<<@luckyea7 says : Sanctions work! The energy crisis and anti-Russian sanctions have caused irreparable damage to Germany - Bloomberg A complete recovery of German industry after its decline during the pandemic and the energy crisis caused by anti-Russian sanctions is impossible. The manufacturing sector has suffered irreparable damage, Bloomberg states. Bloomberg Economics economist Martin Ademmer said: "We should expect a cyclical recovery in industry as monetary policy eases and demand returns, but there will be no return to normal until 2019." The annual growth rate of potential gross value added in Germany's manufacturing sector fell to 0.5% last year from 1.5% in 2019. This slowdown will result in a capacity shortfall of 3.5% compared to the 2015–2019 trend. Germany's central bank forecasts economic growth of 0.3% this year, saying the economic recovery is continuing. However, the recovery in the manufacturing sector remains sluggish, and recent data showed a decline in industrial production and orders, which could not allay concerns about its recovery, Bloomberg emphasizes.>> <<@stanleyhuynh1659 says : This guy sounds like close the door for economic for free trade.>> <<@migsvensurfing6310 says : Thank you.>> <<@bloggalot4718 says : Sanctions were implemented half heartedly.>> <<@golokavrndavana says : Так, західний «бізнесмен», який все ще допомагає Росії, повинен потрапити під санкції. Їх повинні насторожити мудрі люди, що їхня поведінка, яка допомагає вбивати праведних, неприпустима в сучасному суспільстві. Вони повинні знати, що чинять неправильно і за це можуть бути притягнуті до відповідальності.>> <<@tomschi9485 says : *Finance would make it VERY easy to end this war and also to prevent future wars. It is a shame that this is not understood. We should start by informing the Russian people every month how much money the international community will demand from Russia for ALL reparations (for example, reconstruction, widows' pensions and of course all the costs for ALL the weapons needed for defense, including the costs incurred by Ukraine's allies) from the Russian people because Russia has repeatedly broken international law.* And all of Russia's supporters would also have to be sanctioned immediately, so that it hurts. There are still many possibilities with China and tariffs on all Chinese products would also hurt us, but it would be billions of times harder for China.>> <<@littlehumphreyton7580 says : It is because so much profit is being made by very wealthy American and E.U. industrial and financial elites, who “Donate” to the political campaigns of parties and individuals.. They have directed much of their efforts toward trade with Russia over since the 1990s, and are being allowed to continue by those whose political aspirations they have supported.. It is a shameful moral failing, which governments are either ignoring, or actively supporting.>> <<@camdenmcandrews says : One more: Anyone who seeks to profit from Russian's invasion of Ukraine, from any country, is guilty as an accessory to every crime committed by the Russian army in Ukraine.>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : Western Business has always put themselves before the law, it is time to prosecute circumvention!>> <<@NoelPrendergast says : Putin wants the war over. He is starting to sweat.>> <<@lawrencealger3812 says : Thank you Henry Keen!>> <<@gerryhouska2859 says : The world is a wonderful place! Though the mills of god grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience she stands waiting, with exactness grinds she all.>> <<@henryruizmeeden says : YOU DO KNOW THAT THE USA AND OTHER COUNTRIES PAY YOUR SALARY NOW! SO YOU WORK FOR US AND FOR UKRAINIANS!>>