<<@MureedNassif says : https://youtu.be/Nq1XABJTjAk?si=UkMe69PExdi2VblS>> <<@edmurks236 says : Bill really should have been the PM instead of Albo no comparison really.>> <<@edmurks236 says : It was a terrible betrayal and backstabbing to Albo and labor she knew what she was doing probably planned it right from the beginning, very lucrative for her money wise. .>> <<@thebuxybull5881 says : Australia has sacrificed the most young in past wars. We need them to build our home.>> <<@kimmckenzie6848 says : I think she planed this. Albo's been the woke Muppet who fell for it.>> <<@colleenjackson9259 says : This is the most disgusting situation that should have never happened We as Australians cannot sit in there Parliament and change ways to suit them we would be put into prison or beheaded This Government doesn't give two craps about us Tax payers Look what they have done with Electricity Who's getting all the money Also just look what they have done with the Gas we in our own Country should be paying less not more and all charging all Foreign Countries alot more instead of giving it away So what deals have all these Pollies made for themselves Now look at the NDIS another mess up We the people have had enough Next this Imaggration should stop no More We Australians want our Country Back So we don't have fight for Housing in our own Country we have paid tax's and been here a'lot longer So you in Parliament need to be a were When we next go to the polls in this country ❀😒😒😒😒😒>> <<@samirmurali6808 says : Peacefools only aim as ordained in the Kuran, is never ever accept or live under the laws and rules of NON peacefuls. They start in small numbers, then multiply using all the benefits from the generous welfare system, and they slowly start imposing their peacefool agenda and make this great nation into a peacefool country like Pakistan or Afghanistan, where this peacefool woman comes from>> <<@belbir49 says : We need real good ,no- nonsense leaders to run this country. Dual citizens- kick them out asap as it goes against the constitution. Laws should be passed to permanently suspend any politician who brings religion into politics. Leaders should lead firmly, shutting down any attempt by any politician using his or her religion to dictate what is good for Australians. Australians come first. We elected the leaders , so our leaders must lead and not God. What's happening now is showing labour an exit. Any solid contenders in Australia to follow the footsteps of Trump? There should be no pleasing of any ethnic groups where politics is concern.>> <<@jonahtisamphd.6101 says : Don't bend backward! She puts her religion ahead of the Labour party. She won't be satisfied. Same story with Islamists everywhere.>> <<@burra66 says : I do miss the White Australia Policy😊>> <<@fouziasabeti1379 says : Fatima payman she is very brave woman .>> <<@sunyata4974 says : Islam is against freedom of religion. Its core belief is to persecute all non-believers. It must be banned under Section 116 of the Australian Constitution.>> <<@gluejay says : Payman graduated from the Australian ISLAMIC COLLAGE in Perth. That says it all .>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Give up on this Payman issue SKY, it is over. She is a decent woman who will vote with Labor anyway.>> <<@KD-mg1bp says : What happened to the recent few tens of boats with 100s of Afghans and Pakistanis who landed in Western Australia? Who was behind in bringing the boats? NO news of them or what's going on? Was it a political trojan horse to bring down democracy with an imported vote bank for election and power?? Was it to build religious political power for one community and suppress\hate all others? Who is running the show of immigration and migration and>> <<@jamest6850 says : I reckon we should burn her at the stake like the evil witch she is.>> <<@SamLukie says : Albo could'nt handle a pissup in a brewery.>> <<@HectorLopez-wr7mb says : For those who don't know! Payman is a Hazara ethnic, which faced persecution from sunni muslims, the same same sunni who she is putting her career on the line for. White people are soooooo fallible. Trust me, when you trying to make your wrong right, you would have already a sharia law in place. Grow up and grow a pair and stand up for your moral values and freedom, and don't bow down to the Islamist.>> <<@neilf6782 says : perfect example of biasm in media. when scomo was bouncing around like a loon at hillsong the ABC jumped on it and now with this individual sky is going for it. This host also fails to mention that the radicalisation of religion is directly correlated with generational oppression, poverty, wars etc. How do you think devout Christians who live in a texan trailerparks would go if they were faced with similar living conditions for generations incl war, misery and poverty as we see in for example Palastine atm. I can guarentee they would hijack their belief system in a similar fashion and cause the same pain and misery.>> <<@EricSchneider-u6p says : This business of changing teams mid-stream without a consequence is so wrong! Parliament, pass legislation that ends this practice. Make it impossible to remain in Parliament and make it mandatory to hold a bye-election.