<<@MARLS3498 says : por qué se desperdicia tanta plata de los peruanos en un asesino, que estuvo preso por delitos de LESA HUMANIDAD!, POR QUE NO SE ACUERDAD DE LAS MUERTES DE BARRIOS ALTOS, LA CANTUTA, DE LEONOR LA ROSA Y LA DESCUARTIZACIÓN DE BARRETO, LA VIOLACIÓN Y TORTURA DE DE TANTOS EN LAS INSTALACIONES DEL SIN, Y DE LA MISMA SUSANA HIGUCHI DE FUJIMORI QUE FUÉ VIOLADA POR VLADIMIRO MONTESINOS Y LA TORTURARON HASTA QUEDAR COMO ESTA HOY! QUE NI SIQUIERA PUEDE HABLAR BIEN.... LAS HORDAS DE PERSONAS CAMPESINAS ASESINADAS, QUEMADAS, DESAPARECIDAS, LAS ESTERILIZACIONES MASIVAS Y LAS MUTILACIONES DE LOS SOLDADOS EN EL NORTE QUE SUFRIERON TRAS DEFENDER EL TERRITORIO QUE DESPUÉS ALBERTO FUJIMORI REGALÓ AL ECUADOR, SE FUGÓ A JAPÓN Y DESDE ALLÁ MANDÓ SU VIDEO EN DONDE DECLARABA NO SER PERUANO SINO JAPONÉS DE NACIMIENTO ..POR QUE LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS LE RINDEN CULTO A UN DELINCUENTE UN CRIMINAL ES REALMENTE INDIGNANTE!...ALLÁ LOS QUE SE OLVIDARON Y AHORA DESPILFARRAN EL DINERO DEL ESTADO EN UN DELINCUENTE DE LA TALLA DE HITLER Y MENGUELE!. POR ESO NUESTRO PERU NO AVANZA, PORQUE LE HACEMOS AIRE A LOS CORRUPTOS Y DELINCUENTES. ACASO NO RECUERDAN QUE EN UN VIDEO RIENDOSE SE BURLA DE LOS PERUANOS Y DICE: " VAMOS POR UN MILLON DE IGNORANTES AL AÑO" CON LA NUEVA DIRECTIVA DE EDUCACIÓN...DÓNDE ESTAN ESOS VIDEOS QUE DEBERIAN PONERLOS PARA QUE LOS PERUANOS SEPAN QUIEN FUÉ ESE DELINCUENTE.>> <<@melindaanne6036 says : It has nothing to do with the Latin Mass, but the culture or the cult around the Latin Mass. the people that attend the Latin mass are almost cult like. In Canada anyways.>> <<@kevinhealey6540 says : Scoundrel who does not follow church doctrine.>> <<@kornackaelzbieta201 says : Franciszek to zaden papiez to demon>> <<@Vijay-ys7ut says : If I don't speak Latin will I go to the hell?>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : 😂 Vatican 🇻🇦 Satan... St.Thomas>> <<@willemgabriel3203 says : can someone tell me how old is pope>> <<@JanakaSuranga-we4qm says : Maass mokatadha kura vahagannadha lurdu panividaya admgaa viyavsthaavata iga patiya muhudha sivagaa ballaa naagaya navi muhudha lurdu iga patiya thami muhudha muhudha iga patiya vannaa admgaa viyavsthaavata>> <<@j.granger1120 says : CIA, please remove Pope Francis.>> <<@j.granger1120 says : Poland, please send us a replacement pope. Your choice. We trust you.>> <<@frankribeiro399 says : You do not go to Hell because you do not speak Latin. The big majority do not have a clue of the true meaning of Latin. The priests speak macaroni Latin, including Catholic priests.>> <<@atativiana says : Pharisees are going crazy in the comments. Really??? Is this what you're concerned, folks? Latin mass is not a big deal FOR YEARS. I've never had been in one... I just heard the old people talking about it. I didn't even know people still want it until I heard about the "Tradis". Wars, prejudice, people suffering, starving, climate disasters... and you're concerned about LATIN??? Oh, boy... God bless you. Really. 🙌>> <<@gerreappleton9585 says : Who cares what Francis thinks. He is just an obese heretic!>> <<@lynshively5980 says : This is the last pope for the catholic institution. Francis will set up and begin the 1 world churc which will bring forth the 1 world government. Lucifer is in his end game status. Francis will be the mouth of lucifer over the world's way to worship. Stand with truth not man>> <<@boyetsarino6158 says : I attend Traditional Latin Mass. If we dont respect the past, we are not worthy of a future.>> <<@patrickstoops1584 says : Traditional Latin Mass-attending Catholic from America here. Thank you so much for reporting on this.>> <<@hairystyles2 says : The pope is a Jesuit, not a Catholic.>> <<@richardrosebealprestonjohn3144 says : Why can't communities choose what they want!! Rumours?!!!!!>> <<@chrisjamesjoseph4250 says : he know what masses need and he delivers>> <<@deek4412 says : I live in a suburb of a large city and our church is full every week with people of all ages. W e even have a children's mass. Mr. Loiacono's statement of church attendance is incorrect. Most of our churches are full...attendance is increasing along with baptisms...we average 3-4 weekly. Stop painting a bleak picture of the Church to serve your own opinions.>> <<@tolleetlege4113 says : Pope Francis in all due respect has undone everything his predecessors have done, he agrees with people previous popes called heretics, does that make him a heretic or ipso facto excommunicated according to modern ecclesiastical logic? Is the pope a dictator according to the catechism?>> <<@heaven1-G says : The Roman Catholic Church is the church founded by Jesus Christ. The Antichrist of the end times has already arrived: 'Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god — do you not recall that while I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But the one who restrains is to do so only for the present, until he is removed from the scene. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord [Jesus] will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming, the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie, and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved.' (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10, Catholic Bible) Jesus Christ will come soon! It is important to pray!