<<@sharonericson4125 says : I learned from a wise person when we listen to anyone to know their bias then decide is what they're saying is true. We All have bias.>> <<@sharonericson4125 says : Fake news personified!>> <<@sharonericson4125 says : Being used to deflect from who the actual behavior is coming from? People believe no one but your own eyes and ears!>> <<@sharonericson4125 says : THIS POST'S TITLE IS RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!! ARE YOU WATCHING DONALD TRUMP AT ALL ?>> <<@Gonken88 says : "How's Donald Trump gonna break the law?" "By doing illegal stuff."......>> <<@stevenlarrabee3438 says : โ€œWhen a clown moves into the Palace, he does not become a King. The Palace becomes a circus.โ€>> <<@philipseger8675 says : Where did they find the maniac? Trump can break the law? Danger to the world? Sounds typical Democrat nonsense. But a mentally ill POTUS is okay?>> <<@sergeyking343 says : Aaron Patrick is a joke, hes talking so much shit he can smell it but refuses to acknowledge it, or he truly believes what hes saying but either way he sounds as delusional as joe biden or is as delusional.>> <<@gemmeerobinson1803 says : Biden has a god complex so true. A lover of himself with destruction god's crossing the border kids to bow to. As long as no Cartel's captures Biden then his family is happy where the family's kids are sold cries in great sorrow. Biden kisses on kids along with the Pope and Predators just makes me sick.>> <<@paulhunt9961 says : Do Americans have any idea how all this appears to those on the outside? Ricky Gervais could not have written a better comedy.>> <<@teejohnston2635 says : this video makes perfectly clear why Milei calls them "leftards" - it leaves me speechless... horrifying>> <<@kensweetser6901 says : Joe is not welcome in his own church>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : The right in politics often win elections by making negative attacks, But if Trump does that to Biden it might be like Tony Abbott bullying Julia Gillard -'a career-limiting strategy'.>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Good gods need to be powerful, or bad devils might prosper.>> <<@gympirate1 says : Aaron Patrick sounds like an idiot - what has he been offered to pass these comments on as facts?>> <<@Paul-lm5gv says : *Politically Biden is mortally wounded after his pitiful performance in the debate - and his weak follow-up interview with George S. on ABC!*>> <<@glennakendall6155 says : Itโ€™s been this way for 10 years. The media just cut it or ignored it. So nutty.>> <<@kathleenneville1515 says : Let me get this right he's afraid Donald Trump is going to do everything the Biden administration has been doing to Trump and the Republicans for the last three and a half years did I get that right this guy is a clown>> <<@charlesferdinand422 says : Facts about Joke Briben: -He took showers with daughter Ashley until she was 16: She said she was "so afraid of him coming into the shower with me I've waited late into the night to take a shower" and that this was "probably not appropriate" and he "molested" her, crediting all this for her sex and drug addictions. She wrote in her diary, left in a halfway house after rehab and acquired by reporters who called her asking her to confirm it was hers, she admitted it was but threatened them with involving the Secret Service if they published it, when they covered the story anyway their homes were raided by the FBI which falsely claimed the diary had been stolen (diary theft is now a federal crime) -He once defecated himself while meeting the Pope -Since the 2019 Democratic primaries his wife has forced-fed him dementia medications and amphetamines before every public appearance to render him coherent; an aide said that before taking the drugs he was "like a small child... Unable to speak" -Met Senator Scott Brown and his wife in 2010: He grabbed her ass and kissed her neck in front of everybody until Brown shoved him away warning him "I'll kick the shit out of you" -The day after becoming Vice President his deadbeat brother Jim showed up to work wearing cuff-links with the Presidential seal, arrogantly insulting coworkers and bragging about being the Vice President's brother -Falsely claimed first wife and daughter who died in a car accident were killed by a drunk driver: His wife caused the accident when she inexplicably swerved to the opposite lane and hit an oncoming truck head on; the truck driver was sober and found not responsible for the accident -His deadbeat