<<@UATVEnglish says : Subscribe to UATV English https://www.youtube.com/@UATVEnglish>> <<@adagietto2523 says : No one takes Orban seriously outside Hungary, expect for some people on the populist right.>> <<@neededtruth9764 says : Orban is totally ridiculous πŸ˜…πŸ€‘>> <<@KianFloppa says : KICK HUNGARY ORBAN OUT OF NATO HE IS A TRAITOR>> <<@juditmogyorosi2438 says : Pres. dr. Viktor ORBAN β€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘βœŒβœŒβœŒβœŒ Soros, Biden, Zelensky πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž>> <<@tajmajal4197 says : The EU should stop supporting Hungary financially.>> <<@aem8129 says : Orbit orban is 76 month pregnant 🀰😏>> <<@rainolahtinen4968 says : 🀑orban🀑>> <<@annehersey9895 says : The EU needs to STOP talking about Article 7 for Hungary AND JUST DO IT ALREADY!! WHY is Hungary even still a member? Orban walks all over the principles of the EU yet it still is a full participant and is even holding the Council chair! Come on EU, don’t be such a wimp!>> <<@marthaiyengar8322 says : orban has no reason to be a leader and work for peace, he has not contributed anything to Ukraine. In fact when he visited president Zelensky he looked up the ceiling in awe , thought he wants to destroy this rich architecture>> <<@bbgcars says : WELL THEY ASKED FOR IT And FOUND OUT! olz EU and NATO will never learn!>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : Orban's visit emboldened Putin to strike the children's hospital time for the EU to arrest him!>> <<@ForOurGood says : Hasn't the EU & NATO had enough of Orbans sabotage already?? Hungary clearly wants to be a part of the Russian Empire, just like Belarus, so just kick him out and let him go his own way. Enough is enough.>> <<@altones1952 says : Orban went rogue in 2022...i didn't and don't expect him to change>> <<@petereriksson7166 says : Kick Hungary out of NATO AND EU.>> <<@vikroy3777 says : The guy is clueless, Putin has already said no peace unless Ukraine gives him everything.>> <<@gluteusmaximus1657 says : Orban is finished. Every member of EU will ignore him. Every member of NATO will ignore him. He is done and a moscow puppet.>> <<@love-vy1ry says : YT is sponsered by the orcs and no-one else>> <<@love-vy1ry says : Who is Orban?>> <<@richardlafave2556 says : Peace will come to Ukraine as soon as Putins Russia goes back to Russia... Time for NATO takes action to Hungarys leaader.>> <<@AlexMedina-nb3tr says : He works for Pooken>> <<@evilfingers4302 says : The only way for Hungary to leave NATO is Article 13 "any country that wants to leave must send the United States (as the depositary state) a "notice of denunciation", which the U.S. would then pass on to the other Allies." And I doubt, Orban would that, because it would put Hungary is very bad situation being completely surrounded by NATO countries that can easily and fully Sanction Hungary.>> <<@yvesprovencher says : 🐹🍁Tien tien , ils vienne de s'apercevoir que Orban travaille pour Putin , faut croire que le QI de nos politicien est plus bas que il parait , et le pire on est pris avec cette bande d'idiots pour un bout temps 🍁🐹>> <<@Cool5380 says : orban the Toad really need to leave EC and NATO he is so much pro-pootin you can smell his brown toung from a far!>> <<@fraMOON635 says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ thats funny. Expected. EUROPE WAS READY FOR THIS m.ro.n>> <<@meso8848 says : Why controversial ? Lol .. if you guys want war .. we don’t want that!! We want peace>> <<@deecee1522 says : Putin to Orban: "Hold my poop bag">> <<@gregorydesleskine3413 says : Orban is a bumptious and opinionated oaf, a Lukashenko in EU clothing.>> <<@rezapiroozi3482 says : He and his peace plan is a joke>> <<@Yechuv says : Sanction india and kick orban out as soon as possible>> <<@robertturner5848 says : How do Hungarians feel about their fearless leader sleeping around?>> <<@YvesPatrickB says : Trump has taken over Orban, that's why he did this in Moscow...>> <<@DS-zr8pw says : Orban's arrogance is despicable.>> <<@TheLiteraryGroupie says : If the EU is so outraged by this putin poodle, then DON'T make him president and kick Hungary out of the EU.>> <<@Bjawae says : I have no idea what the man said with defacto truth, but what sets apart the U.S. and the world is that we have so many states with checks and balances. It is not so easily achieved in other countries, especially when outside influence and other countries have their own hands, sometimes blood, in the matter.>> <<@ZemplinTemplar says : OrbΓ‘n belongs behind bars.