<<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : Can't the Labor party in Australia see that Albo and his government are sinking like the Titanic,,,, Albo is on the nose big time and like Joe Biden his party is propping him up for another term,,,,NO WAY !!😢>> <<@bigandy7462 says : ALBO BIGEST AUSTRALIAN TRAITOR EVER ,PEOPLE WHO VOTED 4 HIM ,SHOULD BE TOTALLY ASHAMED ,>> <<@lanceMollenhauer-mf1xz says : So many Australians falling on their mortgages 😢. Please wake up Australians.>> <<@peterward9446 says : Apparently Fudd & Co. just didn't think that Payman could possibly ever be interested in "Identity-Politics"...>> <<@stevennewton7748 says : Albo is a total dud, I want answers over what we went through in covid and I’ll vote for whoever will put Gladys and the rest of her goons before the courts>> <<@Taff71 says : Start looking after problems in Australia that effect Australians.>> <<@ArchieLea-ft7dr says : To the Australian fairdinkum people and Wa and Sa And in Jesus Christ Name for cost of living and electricity bills Kick each way albo Labor party and Black out Bowen and greens and teal green out Says IAM that Iam Amen and amen And live sheep exports and Immigrantion debacle in Wa and Sa and crime in Nt and Queensland Australia Says IAM that Iam Amen and amen>> <<@kingkappa9916 says : From my perspective:- The protestors with their graffiti on Infrastructure (including damage to war memorials) and the interference to the peaceful day to day activities of other Australian's - is starting to make the country look like it's on Autopilot. Also the increase in D.V due to, in some circumstances financial pressures - is not good.>> <<@YvonneCrean says : More billions to the islands millions to HAMAS.. Wong big noting herself. That money should have been spent on the disastrous Alice Springs situation. Oh no. Not Wong...she doesn't CARE nor does jerk Albo 😡>> <<@colinyates7485 says : The Australian newspoll just another Murdoch propaganda outlet. Labor have achieved so much more than the coalition did.>> <<@williamboney7371 says : He is an extremely weak and puny man,the worst Prime Minister in our history.>> <<@trishlangford5773 says : Albanese is the WEAKEST, most spineless, gutless, PATHETIC excuse for a leader that Australia has EVER had inflicted on it.>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : "Mr Pants on Fire Fake PM of PR & BS" has only one concern, protecting his "Living The Dream" existence in the Lodge, & ToTo, at our expense...when you get the chance, VOTE THEM OUT...>> <<@brentw284 says : A disgrace of a government made every one lives even harder very disappointing. More people in poverty and families in crisis as this government did nothing just broken promises and heart break. Albanese you failed miserably !>> <<@johnmancini4700 says : He allows anti semitism to spread unabated. He is clearly anti Jewish and instead of supporting Israel against the terrorist organisations who continue to fire rockets at Israel, he hasn’t got the guts to tell the Israeli ambassador in person ti advise him of the government’s stance. Now he appointed a new person to address the anti semitic behaviour that has become out of control. He really takes people for idiots but he is the idiot and the biggest fool we have come across.>> <<@oldsparky14 says : I know two people who think albanese is a good PM>> <<@danielwinter7054 says : I know alot of people that aren't going to vote for that wanker>> <<@dawndouglas7904 says : Labor has shown that they are not able to govern everything they get in its a disaster and this one is the worse ever.>> <<@MrGjorgji says : Australia needs true leadership,not puppets>> <<@diggerduckaussie6834 says : He is the most discusting PM in Australia history, he is gone , he has lost already. He is even treating indigenous people horrible, say sorry and take cash and alcohol away , they can't give their children pocket money or for school lunches, or anything with no help . That sounds so wrong. Do you drink alcohol albo, if so dont ever stop others, Dictatorship albo. Who do you think you are trying to make a cashless Australia, get lost>> <<@timandjacquinicklin9596 says : Albanese and Penny Wrong are purposely working against , the working class of Australia .>> <<@seanwalker2070 says : MAGA...MAKE ALBO GO AWAY>> <<@Matthewlewis1985 says : LOWER ENERGY>> <<@dancinguy99 says : We must rid democracy of the fascist labor evils destroying our country>> <<@deethy19 says : “Key election battleground ground”, I don’t think I’ve heard that term used outside of the USA before? Is it really a key battleground ground or just Sky News stooping to the levels of the MSM?🤔>> <<@locomotion4118 says : It’s more of a constant whining weakness where Albo is concerned.>> <<@Jim-i4j says : Great interview girls….>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : One word for all of Labor….INCOMPETENT.>> <<@StevenMilne-sm4fk says : All 33 percent of them.🤦‍♀️🤡💯>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Report the news - don't create it. Common decency is always better than Robodebt cynicism.>> <<@kelleeking5340 says : Please dont vote for a party that gives there votes to labour thats how they get in to power .they tax everything and do whatever.they waht to .>> <<@baldrick6071 says : He’s a useless puppet that’s been out of his depth since campaigning for the top job. Everyone says yeah but he’s a good bloke. So what! Our leader needs to be strong and represent us as one. No party is perfect but Dutton is the adult in the room. Labor are ignorant, arrogant puppets!>> <<@josephcarabetta1494 says : It's all Duttons fault and the Coalition for Albanese and Labor gov doing so badly>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : They had a high point? I must have missed it. One term is too long for these useless mongrels.