<<@YesYes-xb6he says : This has aged well 😂😂😂😂>> <<@alandavies2382 says : People are sick of welcoming these so called migrants from 3rd world countries into our own, only to have it turned into the same dump they have come from and imposing THEIR rules upon us..ENOUGH!!!>> <<@tlg5003 says : Not really. Labour only got 33.7% of the total vote but won 64% of seats! Our ridiculous electoral system needs reform.>> <<@WallyPyneoil says : The 'UK' is, funnily enough, a very right wing and racist nation: it discriminates against its largest and most ethnically diverse (even proportionally) country, England, via the Barnett Formula (Lord Joel Barnett hated it), asymmetric national devolution in general, the white Celtic myth of 1707 and the West Lothian Question. And nobody pays any attention. It's a frightening place IMHO.>> <<@MaaFreddy says : @tomservo75. I agree with your conclusion it is because of the division of the Right . My point is that the share of votes only increased by 1.6% for Labour . In the first past the post system whoever comes first takes it all , which means that your share doesn’t need to be very big when your opponents are divided.>> <<@Bob-xx8wh says : They probably would have done a lot better if the Conservative government was actually conservative. They get elected by pretending to be for the people then immediately turn around and become Socialists after they win the election. I really dont understand why the British people didn't want Nigel Ferage in though, he really is the best shot England has at remaining a distinct country and not continuing down the path of being a WEF globalist state>> <<@usnchief1339 says : And the pendulum swings left. Hold on tight UK, it's going to be a bumpy ride.>> <<@tomservo75 says : Let's be clear here. The only reason Labor won in the UK is because voters saw them as the least-worst option. There is no conservative party in the UK. The choice is left vs. far-left. The Conservatives deserved to lose because they have been ineffectual. Maybe this will either shake them up into changing their leadership and platform, or will pave the way for a new party like Reform. The voters in Europe HAD actual conservative choices, so I don't believe that the UK is actually moving leftward. Had I been a citizen there, I have no idea how I would have voted.>> <<@peterf1 says : Fox News, again, making up shite. There is no RW wave sweeping Europe. LW coalition just defeated any chance of LePen ruling France. The PVV in Holland will be kept in check with power sharing. Fox simply reports what their 1% dreams are, not reality. The UK will have Labour for quite a time.>> <<@alangould1465 says : As a Brit,I can tell you we are not veering to the left,though this election makes it look that way🤔 This election was basically a rejection of the Conservative Party,who are now anything but Conservative. The big point was that the new Reform UK Party(led by Nigel Farage)came second in many areas and won 5 seats,including Farage. As we have First past the post,you often get a party winning the seat but if you add up all the other parties votes,it is normally more than the winner got. Tories and Reform did split each other's votes in some areas and ended up with Labour. For example,the Liberal Democrats won around 3.5 million votes and won 71 seats. Reform UK got 4.1 million votes and won 5 seats🫨 BRITS FOR TRUMP🇬🇧🇺🇲>> <<@joycesmith8120 says : Way to go Uk, no more right wing>> <<@TLSt-mx6lz says : Immigrate to the UK.>> <<@ronaldpalmer451 says : The current conservative party in the uk are center left thats why they were voted out>> <<@brodyhagemeier9356 says : Where's Nigel Farage?>> <<@daniel18387 says : The UK vote is just a change of management. The Conservative party and Labour are one of the same thing; neo-liberals that love the globalist agenda. The only true right wing party in this country is Reform UK. You know, low taxes, control of immigration, support for small to medium enterprise, support for the working-class (Blue collar vote, as you call it). Labour's vote share was actually stagnant, but because the Conservatives got trounced by Reform UK (A true conservative party), Labour got in by default. That's how crazy our First Past The Post (FPTP) voting system is. To put into context, Reform UK got less than 1% of seats in Parliament, but had 16% of the vote share.>> <<@sebholding says : Wrong. What happened in the UK is precisely the result of the rise of the right wing reform party, which splits the votes away from the conservative party.>> <<@LyingKayleigh says : Fox news is one of the media elements that perpetuate lies that have created the hateful divide in our country.>> <<@LetTheMurdochsDestroyAmerica says : New York City’s pension funds and the state of Oregon sued Fox Corporation on Tuesday, alleging the company harmed investors by allowing Fox News to broadcast falsehoods about the 2020 election that exposed the network to defamation lawsuits.The lawsuit, filed in Delaware, accuses the company of inviting defamation claims by amplifying conspiracy theories about the election, including a suit Fox News agreed to settle for nearly $800 million with the voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems.>> <<@MaggiePigg says : Stunningly poor choice.>> <<@MagicPudding1111 says : Game over . England will be an Islamic state within 30 years.😢. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of these Muppets will be fleeing . Thats their legacy.>> <<@Deeps__ says : No, you’re completely wrong and miss major context to the whole situation. Reform is right wing and got 4 million votes, 500k more than Lib Dem’s. Reform is 2nd in pretty much every single Labour heartland. The red wall fell to conservatives in 2019 because Labour didn’t listen to their vote on brexit. Tories failed the whole country since 2019 so red wall votes went back to Labour, but not in their entirety, a sizeable ammount went reform. When Labour fail these areas again, which they will do this parliament, I guarantee that whole red wall vote will go reform. Also reform now have a presence in parliament, our media can’t spin and smear their words as every person will be able to directly hear them at PMQs. Even senior Labour people have said about reform being 2nd in their areas and it’s exactly why Nigel said they were coming for Labour.>> <<@glenbolderson9279 says : Give the Brits a break that conservative party is a bunch of EU bootlicking losers.>> <<@Crunch2327 says : We have a First past the post system. FPTP= everybody gets what the majority didnt want. Labour actually got 600,000 less votes this time, just our system produces skewed results. That isnt a swing to the left. Just proof our system doesnt work with more than 2 partys.>> <<@Chequr_Prostate says : Untrue, we don’t have right wing established political parties and that’s why the people have thrown out the former right wing Tory party and voted for the new right wing party Reform. The Labour Party actually only had a small increase in voters. The right wing, which is actually just a centre nationalist voter is soaring and will be in power at the next election. I’ll give Labour 18 months before it starts to derail.>> <<@sikugord03 says : Only because of how our voting system works. It needs major Reform. Most Brits do not want this government. Have you seen a more sorry bunch in your life. Inept, awful.>> <<@braddavis9895 says : Baby eater wrestling show 😂😂😂😂>> <<@Fightforourchildren says : In UK, Conservative Party became liberal. What do you expect from the labor party?>> <<@andrewdgw6779 says : Tories and Labour are the same. Reform UK>> <<@lukexit says : This Labour party is actually a right wing party. They embrace neoliberal economics, American imperialist foreign policy and tax avoidance for the extremely wealthy.>> <<@kazao4403 says : Reform 2029❤ sometimes it takes time to be unburdened by what has been😂😂>> <<@stuartgriffiths6382 says : The next 4 yrs in the uk will be like the last 4 yrs in USA. Left wing governments will struggle with the ‘crap’ that going on round the world, and they will be soft on crime, immigration and the economy will be nothing special.>> <<@michaelkelly9545 says : The UK has been left for years. They are actually moving more to the right. Give it until 2029 and Reform 🇬🇧 will win. Only 20% of Brits voted for Labour and they still won. The voting system is corrupt and needs changed.>> <<@Eyespy743 says : Wrong - Labour won by default. The real winners were Reform party and they are on the Right, Nigel Farage for PM 2029>> <<@mythblaze says : You go UK. Keep it up! Take your country back.>> <<@FJano12 says : Weakest government ever despite the majority they have lol I don’t give them 2 years>> <<@Happyharold666 says : 4 MILLION PEOPLE VOTED FIR REFORM !! ( the Trump party of the UK ) yet were only given 4 seats. Like in the US, totally set-up for the 2 part duopoly to always be in power>> <<@robertredmond9547 says : BRITISH LABOUR PARTY JUST STUPID AS AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY. CLUELESS.>> <<@bgood267 says : Hope it works out for you all................>> <<@thomasgrabkowski8283 says : It was only due to UK’s first past the post system. Reform UK surged. It just didn’t translate into seats and Labour won because Tories and Reform cannibalised each other>> <<@howardX81 says : I'm tired of America forgetting we had a revolution to get rid of European politics!>> <<@lukeabrams9438 says : So, the quick switch in government is a tradition of hundreds of years and is different from ours, Why the unbelievability Neil?>> <<@garrym5682 says : There's two things to this - 1. Labour took a lot of seats because the SNP fell apart in Scotland and Reform split the Right wing vote. 2. Across the world, pretty much every govt that was in charge during covid has lost or is about to lose.>> <<@gally41 says : Starmer and his clowns will ruin the uk>> <<@donmctaggart2635 says : The UK may have gone to Labor, however the swing is against the support of the woke agenda's and lack of common sense.>> <<@fabiennemitchell2371 says : No, the UK electorate were upset with the 'left wing' conservatives (akin to RHINO's). Labour's huge win was not a huge endorsement for the new Prime Minister but mostly born from the electoral first past the post system.>> <<@carlcort7721 says : The London bridge is falling down!!!>> <<@supermariorobot4592 says : too many on the radical right were split, giving way for Labour>> <<@JM800 says : Britain can not buy themselves out of the guilt the world buries them with. The left have no limits to unchecked immigration.>> <<@wardmccomiskey2401 says : Sad day for the demise of the UK. The left destroys everything they touch.>> <<@KW-mz4pn says : They want to run as fast as they can…here is the mess! See ya!>>