<<@chitaegandalalake263 says : 中国 - 习近平在西菲律宾海的愚蠢行为将在 15 分钟内导致中国灭亡。 . 菲律宾总统小邦邦·马科斯只需一挥手, ,,,就会让/允许美军靠近中国,以抵消中国高超音速导弹的优势,从而导致美国与兰德公司 18 次“美中战争游戏”,最终以美国失败告终。而每场美国战争游戏的成本约为 5 亿美元。 ,,,美军将被允许在马武利斯岛部署 1,000 枚核民兵洲际弹道导弹,瞄准北京和全中国,马武利斯岛高 219 米(719 英尺),是距离台湾最近的菲律宾领土,距离台湾最南端仅 142 公里(88 英里)。 ,,,允许 16 艘美国核潜艇在西菲律宾海和菲律宾海隆起处徘徊。 ,,, 美国将军迈克·米尼汉的备忘录中说,美军将于2025年进攻中国,“现在”他们最早可以在2024年第三季度就发动攻击。 ,,, 14亿中国人将在15分钟内死亡。 ,,, 菲律宾人只能一边吃爆米花一边喝咖啡观看。>> <<@japz-g6m says : Fake news>> <<@zaldygane981 says : Illegal maritime reclamation by China is also a violation of DOC. Why do you think should PH is also occupying the Ayungin Shoal? It is china that has been infringing our sovereign rights. What China have to repair is their aggressive, provocative, deceptive and greedy behavior.>> <<@albertjamesdano1787 says : 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@Jhunsamson-sq3ld says : That's is Philippines water!!>> <<@Jhunsamson-sq3ld says : Fake news China>> <<@glenfiddich6800 says : China does not recognized diplomacy from ASEAN country that has lower GDP than them. China even rejected the law of the sea from UNCLOS. China want ASEAN country to FOLLOW their own policy like "one china policy", and recognized their "9 dash line". Thanks to foreign investor and made in china products, China can do anything they want. ASEAN country can be invaded by China easily, that is why ASEAN are neutral about nine dashline except for Philippines that have mutual defense with United States and also supported by the top 10 GDP countries. So you know why China keeps on bullying and blaming the Philippines all the time in order for PH to surrender their EEZ based on UNCLOS and obey their 9 dash line. In Chinese tradition, if you are not equal with them in terms of wealth, you are a trash and you should kneel and apologize if you offend them.>> <<@glenfiddich6800 says : Why not send a case to UNCLOS if the rusted ship has the right to stay there vs artificial island from China? Obviously, China will still reject the decision of UNCLOS and still want ASEAN countries to give up their EEZ and recognized their 9 dash line.>> <<@Francisjerbolac says : Your news all are fake news. .China fake news you own the EEZ of the PHILIPPINES COMMON SENSE CHINA COMMON SENSE. .>> <<@Francisjerbolac says : You drawn like a kid your 9 dash line for country CHINA>> <<@jbtejada says : This channel may be control by chinese goverment.>> <<@JCAD092 says : I hope youtube shows the thumbs down count 😅 im sure its by the thousands, since the owner of this page the only once who believe this lies 😂😂😂>> <<@YummyAdventures63 says : Do you know what you are reading and saying? Its very clear on the 2016 arbitral ruling that China has no basis of it's claim to the West Philippines Sea!>> <<@echoeorti6314 says : China government is so much greedy.>> <<@jaysondilao2518 says : Misinformation😂😂😂fuckoffff!!>> <<@franklinredona5636 says : Even if you disinform many time or mislead the people it's clearly and openely seen who is expansionest, building military base in a artificial island, destroying hectares of coral reefs in many Shoal of WEST PHILIPPINE SEA which is near our coast and far far away from your coast of china. God will take revenge for your bully and manipulative behavior. Your just good in talk saying your base is international law where in fact you don't recognice EZZ of unclos hypocrite😂😂😂>> <<@larzb9874 says : Their 9-dash line is fictional and no coordinates to show for it. Acting like shameless bullies and big liars. Shame on you, you are uniting Asia against you because of your greed. The world is watching you.>> <<@Food.travel.cheflife says : China coast guard modern pirates>> <<@kamelyoj3711 says : What crynese doing..in WPS..?>> <<@leo.alaisa says : 🇵🇭 has all the rights to do whatever they want inside its EEZ. On the other hand, china must LEAVE WPS and STOP its ILLEGAL claims on its neighbors territory.>> <<@gregrodriguez4334 says : Fake>> <<@y-dr3yb says : Misleading and lies of greedy chinese propaganda. All of your argument is the opposite of the truth. China built a military post/ artificial island using the coral reefs. That is the main reason why the coral reefs and other maritime life was destroyed in the west Philippine sea.That is a fact provided with evidence showed by the Philippine government and legit news channel. And dialogue with China is not possible because what you say is the opposite of your action. Also, ayungin shoal is within the EEZ of the Philippines, it has every right to protect its soveriegnity, don't act as if it is yours. Furthermore, China including other Southeast asian countries are signatory of UNCLOS but china doesn't follow the international law and continues to violate other countries EEZ. Get your facts straight. 