<<@UATVEnglish says : Subscribe to UATV English https://www.youtube.com/@UATVEnglish>> <<@camdenmcandrews says : Thank you for this opportunity to learn from the amazing mind of Linas Linkevicius. I am left with the feeling that all these issues need to be plumbed much deeper, and he'd be the guy to listen to. I did not understand the idea that Ukraine should not be admitted to Europe until there is a war there. I am not an expert by any means and cannot claim to understand the EU very well (I'm an American), but was any country admitted to the EU only when there was a war? I do understand NATO's concern about the need to get the war behind us before Ukraine becomes an official member. There is a rule in the NATO charter that new members' borders have to be stable; and I'm sure that rule made lots of sense when it was written. Obviously, that is not the case for Ukraine; and it does rankle that Putin could keep Ukraine from joining NATO by starting a border squabble every time Ukraine's membership if ready to go. Nevertheless, I see more and more that the NATO allies are moving toward doing everything they would do if Article 5 applied to Ukraine even without formal membership.>> <<@trident6547 says : The EU operates comprehensive approval procedures that ensure new members are admitted only when they can demonstrate they will be able to play their part fully as members, namely by: complying with all the EU's standards and rules having the consent of the EU institutions and EU member states having the consent of their citizens – as expressed through approval in their national parliaments or by referendum. Membership criteria – Who can join? The Treaty on the European Union states that any European country may apply for membership if it respects the democratic values of the EU and is committed to promoting them. The first step is for the country to meet the key criteria for accession. These were mainly defined at the European Council in Copenhagen in 1993 and are hence referred to as 'Copenhagen criteria'. Countries wishing to join need to have: stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities; a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competition and market forces in the EU; the ability to take on and implement effectively the obligations of membership, including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union. The EU also needs to be able to integrate new members. The accession process is not so much negotiations but the candidate country adding and implementing the EU acquis, all EU laws, treaties, agreements etc, into its own legislation. These are the 35 chapters every candidate country has to go through and close with consent after each chapter from every EU member: 1- Free movement of goods 2- Freedom of movement for workers 3- Right of establishment and freedom to provide services 4- Free movement of capital 5- Public procurement 6- Company law 7- Intellectual property law 8- Competition policy 9- Financial services 10- Information society and media 11- Agriculture and rural development 12- Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy 13- Fisheries 14- Transport policy 15- Energy 16- Taxation 17- Economic and monetary policy 18- Statistics 19- Social policy and employment 20- Enterprise and industrial policy 21- Trans-European networks 22- Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments 23- Judiciary and fundamental rights 24- Justice, freedom and security 25- Science and research 26- Education and culture 27- Environment 28- Consumer and health protection 29- Customs union 30- External relations 31- Foreign, security and defense policy 32- Financial control 33- Financial and budgetary provisions 34- Institutions On what issues is the candidate country not allowed to negotiate? Adoption of the EU Acquis, establishment of administrative structures towards implementation, compliance with the Copenhagen political criteria and Copenhagen economic criteria cannot be negotiated. On what issues is the candidate country allowed to negotiate? The candidate country is allowed to negotiate on when and how the adoption of the EU Acquis will take place. In exceptional cases, transition phases, temporary derogations and requests of additional assistance can also be included into negotiations. It took Croatia, our newest member joined in 2013, about 10 years to go through the accession process.. Google WIKIpedia: EU 2013 enlargment and you will have a good picture what the accession process looks like.>> <<@golokavrndavana says : Цей хлопець потворний, і Орбан теж. Навіщо взагалі обговорювати цих людей? Орбан поїхав до Росії за власним бажанням, це не була воля Європейської ради. Орбана треба вигнати з ЄС і НАТО. ЄС потребує реформи, і Україна може в цьому допомогти.>> <<@golokavrndavana says : This guy doesn't represent Europe.. Why to invite this guy??>> <<@leninha5549 says : No answer about the visit of Urban . Doesn't want to have an opinion , or show what he is thinking .Cowards, all of them ...Thats why Putin can do what he wants, he knows with what kind of corwards he is dealing with .>> <<@paulchambers3142 says : Great guest 👌 Very interesting. Thanks Henry Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦>> <<@tonywuanwilliam8476 says : Ukrainian companies must negotiate with EU's companies. It's carries to Ukrainian companies many opportunities but many challenges, too. EU's market is a strongly competition market💙💛>> <<@felitaturco123rempojo3 says : ❤🙏🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇵🇭>> <<@felitaturco123rempojo3 says : ❤🙏🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇵🇭>> <<@NEUBRAND2000 says : Slava Ukraine 💙 💛 ✌️ 💯>> <<@marionhutton8141 says : Loved the question: Does Europe need Ukraine, and does Ukraine need Europe good answers 👍>> <<@louisecorchevolle9241 says : We dont want in EU Ukraine with 60 monuments, streets, avenue related to Stepan Bandera collaborator with the nazis in Lviv you have also a big monument in honor of Ukrainian division SS Galichina SHAME>>