>> <<@user-dg7qv8yu7b says : I see that Bishop Vigano's case is similar to Martin Luther's case, he was excommunicated/ heretic just for going against CHURCH rules ?? Protestant Church was recognized by Rome Catholic Church as brother in faith, namely the CHURCH OF CHRIST, not heretic anymore (KV2 ) ... IF the anathema against M. Luther was heretic , of course Rome Catholic Church would refuse to recognize M. Luther / Protestan as a brother in faith because He deviated from the truth of the Bible, on the other hand, if the anathema because He was not in accordance with the rules of the Rome Catholic Church , but still in accordance with the truth of the Bible, then Rome Catholic Church would still recognize Protestan as brother in the faith (Church of Christ). ... Different Cases for Arius - Jehovah's Witness / Sabelius - Pentecostal Oneness who was anathema because against the Bible (rejecting Trinitarian God) so They was not recognized as brother in the faith / not the Church of Christ ( heretic )>> <<@bughttun9759 says : The conservative traditionalist Cardinal Bergoglio in the disguise of a supreme pontiff has broke with the past by committing schism against his predecessors. Not trying to offend the pope but he should not do this. Unlike the new order mass which can be sometimes overwhelmingly demanding towards its volunteers, the Latin mass allows us Catholics to lay aside our laborious work to pray and lay down our intentions on the altar while the priest consecrates the bread and wine over the corporal. I also think that it is absolutely risky for one's state of grace to receive the Eucharist on the hand and we should be allowed to receive it on our tongues at our own health risk because the body only lasts a short period of time whereas the soul does not die but is rewarded with everlasting life or punished with eternal fire.>> <<@philippejueni3182 says : Bergolio, not Francis>> <<@Randy-um7pg says : I miss Pope Benedict XVI🇩🇪 and Pope John Paul II🇵🇱. Francis is no match for these two.>> <<@Amthaus2600 says : Pope Francis fulfills the Malachy's Prophecy that he figuratively destroy the Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. He is evil and may God preserves us from Francis!>> <<@shijoct says : No please don't ban Latin mass. We want the Latin mass to continue.>> <<@antoniov64 says : This Pope is a catastrophe>> <<@mikeas77386 says : What horrible reporting. You havent heard Pope Francis condem attacks on Catholic outside the west?? You obviously don't listen to the Holy Father and just want to stir up hate and confusion. The media wants to divide the Church, don't be blinded just because it conservative, the media is still the media>> <<@princejavv3314 says : I think we need a African pope. Africans tend to be more conservative and God-fearing>> <<@robertdaley1194 says : The LORD spoke Aramaic 🕎✝️☦️.Are any of you fluent in Latin?.>> <<@robertdaley1194 says : BS I attend Mass(Novus Ordo) ,churches are full,come to Scotland and see .🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤>> <<@mkzamel says : Climate Change is not trendy....it's real.>> <<@karenrich9092 says : The crowded parishes you mentioned are just like MY parish. We have lots of young people and families, and the church, the hall, and even the outside courtyard. A local Novis Ordo (non-Latin mass) is only 25% full with lots of older people. Thank you for showing that the people want the Latin mass.>> <<@arvinnichols27 says : popetangina francis killed the latin mass because it is the order from AIPAC,WEF,UN and all elite satanism who paids him trillions of dollars. PS: THE MENTIONED ORGANIZATIONS HATED LATIN BECAUSE IT IS RELATED TO SOME PORTIONS OF EXORCISM 😂😂😂>> <<@carminelombardi9575 says : What escapes many is why aren't saying to themselves, why doesn't Francis crack down on the Novus Ordo liturgical abuses.>> <<@ramonocasio8413 says : False statements>> <<@64powers says : This might cause a bigger brake in the Catholic Church. We have Marxist for a POPE>> <<@archimandritegregory7730 says : Ignore Bergolio and his henchmen they are not Christian let alone clergy>> <<@fredjasper7378 says : Global warming, alphabet agenda, migrant rights, leftist agenda yes......Latin Mass no>> <<@lmslashriskirivin says : Thinking that a certain type of Mass makes you closer from god or Jesus is kind of superstition. The Bible doesn't say anything about that. Traditionnal tridentin mass is unfortunatly mostly used by very traditionnal catholics who wants to drive away from Vatican and come back in the 50's, it's more a politico-religious ideology than pure catholic faith, faith is not in the way the mass is made. But I agree that sometimes, the Mass that we have nowadays has a low spiritism and sometimes things goes to far>> <<@andreasfetzer7559 says : Bergoglio is the antipope>> <<@emiliodijan2194 says : What is wrong with the vernicular mass? You are not more holy or closer to God because of latin languange>> <<@jiyoungpark6233 says : that's hilarious. Pope Francis hasn't killed anything. god bless Pope Francis.>> <<@lovetruth5518 says : Divide and conquer is Satans works.>> <<@dougbarker3019 says : The Latin mass needs to go. Also, who is that stupid and ignorant woman saying that she doesn't hear the Pope speaking out about the persecution of Christians? That's because SHE is prodigiously uninformed!>> <<@lovetruth5518 says : 1)-REMEMBER DEMONS HATE LATIN‼️ 2) LATIN is the language of Catholicism, this is so DARK‼️>> <<@michaelhouck8985 says : The Archdiocese of Baltimore (Maryland) is closing half of its parishes in the next year or two. Dwindling attendance, aging congregations, and the high cost of clerical sexual abuse all have contributed to the debacle taking place in the senior diocese of the U.S. The implosion makes for an interesting read, so you might consider checking it out.>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : A crackdown from the Pope does not sound good.>>