>> <<@tiesword3252 says : OPINION...SPOT ON, LET THE PEOPLE LEARN THE TRUTH.....>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Caroline De Russo is President of the WA Liberal Party. SKY asks her to comment on Albo without telling anyone she is albos political opponent and could be grossly biased. SKY endlessly misleads in this way. Always google people SKY interviews to see if they are conservative stooges.>> <<@SebastianYap-xj9ju says : Infinite one god the hospital 🏥 🙏 said there are 2 persons....he is doctor is word of Jesus christ is doctor way of rightness is doctor is word of Jesus christ so doctor shall never taste physical death because doctor Is word of God shall never taste physical death. Nurse is life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too doctor is advocate is comforter is superman spirit is John baptist spirit is doctor spirit is word of Jesus christ is way of rightness shall never taste physical death is proof bible book John verse 3-16. All patients spirits are forgiven of all sins as many blasphemy against life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever the true God and eternal life the true nurse life and resserection jesus christ flesh the true nurse lives forever except unpardonable sin said apostle Paul is blasphemy cheat doctor spirit is John baptist spirit is doctor spirit is way of rightness is superman spirit is doctor spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death is proof bible book John verse 3-16. Whomever patient Louis lane investigative 🔎 reporter spirit is patient spirit kept doctor spirit is superman spirit is John baptist spirit is doctor spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death. Infinite one hospital uncut hands is Shepard uncut hands hospital 🏥. Life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever is true nurse is true vine is true nurse is true God is true nurse and eternal life is bridegroom Bride is word of bridegroom. Doctor is word of nurse. God is word of christ jesus. Patients are bridemaids inside infinite one God the father uncut hands hospital 🏥 waiting for doctor spirit is John baptist spirit is word of infinite one God the father uncut hands hospital 🏥 and John baptist spirit is doctor spirit is greatest in kingdom of God so John baptist spirit is doctor spirit is greatest in kingdom of God so nurse spirit jesus christ asked patients spirts why didn't they patients spirits believe whomever keeps doctor spirit is greatest in kingdom of God is doctor spirit is John baptist spirit is doctor spirit is word of Jesus christ nurse shall never taste physical death is proof bible book John verse 3-16. Step 1 is save nurse life and resserection nurse jesus christ flesh live forever so too helper spirit of of is advocate is comforter is God in John baptist spirit is doctor spirit is God formless spirit is God in heaven is proof proof book John verse 3-16 is advocate lives forever Step 2 is save doctor flesh is new John baptist flesh is superman John Williams Williams theme flesh is new doctor flesh John baptist the second coming John baptist flesh Step 1 is save nurse life and resserection jesus christ flesh Jo El lives forever is sun of woman clothed with sun has 12 stars as crown walks on moon rules with iron rod Step 2 is save doctor life because John baptist spirit is holy spirit is God formless spirit is superman spirit is doctor spirit is advocate is comforter is helper spirit of truth is doctor spirit is way of rightness is John baptist spirit is superman spirit is word of Jesus christ nurse flesh shall never die physically in day of Judgement Step 3 is save patients fleshes so the law of bible book infinite one God the father uncut hands hospital 🏥 is whomever patients spirits babies spirits patients spirits kept doctor spirit is John baptist spirit is way of rightness is superman spirit is doctor spirit is greatest in kingdom of God because only doctor spirit is superman spirit can hear voice of nurse Jo El the life and resserection jesus christ flesh sun of woman clothed with sun has 12 stars as crown walks on moon rules with iron rod so life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever shall be true vine true nurse life and resserection jesus christ flesh nurse lives forever so too advocate is comforter is doctor spirit is word of nurse flesh shall never taste physical death in day of Judgement so just as Moses lifted up snake 🐍 deceiver so too nurse son of man had already been lifted up so whomever believe doctor spirit is word of Jesus christ nurse flesh shall never taste physical death must be lifted up is way of rightness is proof bible book John verse 3-16 Hospital 🏥 law Nurse jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever is true God is true nurse is true vine gives law Whomever keeps the doctor is law is word of Jesus christ nurse flesh shall never die physically in day of Judgement. Lex Luther is Antichrist spirit Beast on earth is False prophet woman Lift up true doctor superman is John baptist spirit shall never taste physical death so John baptist second coming is superman flesh John Williams theme song is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death is way of rightness. Just as Moses lifted up snake 🐍 had already entered world so too Son of man life and resserection jesus christ flesh had already been lifted up had already entered world had already been lifted up so too the doctor must be lifted up because doctor superman is John baptist second coming is doctor superman is word of nurse flesh jesus christ Many fake nurses come in name of father Jesus christ so there is only 1 life and resserection jesus christ flesh is true nurse is true God is true nurse gives law of hospital 