<<@killzoneisa says : A Sugar Tax ready been done before else where an it failed. So it's going to fail here too.>> <<@jasonberry7687 says : Yeah more fake taxes...to save us from ourselves>> <<@josepep says : Awesome. This is great!>> <<@krotchtine254 says : No guys, this totally works. They tax sugar. Replace sugar with high fructose corn syrup. Then everyone gets healthier, and no one gets diabetes anymore. We've been taxing sugar in the US forever, and when's the last time you saw a morbidly obese American, right?>> <<@TheNerdianMusicGame says : Water isnt free you already pay for it in rates or water bill renting>> <<@ManuelLabor142 says : Any excuse to slug taxpayers. Australian governments have only one solution to every problem, tax the shit out of it.>> <<@carbonite1999 says : another industry being banned or taxed out of existence ,sheep last week ,sugar this week what's next? beef? chicken? carrots? there should be 100% tax on politicians>> <<@fightforaglobalfirstamendm5617 says : Insantiy!>> <<@jonathanparle8429 says : What about the ones that don't have any sugar? I bet they will tax them too.>> <<@diannemorris8690 says : Why not treat excess sugar consumption as an addiction instead and put more money into the treatment of it?>> <<@whiskywood182 says : Wow, Australia used to be a good place to live. Not anymore!!!...>> <<@flexairz says : Sugar is poison.>> <<@ididntaskyouropinion says : So tax the companies who make the product, put limits on amount of sugar a drink can have. Surely no one needs HFCS in their sodas. Dont tax the consumer....then its not about health. Its about killing your people's money so they have nothing to even buy milk with.>> <<@Haven_city_civilian says : I believe they want you to pay this tax, so they may start taxing other foods they think you may not refuse...>> <<@ArcticSeraph says : 👎 Instead of taxing people, how about educating people>> <<@craigianna2844 says : Labor K—ts at it again..Gillard taxed the hell out of pre mix drinks…Labor the F……g TAX PARTY…This prick can shove it..FO ..>> <<@juegomaestro11 says : Too much of one thing is never great for your body, but natural sugar is much healthier than artificial sweeteners. It's probably healthier than high fructose corn syrup, also.>> <<@rhyno1740 says : I thought they already had a sugar tax on them. Tax, tax, and more tax. So the corrupt government can give it all away to overseas countries.>> <<@MairtinCorcoran says : Take the sugar out the fizzy drinks .make them healthier...makes more sense..next youk be chrged for farting. Ps biggest scam ever it selling bottled water now sufar tax f off>> <<@TSpackman says : Get the hell out of peoples lives FFS>> <<@GLB-f7s says : Then there will be a fat tax, then a meat tax, then a carbs tax, and then the only way you won't cop smoking-style disincentive taxes is to be vego, which is EXACTLY what the left-wing zealots and climate warming banshees want.>> <<@Verrifier-z6z says : We are reaching Demolition Man levels of dystopia.>> <<@ivorgreenplant says : Why do normal sized people that dont eat to much food get punished for fat people who eat to much food ..>> <<@ShirleyYAJOKIN-cx3ro says : Ask him about the jabs.>> <<@nowhere529 says : Another tax on the poor.>> <<@GirtByIdiots says : And I'm sure the tax will go into the health system just like the tobacco tax that dosen't.>> <<@james35124 says : The purpose isn't to "guide choices" is to punish the poor. Why does the Australian government think they can control people like this?>> <<@robertfitchett-o6n says : Slowly but surely this tax will spread to all items that contain sugar. Do a google search.>> <<@eddie20onine says : No no no, let tax the fatties, they are the biggest burden on hospitals>> <<@Vonhellfinger says : Government overreaching Greed! Stay out of our pockets Big centralized technocratic Government Bastards!>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : We wouldn't want ordinary people to enjoy themselves now would we. How about a tax on coffee, stop people having a sedentary lifestyle characterised by sitting around for hours in coffee shops doing nothing.>> <<@dansheets7417 says : Why allow companies to put it in, then tax the consumer for that sugar?>> <<@ffmann461 says : Yes many countries has the tax and people still pay it to buy them, same people still pay the high taxes on tobacco and alcohol products which are heavily taxed!>> <<@truefactjack says : Yeah government knows best hey... get stuffed stay out of our lives>> <<@JacksDailyDrives says : Only if they have a subsidy on fresh fruits and veggies and meats that is exactly what they raise from the tax.>> <<@adamlupien9379 says : I saw a comic once in the 80’s that read “ Outlaw porn and only outlaws will have porn” , when I hear this “ rap-around rhetoric from a health institution I can’t help but think this . For adults and teens they’re going to consume what they want is my point. If they really cared about healthy anything , how bout bring down the prices on healthy food ?, taxing or banning ( for that matter) anything creates a psychological demand for it , regardless of cost. See it all the time here in America>> <<@PaulsTrainVlogs says : That's a stupid idea. Backdown or Leave us alone!>> <<@mattmacca3990 says : That’s ok.. They can push it through with the EV and Hybrid vehicles road tax. The driving a non EV tax. The red meat tax. The tax on anyone who does not identify as Aboriginal tax. The penalty for those who work hard tax. Well someone has to pay for generational social dependence and generational victimhood…>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : AMA? That same association that recommended the jab.>> <<@Pvtepingpong says : so I guess they gonna start taxing Ribena as well right?>> <<@stephenallen4374 says : Sugar tax is just another way of making Australians poorer controlled and told what to do what a joke>> <<@davegoldspink5354 says : That’s the way tax the living shit out of everything you don’t approve of these muppets really don’t get it new taxes don’t do anything but give a bunch of elitist arse clowns more of the people’s money to waste on their junkets and their other pet projects. With the cost of living pressures people are copping a new cash grab is just plain wrong.>> <<@SirJimmySavileOBEKCSG says : We have this in the UK, doesn't stop me!>> <<@helenowen5408 says : Fark right off 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤣🍺🇦🇺>> <<@ajd8558 says : We've had it in South Africa for a while and I haven't seen people getting any thinner. What I have seen is a vast increase in the amount of artificial sweeteners in drinks so they can reduce the sugar tax paid while keeping the sweetness so people keep buying. Is that really better? I think not, given that the new studies coming out are showing that artificial sweeteners are actually linked with increased obesity and diabetes...>> <<@aussiedronephotography7260 says : Put a tax on soft drinks and include dental in medicare , that i would support.>> <<@eb2505 says : Sounds more like they had a business round table asking themselves what can we tax next - our saary increases have to come from somewhere?>> <<@Janet-hs4wl says : Just ban sugar altogether. Tax what that going to do really. Theres bloody sugar in everything even milk. Ban it.>> <<@christopherharrold3045 says : great you've taken alcohol smokes and fuel from our car's electricity housing what's next are you going to TAX the air we breath. VOTE LABOR FOR COMMUNISM.>> <<@Diponty says : GST is applied to the total sale price, including any additional taxes like excise taxes. If a sugar tax were implemented, GST would likely be calculated on the price inclusive of the sugar tax unless specific exemptions were made. A tax on a tax>>