>> <<@JD-bn2ch says : Labor through their own stupid actions have made Australia a much more dangerous place with these troublemaking Muslims! πŸ‘Ž>> <<@johnhewitt3330 says : These Pro Palestinians need to take a flight to Tel Aviv and go for a walk and try and find Palestine.>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : Payman should not be in government as a dual citizenship holder. She has proven to which country she belongs and it's not Australia.>> <<@grahamjohnson7383 says : Send her back to the taliban,come on Bill, your a real Aussie,tell the truth, maybe you might be next pm,take the hint.>> <<@lesleyosborne9319 says : Well good on you Bill standing with Ukraine.Your Disgusting Government Buried those Choppers that COULD BE SAVING LIVES. SHAME. All over money>> <<@AVportau says : Shorten should've retired long ago... Albo is deflecting the real issue... instead of addressing why Fatima crossed the floor, all Albo wants to focus on is party politics... WHAT ABOUT RECOGNISING PALESTINE?... Albo is too busy bowing down to his overseers USA and that other nation that has caused all this... have some guts Albo and address the real question... do you realise the main problem state wont allow any sensible end to this by the UN?... yeah, you do, and USA will again veto any justice, peace, and stability for the region, all in the name of some crap man made religion... well what about that Albo?>> <<@user-jx6lf8cy4s says : she wants to make Hijabs normal fashion item_BS>> <<@AquinaHeustonPyanne says : The government so weak..😒>> <<@AquinaHeustonPyanne says : Put a Muslim in parliament n it's at ur peril>> <<@GaryHuntington-m3p says : Yes , Bill not worth a tray. Always going to agree with Labors deplorable decisions>> <<@pramodnitk says : Dont worry, labor party is in good hands, if these radical leave.. fu*k off these radicals.>> <<@MathewLofin says : Islam teaches to hate Jews and Christians. Their Quran teaches that, so this is a great threat to the people of this world.Even Fatima has now risen on the basis of this. How dark is this religion of Islam.😒>> <<@DickKolai-s4h says : Review Muslims citizenship in Australia amd Migration application from Muslim countries.>> <<@Thegoldmine1 says : She is a duel citizen . She never should have been put up as a candidate, Now labor will just be known as the party of the duel citizen Muslims and not the party for the rest of us>> <<@lydia3098 says : The worst thing possible can happen, and these lieing useless politicians will still put a positive spin on it.>> <<@hadrian3487 says : Never mind Fatima, even worse is Mehreen Faruqi, she was a disgrace when Spiersey interviewed her on Insiders. In fact so un Australian.>> <<@user-dn4fu8uy2q says : People of faith should not be in parliament>> <<@Gordo999ify says : The anti semites are very much a core part of the Labor party and the Greens>> <<@franksawan9454 says : Week as piss Albanese two women causing all these problems imagine if there was more like them in Parliament look at all day protests they are causing havoc and it's only the start do something about it.>> <<@arnaldo35 says : The NDIS must be shut down.>> <<@PamWilliams-v1t says : I doubt albo can handle his willy to pee He is useless no more Muslims>> <<@bundariau874 says : The muslim community.... No, the Australian community, get Australian already!>> <<@jesusnazareth9582 says : If you want save Australia get rid of islam, orelse they destroy Australia like UK and France.>> <<@georgehoyn916 says : Keep bowing to Islamists dual citizens and the communists An Australians senator and dual citizen Labour Greens and all Australians can't have this in our government Either your Australian or you're not sitting on the fence waiting to sabotage the country is wrong This is something that's coming from the ABC or likely to>> <<@richardharris885 says : once Australia and NZ were far from the radicalizim and terrorism of the USA UK Europe and Asia we felt we were down under and far from it but it found its way to NZ and Australian shores NZ has had 2 terrorist attacks Australia has had several once unheard of that NZ and Australia would have terrorist attacks Australia hasn't had a terrorist attack on the level of chch nz as yet thanks to ASIO and Police terrorism squads vigilance and rounding up muslim youth who want to attack Australians>> <<@NGP14 says : This woman should not be on parliament in this country!>> <<@omnipresent1215 says : That she even got in... wtf. What-the-actual...>> <<@shonhashmi6173 says : Double standard, Hypocrisy & anti islam ill-informed people, go & Read.350 people in Australia have Rsigned from their party & criss the flool or Gone independent , including Liberals, Labour etc. But all Racist & Islamophobic people joined & demanding Payman to be Deported must Understand. It will back fire. It will Push all the Aboriginals & all the Minorities to Join, unite & form an alliance & then Demand all the Convicted Criminals coming here for Over 200 years Must be Deported back to Europe>> <<@bb5147 says : You’re full of shorten, bill!!>> <<@KenDyer-wl4lf says : There was actually a lot that Albanese could have done. Firstly, recognise Palestine as a State as 145 other countries in the UN have. Until Australia does this, a two state solution is unachievable.>>