🏥 infinite one God the father uncut hands The law is whomever keeps the law is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death Therefore firstly chiefly amongst principals as July caesar said the words of Jesus christ is chief is first amongst equals patients How can there be so many doctors when there is only 1 true doctor spirit is word of nurse flesh jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too doctor spirit is greatest in kingdom of God because doctor spirit is word of nurse flesh jesus christ lives forever so doctor shall never taste physical death in exchange for patients lifted up true doctor vs fake doctor in parable of 2 doctors is parable of 2 sons in bible book Nurse is Step one completed as proof nurse life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so son of man jesus christ had already entered world so son of man had already been lifted up. Step two is lift up word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so lift up word of nurse shall never taste physical death so lift up doctor is word of nurse son of man shall never taste physical death in day of Judgement is proof Abraham tastes physical death and all tne prophets taste physical death not so with Moses and John baptist have special relationship with God God is nurse jesus christ speaks to all tne angels the prophets the clever patients in their sleeps in their dreams so God jesus christ The true Nurse sent bad dreams to pontius pilates wife said have nothing to do with this man nurse life and resserection jesus christ flesh is true nurse lives forever Doctor is superman spirit is Moses spirit is John baptist spirit has special relationship with God the life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too doctor spirit is greatest in kingdom of God so too doctor spirit is John baptist spirit is Moses spirit is Sebastian yap spirit is superman spirit is doctor spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death in day of Judgement Step 3 is whomever patients Louis lane investigative 🔎 reporter spirit kept superman spirit is Moses spirit is Sebastian yap spirit is John baptist spirit is doctor spirit is way of rightness is greatest in kingdom of God is John baptist spirit is Sebastian yap spirit is Moses spirit is way of rightness is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death in day of Judgement so all the prophets died so all the angels died so moses spirit is Sebastian yap spirit is john baptist spirit Not same as prophet Elijah spirit is not my spirit because i cannot sleep to dream because I have special relationship with God the life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever and gives bad dreams to pontius pilates wife said have nothing to do with life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever is true nurse gives bad dreams to patients inside infinite one God the father uncut hands hospital 🏥>> <<@1969cmp says : It would be nice if the LNP could reach 55% + in the 2PP, the Green and Teales get a spanking, more Nationals and One Nation win seats. Labor is confused and silly.>> <<@MarkForbes-dr4ie says : Worst PM ever, worst labor government ever>> <<@DouglasAustin-my4ic says : The main reasons that the majority of the voters are showing their distaste for the Labor party is first of all they have not forgotten the referendum for the stupid voice and it will go down in history this was the defining point of the demise of this useless bunch of inept politicians that ever took government in Australia. when the government stated that they were going to reduce the electricity bills by $275 has left very bitter taste in the mouths of the bill paying Australians. Next is the cost of the everyday goods have gone significantly and continue to rise with no end in site. The appointment of the Governor General and giving her a $200k Pay rise before she even took office and taken her total annual income to just under one Million dollars, this was a great slap in the face to all those struggling. To make matters worse the government can not justify this ridiculous approval of salary. To put the icing on the cake Mr. Sleazy Sneezy Albanese pays out $400 million of TAX Payers money for a private jet. And the list goes on This is why Australians are fed up and want a change NOW>> <<@jcmcgee1573 says : Quasinob has a quasi-knob. As in he had to get it surgically added! BAHAHAH>> <<@jcmcgee1573 says : Quasinob is soooo poor he thinks 7 dollars is a flex BAHAHAH!>> <<@rob6543 says : Do the maths Albo you are hated 😂clearly has nothing to show not one dam thing to say the least>> <<@jcmcgee1573 says : @Quasnob tries to lure people to locations with the promise of money.... pretty suss if you ask me. Someone let the AFP know.>> <<@de76 says : Albosleezy, the worst PM EVER>> <<@vincentcacciola7161 says : Mass immigration will destroy the ALP and so will power prices>> <<@RosaCulhane says : Yes they have shown what labour has done Ruin our economy caused homelessness caused our power prices through the roof being able to buy a house is unaffordable let alone find one to rent wasted our money on a decisive referendum then goes on to giving Indigenous people more of our land supporting radical Islamics the list goes on and on driving the state of Victoria broke then introducing more taxes then giving our money away to foreign countries so who in their right mind would give them a vote at all I ask>> <<@bernie9150 says : He's a puppet to corporation's just like Biden . Both ruining the country's and the people !>> <<@eb2505 says : We need recall options on wvery single political position in this land. We need to be able to sack politicians before the end of their terms.>> <<@taecart8083 says : This is the worst government since federation. Vote them out!!!!>>