<<@fado792 says : Not more... But more extreme. Can you dig that.? MORE EXTREME. Thats different.>> <<@S.Soltani-m9i says : It is probably man made 😢>> <<@foff3379 says : Wich green culti lit them for the cause>> <<@MissBabalu102 says : I wish you would say WHERE these fires are. Northern California is a huge place.>> <<@S1066-u3d says : Where is Bill Gates and Opra Winfrey?? I bet they buy up all the land thats been burnt. Wich one had the matches??>> <<@ravenraven1971 says : Do Not let Californians move into your state! The fires are there problem and that state full of know it all idiots is bankrupt! We the people are going g to be the ones paying for idiot state. I'm so sick of all these corrupt states and people that are du.ber than a box of rocks.>> <<@gingi453 says : Do not buy or live in a wood frame home..get noncombustible instead (concrete, stone, brick, or thick log/timber frame, glass, metal etc.) and demand forestry to be managed with fire braking fields etc. no clear cutting..trees need to grow larger to prevent fire, undergrowths to be removed regularly, bushes can burn qucikly..(Lahaina, Hawaii..) and destroy your community in a short time, prevent it!>> <<@stevep9041 says : The Left are ok to destroy everything in pursuit of their green narrative.>> <<@EL_Duderino68 says : Let me just ask does anyone want to go all Marjorie Taylor Greene and blame it on Jewish Space Lasers? That would make my day. :)>> <<@nhmooytis7058 says : Wouldn’t need to tell me twice to get out of Crazyfornia. 😂😂😂 Actually I did in 2006 after 22 years, so glad I did!>> <<@MrMSBranham says : This is what you get when the brain trust of The People's Republic of California decided to not spend the money to manage the forests and instead spent money on pet projects to essentially buy votes in racial identity groups.>> <<@Saidakine says : The fires rage across the State became they don’t practice good forestry anymore . Gavin Newsom has cut the budget for it, then he turns around and blames it on Climate change. His gullible supporters believe him. He has wrecked that state and well as San Francisco when he was mayor. His policies do not work .>> <<@DirtyDovi says : It's too bad all of these Trees keep going up instead of Govt buildings..>> <<@merlinite- says : So California hows them eucalyptus trees going for you 😂😂>> <<@havanamarlena says : What satellites started these DEW attacks against humanity and nature?>> <<@rgroppi1305 says : Government arson>> <<@vicdiaz5180 says : Truth is California don’t clean their forest the way they’re supposed to like most states here in the US this is why it keeps happening every year multiple times same with Canada. Seems like liberals don’t believe in cleaning downed trees or the forest, but there the first to complain about climate change.>> <<@ericmorgan204 says : Ahh, the Malthusian (“We must destroy the planet to save it”) Arsonist Wokesters, are back to push the CC Agenda for the summer season.>> <<@scwps23 says : Now we know what Hell is gonna look like.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Directed energy weapons>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Global warming in action>> <<@2Bros-OVO says : They planted tons of Eucalyptus trees bro 😂😂😂😂>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Natures way of cleaning garbage off the streets.>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : Everyone evacuated to Florida years ago>> <<@lappo2534 says : 'Wildfires' bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : MAGA 🤡's **"In 2018 Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene took to social media to share her suspicions that the California wildfires were started by 'space solar generators' which were funded by powerful, mysterious backers. Instantly, thousands of people rallied around her, blaming the fires on 'Jewish space lasers' and, ultimately, the Rothschild family.**>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : the planet is in self-defense mode from all these pesky, troublesome species... the sun is in self-defence from all these annoying little planets... PLACE YO' BETS ON THE COSMIC GAMBLING TABLE *George Carlin - Saving the Planet* 🎥>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : Climate fear porn.. More ridiculous, more often.>> <<@Conky769 says : Forest .management to blame?>> <<@michaellopez7765 says : Gee, another “Newsome Cookout.”>> <<@lauran1212 says : MANipulated again and again and again>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Greta DumbBerg will be protesting for climate change in New York today>> <<@michaellopez7765 says : Gotta have a “natural disaster” to divert the public’s focus from the FJB B.S.>> <<@johnanderson1245 says : Just another reason not to live in California. I could give you more but the list is too long.>> <<@steviemoney says : Ya right just stay there problem solved. Hells trying to cleanse itself.>> <<@icabobcrane8984 says : When you don't manage your Forrest, you get wild fires . They will blame climate change and the simple minded people will believe it.>> <<@raymondparnell439 says : 😂😂theyve already been evacuating that communist shit hole ! 😂>> <<@shanapettigrew1609 says : Maybe if Pelosi and her goons didn’t take away funding from The Forestry “industry” they would be clearing the underbrush and keeping the chances of these disasters to a minimum.. there’s just SO much that happens because of things that ARE within our control (to a degree) but that control is and has and will be manipulated at the ILL WILL of those who need control and use fear as there guarantee. I’m not being conspiratorial, I know wi things happen naturally and I pray for anyone having to go through such things.. I just never got over building a park for her rich neighborhood and defunding the wildlife and fisheries/forestry sector when we KNOW that they are detrimental…praying>> <<@GeorgePapadopolous says : Fire seasons are getting longer, hotter, and drier due to Climate Change. Intense wildfires are also increasing due to Climate Change.>> <<@johnhoyle4401 says : According to the girl Trump raped "He liked me because I reminded him of his daughter who was also 13." The far right worship a paedophile. Come on Sky, mention the biggest news story of the year.>> <<@Genesis-007 says : And of course, deliberately lit like the majority of fires.>> <<@johnhoyle4401 says : Don’t mention climate change. Wouldn’t want to trigger the far right science deniers who flock here. Yes, climate change is real, and science denier lies won’t change that.>>