<<@chrism.1054 says : Everyone in the country with a working brain KNEW. End of quote Repeat the line>> <<@omahaw1728 says : Lukenback is a bar and that's it. Not much of a town.>> <<@mzmartin8115 says : JB is a lawless president Donald Trump is law and order president.>> <<@mzmartin8115 says : Chip Roy is awesome! Please Chip they all knew>> <<@mzmartin8115 says : Kamala knew it...they all knew it. They've been lying.>> <<@TNGuy1970 says : This falls on Biden Administration. The people in the house and senate make the administration aware and their job is done. Also the vice president can either deny or agree if a problem is there>> <<@psylence101 says : Conservative here, will vote blue, Trump is a disgrace to oyr country, I'd rather have an honest vegetable than the freakshow of MAGA!>> <<@kristikills6116 says : Everyone! Literally EVERYONE KNEW!!!>> <<@RoxanneCarcerano-LeFevre says : Everyone involved in this cover up should forfeit their salaries for the last three and a half years and pay us back for the support money we paid for illegal aliens to come here and house them. None of us asked for it! Starting with the Bribems!! FJB!>> <<@RoxanneCarcerano-LeFevre says : Everyone involved in this cover up should forfeit their salaries for the last three and a half years and pay us back for the support money we paid for illegal aliens to come here and house them. None of us asked for it! Starting with the Bribems!! FJB!>> <<@shazamshazamshazam696 says : Oh for pity's sake, criminal Trump has displayed brain damage for several years now if they investigate they must investigate both candidates.>> <<@Ellie-x1g2y says : Yes, a committee.. Of course, blah blah blah.. So sad.>> <<@Ellie-x1g2y says : Spoken like a true politician,, "let's gather a commission "..blahblahblah... They all lie, including this guy..>> <<@toddhawley5840 says : Shhhh,joes pooping himself,give him some privacy>> <<@paulwillard9687 says : The supreme court should here evidence on the president’s position and the VPs actions in this coverup and if that should become a problem for her running>> <<@DennisMcFall says : The WH and all staff members are complicit in this charade. Include many legislators.>> <<@Roger-xp2nf says : The only thing Biden is in command of is when to get ice cream>> <<@GaryTollett says : Charge them all with elder abuse>> <<@Castle743 says : American people deserve to Know The TRUTH!!>> <<@tenaguin1054 says : Espically since he has been meeting with foreign officials. God only knows what he has said to them. Does he even realize what he has done to the southern border? Man, Mayorkas really needs to be held responsible for not addressing Biden’s mental capacity.>> <<@ginafredericks7691 says : I am wondering. Was it willful blindness or "cover up" when the administration's justice dept gave an approximate incapacity argument with the Hur report? From that time they should have required a MRI or some kind of review of competency. Forgetful Old Man defense? The review clock could start from that finding at a minimum. His comments as to the President's memory outline as "accurate and fair', is a subjective analysis and combined with parameters of plagued with forgetfulness and age.>> <<@dh5380 says : Fox News lies to America!>> <<@roxmattern60 says : This whole administration knew from the start>> <<@IRVIBENYEHUDA says : WE ALL SAW IT. THE MEDIA LIED ABOUT IT. I COMMENTED ON HIS PHYSOPHRENIC STYLE OF WALKING 3 YEARS AGO ON ALL MAJOR OUTLETS AND THEY STOPPED SHOWING HIM WALKING FROM THE KNEES UP.>> <<@AnnaLisaSmith-yf6qi says : This whole Government needs cleaned out!>> <<@tonymichelini60 says : Drain the swamp 😂😂>> <<@maryannschacht8709 says : scary 😱! Those staffers in WH are liars !>> <<@thedogtutor4998 says : The border is secure and Harris is black 😅>> <<@thedogtutor4998 says : Years later and yall do nothing about it>> <<@garyspencer1954 says : Biden don't need no cognitive... you know the thing. Hey reporters don't want no stinking Pulitzer Prize. Reporting on this would be elder abuse. Worse yet, Jill and Obama's staff would not be able to make policy. This is spilling over onto Obama and could taint his legacy. This is proves that the DNC and media cannot be trusted.>> <<@ARTIC7051 says : LOOK AT ALL THESE DIDNT EARN IT DEME.CRAPZ APOINTEES..THE MOST INEPT UNQUALIFIED PEOPLE WHO CANT ANSWER ANYTHING>> <<@donnahaynes2325 says : We already knew they were lying about everything. I am glad that FINALLY something is being done.>> <<@thoenyhills217 says : About 180,000,000 Americans alone. Not counting the other 8 billion people on planet earth 🌍>> <<@billridarelli5691 says : They all did .>> <<@Ctyworker says : They should’ve just asked the Easter bunny!!!!😂>> <<@mae8861 says : Not to worry, he has the nuclear codes but doesn't remember them.>> <<@JimiSparx-yw3gb says : I guess we're ALL going to that hearing because the truth has been staring us in the face for many years now.>> <<@kenmahatcek7059 says : Vote the democratic party out of Washington. They all have knowledge of the situation and have known.>> <<@TheCommunicationCoach says : Oh, STHU, Pub!! Like you could do any better, though he should step down and stop being just one more stubborn old man!!>> <<@TheMysticBohemian says : YES!!! Every person involved should be charged with Conspiracy and Treason. For 4 years they have lied to the American people about who was running our country. The person who was not elected but has been acting as the president needs to be charged with treason. They have turned our country into a tyrannical banana republic with Biden as the puppet they hide behind.>> <<@commonsensepatriot9450 says : More hearings for nothing to get done! How about forcing the 25th Ammendment!>> <<@tilliemaekirk9444 says : Harris, in this clip - making sure she gets facetime on camera as she "hugs" the Pres. What a bunch of phony baloney corrupt jerks.>> <<@BringFacts says : Everyone knew. Even the commies lying to us.>> <<@zacshepard2042 says : Everyone who denied his decline was lying! Every journalist and every Democrat is guilty>> <<@fmiddleton9418 says : Funny, they want to have hearings to find out who knew and when but as usual there will be no consequences. Go figure.>> <<@sandraconnelly7507 says : Start with the WH Dr.>> <<@edwardmiller9611 says : Grandpa Joe 's mental condition will only grow worse.>> <<@samurai42069 says : Why does it say Fox News democracy? We're a constitutional republic, a democracy is mob rule. Democracy doesn't appear in the founding documents. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.">> <<@Justme42yay says : I just gotta wonder if Biden had an R after his name instead of a D what would be going on right now... Democrats are about to prove that not only their dead vote a lot but now they will vote for a walking corpse>> <<@richardjohnston3407 says : We all knew before the debate>>