crackhead son Hunter nicknames him "Pedo Pete" -Falsely claimed to have worked as a coal miner and as an 18-wheeler truck driver -Falsely claimed he got 3 college degrees while on a full scholarship and was admitted to West Point (he did enroll in ROTC but got an F) -Attempted to rape his Vice President intern Vail Kohnert-Yount (worked for him as Vice President): He touched her vagina and kissed her while calling her beautiful -Now wife "Dr." Jill was originally his daughter's babysitter and they had an affair while both were still married: They were in bed when he was told his first wife and daughter had died -Claimed he traveled 17,000 miles with Xi Jinping (the Earth's diameter is around 7900 miles): His staff was reportedly puzzled about how he came up with this number or why -Dodged the Vietnam draft by bribing a doctor to "diagnose" him with asthma: He hadn't been diagnosed until then, now he claims he was an avid sportsman all his youth -Claimed he traveled to Iraq to personally pin a medal on a war hero and was warned it would be dangerous but he bravely brushed it off saying "we can lose a Vice President, we can't lose any more of these kids" and when entering Iraq he was shot at 3 times: he had never gone to Iraq, had to retract his story and apologize -When he did go to Iraq he again said "he was shot at": In reality a single mortar exploded miles away from his hotel; his advisers begged him to stop telling the story but he refused until caught -Falsely claimed he went to Afghanistan where al-Qaeda and the Taliban teamed up to shoot down his helicopter forcing it to land with "3-star general and 3 United States senators" onboard: His helicopter wasn't attacked, it landed due to a coming snowstorm 10 hours away; no Generals or Senators were there -Plagiarized speeches by Robert Kennedy, Jack Layton and Neil Kinnock (after he was caught stealing Kinnock's speech he withdrew from the 1988 presidential primaries in disgrace; this was notable because the speech narrated Kinnock's childhood and family life, meaning he stole another man's entire life story word-by-word; he even claimed specifically during 'his' speech that he created the speech right there) -Plagiarized his thesis and flunked a college class because of persistent plagiarizing in assignments and papers -Falsely claimed he finished at top tier of his class in law school: He finished 79th out of 85 (he earned only Cs and Ds during the first 3 semesters) -The PhD thesis of wife Jill has 3 grammatical and 3 basic arithmetic errors in the first page alone and was written with triple paragraph spacing so as to write as little as possible using as much space as possible: Briben forced her community college (which bears his name) to give her the degree -Has never held a paid job outside politics and has always lived off the taxpayers' money; yet he became a millionaire and owns several million-dollar mansions (1 was a gift from Delaware credit card companies that bribed him to push their interests) -Claimed he visited South Africa to meet Nelson Mandela while imprisoned by the Apartheid government and was arrested when he insisted in meeting him and publicly supported him despite police threats; his staff begged him not to repeat the tale but he ignored them later adding Mandela personally thanked him for "trying to visit him in prison at the cost of his own freedom" -Stole a "climate change plan" from several NGOs and presented it as his own -Claimed that when he was 21 he convinced Senator Strom Thurmond to support the 1964 Civil Rights Act before he died: Thurmond never supported the act and they only met 8 years after it was passed -Claimed he was an American civil rights movement leader that participated in sit-ins, marched with Black activists and was arrested for it: None is true and he openly sympathized and negotiated in the Senate with racist lawmakers; openly supported segregation and Jim Crow and publicly worried that with desegregation his grandkids would grow in "a racial jungle" -Sexually harassed his Congressional aide Tara Reade, pinning her against a wall, kissed her, touched her vagina and threatened afterwards telling her "you are nothing to me"; Reade went public and sought assistance from Time's Up (NGO formed after the #MeToo movement to provide free legal aid to rape victims) which refused to help her arguing that Briben was a presidential candidate at the time and they'd be interfering with the elections but this didn't stopped them when Trump ran for President in 2016. She also had