developments and cut immigration numbers down.>> <<@gusman37 says : The Churches have sold out to $atan ... God Protect 🙏>> <<@salisburydiff1 says : They will build mosques on them...>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : In London the Church sold a church and land to the religion of peace, They desecrated the site showing no respect of any kind to the graves particularly. So it depends on who they sell the land to.>> <<@Jim-i4j says : Excellent interview>> <<@Conky769 says : How about Muslims let homosexuals be in their church.>> <<@Gavin-qh7li says : If there was a good enough Pastor, the Church would have grown.>> <<@sandyjuntunen4088 says : Socialist, that's his problem! Mind your own business!>> <<@Chrisplumbgas says : We wouldn’t need the land if idiot politicians would stop the migration tsunami and cost of living crisis they created . Got a better idea, maybe take back all of the politicians rental properties and their homes because they caused this mess.>> <<@Chrisplumbgas says : Bad idea for Catholics, there will be a massive resurgence in a return to the church, the next existential crisis is always just around the corner and the church needs to be ready. The world is in a slumber but the God alarm clock is not.>> <<@Samael_Monasteriis says : Selling the house of god is bad juju.>> <<@morgan696manning says : Wow the Greens are useless since native ants are now killed in trillions right now>> <<@jasonayres says : An inner city Sydney church (Anglican, also) turned their "unused space" into a hostel for elderly homeless people.>> <<@morgan696manning says : I don't believe in your god but others do and should since its the same as mine but the true meaning is a Gudie line for all>> <<@stevep9041 says : This priests view of wealth is not biblical.>> <<@marcturner5809 says : Rubbish, the governments need to do more to bring down the cost of living. It’s what they are doing that is giving us higher inflation, higher rates, way too many immigrants coming in when we just don’t have the housing available. Politicians don’t give a toss about Australians doing it tough, they only care about a bigger Australia and more votes.>> <<@MarkHayes-ky9je says : What about all the government buildings sitting there rotting.>> <<@barkingmoonranch7836 says : How about the politicians give up their property and homes first....>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : at 0:28 yes, i used to believe i was a turnip but then i decided i was a banana... Ra, Thor, Krishna, Buddha, Poseidon etc *pick your delusion and enjoy it:)* these godly mythologies are amusing but not practical so this holy man actually got the message from the other side: *George Carlin: The Sanctity of Life* 🎥>> <<@RESET1776 says : 🤣 You have the land mass of North America with less then the population of California. How in the hell are you letting people tell you your out of room?😂>> <<@AnointedSpirit says : A disgrace! Churches are for bringing people to God>> <<@AnointedSpirit says : This is not a good idea!!!>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Recycled into mosque sites?>> <<@Ricky40369 says : Keep what you worked for. Screw the rest.>> <<@EL_Duderino68 says : Sounds like a great idea.>> <<@docjoei2224 says : recycle church land back for growing strong christian communities or this kingdom is doomed😮>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : These mongrels won't do that.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : WEF demolition of the West. Politicians are letting Globalists destroy the West.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : WEF infiltration of the Christian Churches. BlackRock wants to Knock down church's for High rises for the Rich>> <<@MarkHines-p8d says : The Catholic Church are one of the wealthiest in the world. When l visited the Vatican in Rome, l was dumbfounded by the arrogance of wealth. I left there with even less respect for the church. What has the Vatican ever done for the poor. The wealth you don't see at the Vatican lies in their vaults.>> <<@SebastianYap-xj9ju says : Muslims ☪️ said their God Allah is vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 is proof prophet Muhammad spirit is word of infinite one God Allah uncut hands grew into man Mountain yhwh rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows superman name so only prophet Muhammad spirit knows superman name so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 because true vine prophet Muhammad spirit said jibiril in cave show the fire their lord God is vinedresser so arch angel Michael fight snake dragon not strong enough so arch angel Michael help Gabriel put hands on son of man prophet Muhammad spirit said jibirl show the fire of plato cave to prophet Muhammad spirit is stupid superman spirit see their lord God is vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman spirit is word of Allah so superman spirit is word of prophet Muhammad so superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so superman spirit is word of God so life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too superman spirit is word of Jesus christ is helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter lives forever so true vine Abraham spirit gives vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so do not presume you are DNA children of Abraham because God can raise son superman man Mountain yhwh superman from stone rock so God can raise children from stones so do not presume you are DNA children of Abraham so true vine jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh gives vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ even dragon spirit and fake prophet woman spirit and beast spirit cast Alive into consuming fire 🔥 shall never taste physical death so King of Babylon investigative 🔎 reporter Louis lane spirit said 4th man superman has appearance son of Gods is word of Jesus christ so which of the Gods can dwell in consuming fire 🔥 so you who is near acknowledge my might and you who is far hear of my reputation is which of the Gods can dwell in consuming fire 🔥 is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so Abraham died is proof Abraham spirit is not word of Jesus christ. Abraham spirit is blind spirit so Abraham children follow blind spirit so Abraham children spirt said now they know jesus christ has demon is chief demon Beelzebub so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book.