>> <<@JouhouchenHou says : How has the war in Ukraine affected the cultural identity of Russian-speaking families The war in Ukraine has significantly impacted the cultural identity of Russian-speaking families. Here are some key points: ## Language and Identity - **Language Shift**: Many Russian-speaking Ukrainians have started to adopt the Ukrainian language in their daily lives. This shift is a conscious effort to reassert their Ukrainian identity and distance themselves from Russian influence. For instance, 71% of Ukrainians now use Ukrainian in their daily lives, up from 64% in 2021[2]. - **Language Manipulation**: Russia has attempted to rewrite the Ukrainian language to make it resemble Russian. This is part of a broader strategy to erase Ukrainian cultural identity. However, this effort has backfired, as Ukrainians are now more committed to preserving their native language[2]. ## Cultural Rebirth - **Cultural Revival**: The war has led to a cultural revival in Ukraine. Ukrainians are rediscovering their cultural heritage and embracing their national identity. This includes a renewed interest in Ukrainian history, literature, and the arts. For example, the song "Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow" has made a viral comeback, and new cultural initiatives are promoting Ukrainian culture[2]. - **Heritage Preservation**: Efforts are underway to preserve Ukrainian cultural heritage, including historical documents and artifacts. This is seen as crucial for safeguarding the country's cultural identity and resisting Russian attempts to erase it[5]. ## Psychological Impact - **Psychological Fatigue**: The ongoing war has led to psychological fatigue among Ukrainians. Despite this, they remain committed to defending their cultural identity. For instance, a poll in September 2023 showed a decrease in support for continuing the war, but Ukrainians still prioritize safeguarding their national identity[2]. - **Cultural Resistance**: The war has become an identity war, with Ukrainians actively resisting Russian cultural influence. This includes the removal of certain figures from the public space, such as Mikhail Bulgakov, whose works were seen as promoting Russian imperial rhetoric[4]. ## Historical Reevaluation - **Historical Reevaluation**: Ukraine is reevaluating its historical narrative to distance itself from Russian influence. This includes reexamining figures like Tchaikovsky, whose music is now seen as part of Russian cultural imperialism rather than Ukrainian heritage[4]. - **Decolonization Efforts**: Ukraine is engaged in a decolonization campaign, which involves reasserting its cultural independence and distancing itself from Russian cultural influence. This process is complex due to shared historical and cultural ties between Ukraine and Russia[4]. ## Conclusion The war in Ukraine has led to a significant cultural shift among Russian-speaking families. They are adopting the Ukrainian language, embracing their national identity, and actively resisting Russian cultural influence. This cultural revival is seen as crucial for safeguarding Ukrainian identity and resisting Russian attempts to erase it. Citations: [1] Russia's invasion aims to erase Ukrainian cultural identity https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/russias-invasion-aims-to-erase-ukrainian-cultural-identity/ [2] As the air-raid sirens sound, I am studying Ukrainian culture with new ... https://theconversation.com/as-the-air-raid-sirens-sound-i-am-studying-ukrainian-culture-with-new-fervour-im-far-from-alone-224508 [3] Russia Aiming to Destroy Ukraine's Cultural Identity - Kyiv Post https://www.kyivpost.com/post/35365 [4] Identity war: Far from frontlines, Ukraine resists Russia's cultural ... https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/5/2/identity-war-far-from-frontlines-ukraine-resists-russias-cultural-legacy [5] Identity War in Ukraine: The Power of Cultural Resistance https://www.international.ucla.edu/euro/article/266241>> <<@Ukie88 says : Orban does not speak for the EU without consulting member states. Why do Hungarian citizens continue to allow this guy to represent them.>> <<@akeeriksson84 says : He is a patsy!>> <<@themotivehunter says : Orban giggles about the subjects discussed with Putin and Trump's son. I used to like Orban during the illegal migrant crisis. If you recall when tye EU flooded europe with culturally subversive peoples from Africa and the middle east. Orban is part of something new. Trump is now above the laws of mortal men. American will elect a King, a tyrant who is ruled by greed. Will the EU now flood Ukraine with diversity from the jungles and deserts of the world?>> <<@PandemoniumMeltDown says : Ukraine has agency. Ukraine is sovereign. Ukraine is Ukraine.>> <<@NEUBRAND2000 says : Urban should not have come to visit from the first place!faker!!Slava Ukraine βœ…οΈβœ…οΈπŸ’™πŸ’›βœŒοΈπŸ’―>> <<@StrikeBuster-b2b says : Whats the plan? Don't attack Russia at all. Don't even think about peace.>> <<@Χ©Χ•Χ©Χ Χ”Χ‘ΧŸΧ“Χ•Χ¨ says : What's in it for him?>> <<@RatTerminator says : He hasnt Done 1 Thing 2 help Ukraine!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²>> <<@wesc6755 says : He criticized everyone helping Ukraine fight back, but not the country that actually forcibly invades its neighbors nine times. "THe US has a war plan; China has a peace plan". Sure, peace is easy: never ight back and always give a dictator what they take by force. I need someone to explain to me why the EU tolerates Hungary's membership. If he hates the EU so much, why is Hungary a member? Kick him the hell out already. Sheesh.>> <<@alanmcmillan6969 says : Orban is not to be trusted. Ever. He is putin's puppet>> <<@glennk6675 says : They need to kick him from eu and nato.>> <<@mickapps3153 says : Let him at least try.>>