already gone public before: Her mom talked about it on an episode of the Larry King show but less than 24 hrs after this became known the episode (only this one) inexplicably disappeared from the Google online video store and Facebook banned users who shared links to a website that documents Briben's sexual abuse history (JoeBiden dot info); Reade's then-neighbor, mom and ex husband all confirmed her claims which were mentioned in Reade's divorce proceedings so they're in publicly available court records; she also filed a complaint in Congress now included in Briben's Congressional papers held in a Delaware university; she asked him to release the files and he refused; outlets including The New York Times, MSNBC, CNN and Washington Post refused to cover the story even though they were so concerned for sexual abuse victims and were quick to condemn Justice Kavanaugh solely on the word of a greedy fame-seeking Christine Blasey Ford who couldn't present any evidence besides her testimony (even the witnesses she asked to testify on her behalf refused to), after which a retired FBI agent and Ford's friend threatened another of Ford's friends so she would publicly back Ford's claims (she refused); Ford received the undeserved attention she sought, "awards" from Leftie Liberal NGOs, signed a lucrative book deal and earns millions of dollars giving lectures while Kavanaugh was slandered and Reade never got the same privileges -All of his siblings (Frank, Valerie and Jim) and wife Jill are deadbeats who've never held a paid job and have always worked in Briben's campaigns; in fact, it was them who've forced Briben to run the 4 times he has -Falsely claimed polluted rainwater gave him cancer: He had 1 small solar-induced melanoma removed as a kid -Forced son Hunter to give him 50% of his salaries from each of his sinecure no-show "job" and every bribe he received for being his son -Bizarrely claimed Trump caused thousands of children in Mexico to starve to death -Falsely said his dad was a "gentleman, decent man" who didn't go to college and "worked at coal until the whole industry died". Actually, he went to Johns Hopkins for a year but dropped out when his nepotistic dad got him a highly paid job as salesman for a coal company, before losing everything due to his alcoholism; he also cheated on Briben's mom at least once (he and his married cousin went on week-long yacht trip with 2 single women) -Falsely claimed son Beau died of cancer caused by smoke from fire pits when serving in Iraq: His cancer was actually genetic -Falsely claimed his house almost burned down, that a firefighter almost died and he braved the flames to rescue his wife and dog: It was a small kitchen fire put out by 2 firefighters in 15 minutes; nobody was hurt -Falsely claimed he was in Ground Zero a day after 9/11; he was in Washington, D.C. -Falsely claimed his combat pilot uncle was shot down by the Japanese in World War 2 during a dogfight and eaten by New Guinea cannibals: He actually died when he had engine trouble during a routine flight and ditched at sea far from land, his body remains in the wreck; the New Guinea prime minister publicly called him out -Used his 2 surviving sons as political props, taking his oath of office next to their hospital beds just days after surviving the accident that killed their mom and sister Share and spread!>> <<@charlesferdinand422 says : Please don't let me vote Democrat if I die before the elections... When I found out my grandparents voted for Joke Briben and Kackala "Heels-Up" Harris I was furious at them, I went to visit them and even started yelling at them until the security guard asked me to leave the cemetery.>> <<@maxherman7790 says : Where did you find this idiot ?>> <<@mulastafa says : If he doesn't drop out trump will win for sure. Hang in there Biden๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@cherylshean2818 says : I've come to a serious conclusion Joe Biden is delusional>> <<@burgandi.c says : โ€œSo anywayโ€ฆmumble mumble..โ€>> <<@TheMaverickIII says : Obviously Kamala thinks that is something special but no one but her knows what the hell she is talking about!>> <<@TheMaverickIII says : They probably have done the test and he failed! So they know he can't take a public one!>> <<@josephgallagher945 says : Yes, they are delusional and evil. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Narcissism 101.