>> <<@leroylindblom2513 says : I don't think the land technically belongs to the church.>> <<@angienaste7159 says : Not sure if this is a good idea. The churches are always the first to be attacked. The government also has land they can use to house all these needs>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : What the churches miss is. If you go back to the time of Christ. His church - was where he stood and spoke to people. He did not need - buildings. That was his message. The issue is religion - lost it's way. Just like kings and politicians. They make temples for themselves - as their self image of power. You can set up a church anywhere. In a town hall - for a mass. In an open field. There's nothing that says - you don't have a religion - unless you have huge stone buildings - that are as cold as the people - who run our religions. If you want a clear example of who really understood his religion. Father Bob Maguire understood it. The Vatican - persecuted father Bob Maguire - for making religion real - and what it should mean. By taking help to the people - who really needed help. People are real. And unless religion connects with people - it means nothing. People confuse religion with different branches of religion. That were arguments of each group - that broke away from another group - and that is still going on. Yet they all talk about the same things. It's the fact - that religion is used to divide us - is the most repugnant message - of the whole thing. And misses the point - religion - is not about who or what you are. Christ built his message on - he took in - the people - mainstream religion rejected. People miss the messages here. Christ was very much a political figure in Jewish society. It's the missed interpretation of that message that people don't understand. The Dead Sea Scrolls - tell a much more human story. That unless you understand - how Jewish folk laws work - you will never understand your own religion - unless you understand the Jewish faith. It's why the main stream churches wont talk about the Dead Sea Scrolls - to maintain their power. The story of Lazarus. We are told Christ raised him from the dead. In the Dead Sea Scrolls - Christ took in Lazarus. Who had been shunned by his own community - and he was treated like he was "dead." In Jewish society - if you offend your village. You are cast out and cannot return - you might as well - "be dead" - as they consider you "dead" to them as though you just don't exist. Again - Christ saying - he would let anyone into his church. He always spoke to the poor people - he always - took in people - like blind people - people rejected by society - the story - that Mary Magdalene - was a prostitute. Again he took her in - to show regardless of who people were - does not preclude you from God. His message - upset the Jewish priests. They got Herod to take him out. That's the message no-one understands. He did not judge people like the church does. He made the point - the people deemed imperfect - could have a relationship with God. The real problem with religion - it has ended up as a way to judge others. And it has driven everyone away. That in Australia - it hid people who abused children. Who were meant to be protected. Christ's movement was radical and deeply political. The Dead Sea Scrolls - also explain the birth of a child to the virgin. There were two Jerusalem's in Christ's time. The capitol. And the place where the scribes and Priests lived was Little Jerusalem. Christ came from and lived in Little Jerusalem. His father was a carpenter there. His mother worked there. She was called a "virgin" for working at that place. In order to have a child - they had to leave that place. As is the custom of the religious laws at that time. Go to Jerusalem and have the child. Then after having the child return is how a virgin gives birth to a child - in that society. That's where he got his religious training from. The people who study the Dead Sea Scrolls. Keep saying the scrolls - give a true account of life as it existed at that time. And tells - the human story. The Dead Sea Scrolls - explain - how society worked in those times. People who study those times. Also say - upon Christ on coming back to life. Christ had to go east into the Himalaya mountains. At the time all Muslim and Jewish religious leaders - studied in Tibet. And a tomb - with scars depicted on the coffin lid - on the wrists - ankles and side - exists in Tibet. As had he stayed in the Roman Empire - he would have been killed. It's why Christ turned over the tables of the money changers - on the temple mount. His message - was very political. The temple mount and priests and money changers - were all fake. The real story - or the human story - is a much better one - then the version we are told. It makes more sense - and when in human terms - it relates much better - as it sounds more real. You have to peel back - the myths - and look for the truth. Then you understand he did exist - he was real. And - his was a very political message. And he cared more for the people rejected by society - offended - the power brokers of his time. He would face the same challenges today.>> <<@tonik1014 says : For Homeless at night>> <<@ChickityChicken says : I hate boomers. 🙄 Please God cleanse the Earth of them.>> <<@Design_no says : Sounds like an islamist.>> <<@ricky7590 says : Why can’t the government pay for the land and construction cost?>> <<@Kokuraman says : Thanks for this gear here!>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Under Catholic Canon law the 'Church' is the congregation, Not priests and Bishops. It is up to the Congregation to decide, not priests. Recommend contacting Canberra and Sydney 'German churches for advice.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : The Vatican have trillions of dollars yet they never build anything for the homeless>> <<@seasonedbeefs says : Isn't that what cemeteries are?>> <<@womp6338 says : That’s a terrible idea>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Donate your wage to charities Vicar!!!>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : FAUX CHRISTIAN SELL OUT>>