9 or 10 dash line is very ridiculous. One day you will get your karma and pay for your greediness.>> <<@user-fu2uu3lt3k says : YouTube should ban this misleading information>> <<@tripingslsvlog says : CHINESE GOVERNMENT IS SO VERRY ARROGANT AND VERRY POOR KNOWLEDGE>> <<@joanantonio9184 says : It's our territories. China owning Philippines Territories is illegal>> <<@dann9970 says : China didn't even understand, just respect international law and accept that your greedy claims has no legal nor historical basis.>> <<@dann9970 says : China word didn't even match their actions. How to trust their deceptive tactics.>> <<@y-dr3yb says : This chinese thinks that they can make fool of thw people. Salut talaga sa mundo ang mga ganitong chinese. Babalik din ang karma sa inyo.>> <<@tomjoadtonsacab6624 says : Only Pirates can believe your false propaganda bro. Just keep lying until jack sparrow symphatize you.>> <<@alicesun5055 says : Sorry about my co filipinos their knowledge came from Media News only,not all filipinos like that.dont compare us to them.>> <<@tomjoadtonsacab6624 says : This Chinese Goverment is so Greed. You already built artificial islands in Philippine EEZ which overlap unto your own EEZ miles away. Dont dictate whatever the Philippines wants to their own backyard, This Chinese Gov already Grab and Squatting of Philippines backyard. Respect the Law internationally and not your Law of Arms.>> <<@ChelsiePahuyo says : The modern PIRATE in the west Philippine Sea is CCG.>> <<@arlenewambangco6516 says : CHINA CAN'T STOP PHILIPPINES REPAIRING MILITARY OUTPOST BRP SIERRA MADRE.THATS A PHILIPPINE TERRITORY! THE PHILIPPINES HAS ALL THE RIGHT WHATEVER THEY WANT.CHINA HAS NO BUSINESS IN THAT WATERS! MAKE UR EYES WIDE SO THAT U SEE HOW FAR UR COUNTRY IN THE SPRATLY! U DONT OWN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA! PERIOD!😠😡😤>> <<@jrrenosa4843 says : Pirate of the sea ,west phillipines is only for tha phillipines,>> <<@ghostx3m says : why are you crying??? that's EEZ of the Philippines we can do whatever we want>> <<@jacksonacelador2465 says : What ever the Philippines doing in that area, Foreign Countries especially China,have no rigths there have mind their own businesses, thats area has Belong to the Philippines, EEZ, STOP FAKE NEWS,>> <<@senioritovictorioofficial4317 says : China doest have business in Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of the Philippines. China occupied many Islands out of thier EEZ and militarized while Philippines is only claiming sovereign waters in accordance with International Law (UNCLOS) and Arbritral Rulling of 2016. China makes trouble using skirmish and bullying tactics.>> <<@paopogi9732 says : Long live the country of Taiwan>> <<@paopogi9732 says : Lol china is squeezing the truth out of its own lies. Hey china, if you think your bots are enough to dominate your online propaganda, think again.>> <<@johncarlotumamac9835 says : STUPID REPORTER>> <<@erniedva4036 says : Double standard!, Article 5 if needs to follow should be followed by all concerned nations, the problem is china continously violates it by building military base on artificial island they made on their neighbour's EEZ, thus what is their moral rights and authority to prevent the rightful owner to do whatever they want do in their own backyard?.>> <<@joemadi1221 says : Chinese Pirates in west Philippines sea..>> <<@kabayantrebtv4269 says : If you want a peaceful resolution !? Respect ,common sense and sincere NOT GREEDY do not INSIST the entire sea ,only china CLAIMING ENTIRE SEA ??????,not taking advantage to the small country?the WORLD KNOWS what you're DOING!! RESPECT RESPECT! And not INSIST ?no one wants a war just follow the RULE of LAW ! Thank you!>> <<@glennarcilla5529 says : ito ay isang propaganda tsanel at kasinungalingan ang pinagsasabi...>> <<@motolab27 says : Chinese people didn't use commonsense>> <<@motolab27 says : The question is, is there anybody believes you?😂>> <<@DindoBrisueno-y9y says : This is FAKE NEWS😂😂>> <<@mryoutuber794 says : Fallow international base law....and dont used military power...if intwrnational law said its not yours respect the law>> <<@toptohyekoms says : Agree to those last words. - Man from Manila>> <<@rickypao2657 says : China has no bussiness in phillippine exclusive zone, ayungin shoal is our jurisdiction,,, cheap propaganda is not working in international community>>