>> <<@documentreprocessors1104 says : Brains & beauty !! I love Kosha Gada โค>> <<@Tchalwe1 says : Aaron Patrick is spewing the same paranoid lies that Briben and his administration and blind followers spew, pure crap. Americans aren't falling for it, America was better off with Trump and we all know it. The only way Briben would win is by cheating.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ>> <<@bobbyholland5875 says : Now he wants to talk about the American people only just to get votes you should have been trying to help the American people ever since you first got in the office which was 4 years ago the man is a fruit cake in a nut cake>> <<@sherryintheozarks says : Who the heck is this Aaron Patrick ? HE IS SO FULL OF HOGWASH (BS) !!!! He does not know what the heck he is talking about !!!>> <<@weskerfan007 says : Aaron Patrick could have saved us all time by telling us he has zero understanding whatsoever of the Supreme Court ruling and what it means. It absolutely does not give Trump permission to break the law and do whatever he wants to. If he would take the partisan blinders off for one second and read the actual ruling instead of parroting the party line he would see that what he said is just absolute hogwash. Also a personโ€™s bias shows through so very clearly when they see whatโ€™s happening in America under Biden and their response is โ€œI donโ€™t think itโ€™s that badโ€. We get it. You donโ€™t like Trump. You donโ€™t have to like Trump. But stop embarrassing yourself by denying reality and defending a man who is doing an awful job and is so obviously in mental decline.>> <<@spearman-fm9ym says : biden wouldn't know the truth, even if it was the air he breathed. The old adage of "Some are so far behind in the race, they think they are leading" applies here...>> <<@shineycarlin5606 says : ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Okay!! He was President once before.. We're all fine.. So he's worried Trump will stop the persecution of what Bidumbs judicial system has started.. Let's also not forget the only reason Biden isn't facing charges is cause he isn't mentally competent.. Make that make sense!!>> <<@everestnwosu says : What cardi B, unburdened from what cardi B ๐Ÿ˜…>> <<@cedricvanderwert1936 says : This Patrick geezer is with the AFR?>> <<@imbetterthanyouis says : remind me who did they say they were going to have to drag kicking and screaming from the white house if he refused to relinquish power , i forget>> <<@JewessChrstnMystic says : Does that guy know trump has already been our president and did not destroy anything but made it better? Lmao these people love using trigger language but it holds no substance. They can't even say what trump is going to do that's supposed to destroy America ๐Ÿ˜‚ just keep touting that he WILL with no evidence at all to back it up. None of the allegations they have made against trump have come true ๐Ÿ˜‚ none of the things they said he would do happened...on the contrary the left are the only ones destroying this country and the world.>> <<@Bboykidcombo says : What kenbi ๐ŸŽ‰>> <<@pinkgirlsuzi says : TDS is alive and well in Australia!>> <<@maryannswanson3832 says : How can this Aaron person say these things. Biden has SOLD HALF OF AMERICA 'S OIL RESERVERS TO CHINA, GOTTEN US INTO WAR, AND SPENT ALL OUR MONEY. DO YOUR RESEARCH!>> <<@miked5834 says : They canโ€™t never tell what Trump is gonna do. illegal stuff??๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@_stardust62 says : Hillary did the fake black accent thing many times she was terrible at it but still the blacks voted for her ...duh, ๐Ÿ™„>> <<@_stardust62 says : Biden's handlers sprayed too much makeup on him now he looks like an orange ๐ŸŠ>> <<@Puma5 says : Behold whoโ€™s clinging on to power now.>> <<@Glenna10 says : That man is a FOOL!>> <<@declan92100 says : Biden claims he takes a cognitive test everyday and doesn't realise he's failing them publicly. And flat out refuses to be seen by a doctor but sure it's Trump who is ruining democracy. Not the party who lied to the public for the last 4 years and have finally been exposed so they're trying to pivot to a candidate that no one voted for in the primaries?>> <<@erickriebel4366 says : Most people believe that President Biden was taking orders from former president Obama including he would step down add Michelle Obama would get the nomination and all this other stuff is just pure theater and installing for time to get to the actual convention and that is what you're observing>> <<@matthewcb1970 says : 'Dr' Jill standing there, getting her place of power of course.>> <<@michaellim8601 says : Lunatic dumbo kamala.>>