<<@Limitlesspotentiallimitedtime says : I think even the democrats know we need trump. Hell even Putin says he wants to hear what trump has to say if he is president again and that he will take it very seriously. Biden can’t even recall the name of his current vp. This is ridiculous>> <<@ChrisMacaulay-ci8gd says : The ballots for the illegal aliens have already been filled out with the citizenship box checked and the tops torn off and only sitting somewhere to put the date on that they want to put on there or they maybe they've already predated them different dates to be slipped into ballot boxes around the country and that's why they're holding on to Biden>> <<@MadMadDude says : The Biden Regime has to go! Vote For Trump No Matter What! Go Trump in 2024 :-)>> <<@chucks172 says : We hear that Donald J Trump (convicted felon) has appointed Earl Bradley as his vice president. Birds of a feather.>> <<@gwheat2364 says : Drop out or drop dead, whichever is sooner is fine. Fjb>> <<@WHCcccc says : Riding with Biden. Yeah, uncle Tom, yeah.>> <<@lindaday4734 says : Biden was the democrat choice. He was the only one on the ballot for the primary. Now they ar stuck with it. Suck it up buttercups. I for sure want you all to lose. We need to get our country away from the marxist/communist party.>> <<@DirtyMoe55 says : WE HAVE A ROTTEN TOMATO IN THE WHITE HOUSE.BIDEN HAS DAMAGED OUR COUNTRY . PEOPLE ARE HURTING, I JUST TURNED 69, AND THIS IS THE WORST ECONOMY I HAVE EVER SEEN. THIS NOVEMBER IS A VOTE FOR AMERICA 🇺🇸 !>> <<@davidl.howser9707 says : (. . . - - - . . .) After this poor performance by Joe R Biden Jr. In the 2024 Presidential “debate” with former President Donald J. Trump, and now for Biden to have any chance to WIN the 2024 U S. Presidential election, what could be done to make the present situation a positive win for Joe R. Biden Jr., The Nation, and its People ???  The answer is, that Joe R. Biden Jr. needs to make the correct strategic move, to mend the country as His legacy, which is to run with Joe Manchin III, U.S. Senator, an Independent from West Virginia, as Biden's Vice President 2024 running mate.  Reasoning for this solution :  Joe Biden Heads the Re-Election Ticket Joe Biden Keeps Donor Cash & Donors Joe Biden Keeps the Primary Delegates Joe Biden’s Family life of privilege continues on longer than if Joe Biden does not continue to run for re-election in 2024. U.S. Citizens transition to a competent Centrist Presidential Leader until 2028 The World transitions to a competent U.S. Presidential Leader until 2028 NATO transitions to a component U.S. Presidential Leader Joe Manchin moving up to the U.S. The President position could easily transition the United States toward the 2028 election time by selecting an experienced,younger,well vetted and skilled V.P. choice. Joe Manchin at 76 years “young” seems to be a vibrant elder statesman, caretaker with the learned life, personal, political skills on balance needed to occupy the White House as U.S. President forward toward 2028 to transition the United States to a better place. Really !    Joe Manchin, as a proven Moderate / Centrist thinker will entice the overwhelming large number of Independent Moderate Centrist thinking U.S. Voters, sitting out the 2024 election, to go vote, in November, to elect the combined Joe R. Biden Jr. (Democrat) / Joe Manchin III (Independant) ticket.  Why ? Most voters know that Joe R. Biden Jr  would be mentoring as the Senior Statesman He is, to eventually hand over the Presidential Office to His history-making centrest, and Independent politically thinking V.P. Joe Manchin III at any time after a 2024 Democratic Win. Joe Manchin III is without any question capable, “all-ready” to be a calming force who is often Diplomatic, Moderate, Centrist, Consensus  building, Independent person. Presidenting, and demonstrating depth of intelligence, decorum, steady on display common sense leadership like that He has shown with core confidence while in the West Virginia Senate office now held.   Who would not want an excellent, clear spoken, likable human being, with high integrity, showing excellent communications skills as United States President? That and so much more makes Joe Manchin III, as President, the perfect centered choice to work with all U.S. political parties, other Nation’s Leaders to govern, and, most important to reset, then heal a polarized United States electorate back to contented unity and, away from the National collective abyss coming seemingly closer each day.  It is so easy, if you reflect on it then wish to let yourself envision a much less polarizing centered President Joe Manchin the third, as a true uniter the Country needs most, having a White House Cabinet, and Administration full of moderate thinking, U.S. Citizens always and, above all, wishing to focus on a better life for We the People. An administration built from a mix Democratic, Independant, and Republican bent folks successfully managing together the people's business in a common sense first, thoughtful, daily approach fashion who foremost always emulate a President Joe Manchin III’s mannerisms. How pleasing to all it would be to have a United States Executive branch who puts People’s needs before Political Parties needs. I’m for a history making period like that, so many others would be too, as the way to reunite the United States of America while showing decorum.  “.....Senator Manchin currently serves as the Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and also serves on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Armed Services, and the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs - four critical committees that tackle the important work of addressing our nation's energy needs, overseeing discretionary spending, standing up for our veterans, and defending our nation…..*”   Other than only selection to be United States Vice President by identity politics, and in NO WAY is Kamala Harris qualified to be United States President by past notable successful skill set accomplishments. Please take time to review Kamala Harris’s Bio, and past showing Her without the personal ability to, or expertise to be ready to assume this momentous task ahead of the huge responsibility of office of the President of the United States. I can not find much stellar, sharp, confidence building mannerisms to be the leader of the Free World. Let that sink in a moment. A keen person with much depth of knowledge is needed to fulfill the demands of the office of President of the United States as they are the final decider of what to do at any moment. Surely there are better than our present three choices out of 133 million U.S. Citizens. Both U.S. voters, and President Joe Robinette Biden Jr., please, please set these United States of America on a majority in acceptance healing path ! Your choice, You choose in November, as is your U.S. Constitutional given Right.   President Joe Biden, honestly it is your time to “Man Up”,”protect the Country that you have sworn to protect”, and put “We the People” first, and above personal needs of Yourself, the desires of Family members or your best political party associate's types who , you know, most unfortunately put “Party First Before Country” who walk a very miss guided, warped, power first desiresies above all else agenda path. Joe R. Biden Jr. please cast these influencers aside, make the right choice, at the right time, for our Country, of who would be the better Vice President, who will make right what is not right within these United States as the next U.S. President, to the benefit of We the People within.  My fellow Americans, then in 2028, when past this National debate of what should be our best forward facing identity, together when less divided we can decide again who should be U.S. President, based on your assessment of past Joe Manchin III Presidential centrest performance, and our then combined united agreement in such.  So as you often say, Joe R. Biden Jr. , “Cut The Malarkey” of having  Kamala Harris as your 2024 Democratic V.P. running mate ! Save your Presidential legacy by taking decisive action to heal the United States by veering away from the Political Polarization of today dividing “We the People” with selecting a robust Uniter named Joe Manchin III to have close by your side now until November 2024, and on to Win the Whitehouse for a second term this November. Why because a centrist thinking moderate President is what the country we love needs right now, and going forward to right what's wrong with the United States (U.S.), read another way “us”. (. . . - - - . . .) . +!××@#÷==$$%/&<>[[]))([[])((>*<&&^__٪//$$÷÷##@××+!!!@×+!@×@#÷÷#$=÷%%/$%^_&&%<*&&>**[**$#@#%^&()][><_/=÷×!@$%^^&**(([>_==$%#@@!+×$%%^_&>> <<@eurekaakerue4649 says : ❌✅ riding with Brib’N … “Short Bus 🚌” or Long 👋🤪‼️>> <<@Tomorrowwilldo says : It’s Democracy vs Dictatorship. Truth vs lies. Decide which one your grandchildren can live with.>> <<@victorlebron9428 says : He’s not well, this is sad>> <<@JoAnne-ou7by says : He won’t step aside. He doesn’t know what planet he’s on and his wife is too narcissistic. They’re both staying put until he’s pushed out or voted out. I’m afraid we’re stuck with JoeyBoy>> <<@johnrivera1413 says : We'll see how it goes for the Democrupts if Creaky Joe or Kackler Harris make another gaff before their convention in August.>> <<@lmwlmw4468 says : The Universe writes straight with crooked lines ......>> <<@alejandroalividaurri2310 says : Biden already said he is running! What's wrong with these Demonrats???? 🥴🥴🥴>> <<@cherput56 says : All this dame administration…… get out !!!!!!!!!!>> <<@waltramar says : Here we go. It'd starting>> <<@habibj says : The ageism in the Democratic party is palpable.>> <<@billykuemmer9702 says : 😆 😊😂❤❤😊>> <<@lindaangus2307 says : Invoke the 25th amendment.>> <<@dennishungerford4146 says : When Trump pick for VP is firm? D Party media will banter their disgust for Trump around the person! 25th amendment!>> <<@dennishungerford4146 says : How Pelosi marriage survives ! Hands off!>> <<@Dana-ld4wf says : I hope he stays in, would mean a landslide for Trump.>> <<@crazycomments8038 says : So they’re making it look like if he leaves it was up to him. It wasn’t up to his colleagues.>> <<@jamesbrett6563 says : I know we're talking about Joe Biden, but what happened to Nancy Pelosi's face?>> <<@ceaser208 says : Quick question , why do the black ones have to act so ghetto>> <<@maryboushell940 says : WHOEVER "RIDIN WITH BIDEN" WILL END UP IN THE STINKY "OLE SWAMP !!! Let's GO, BRANDON!! VOTE TRUMP 2024!! ULTRA MAGA!!🙏🙏🙏>> <<@maryboushell940 says : The DEMS can choose ANY candidate they want,,...TRUMP will still WIN!! The American people are "sick and tired of business as usual!!" The SWAMP gets STINKIER with EACH PASSING DAY FROM THE BORDER WALL TO THE DOJ!! We the people want BIG CHANGES and TRUMP's the ONE who will BRING IT!! DRAIN THE STINKY SWAMP!! PRONTO!! LET'S GO, BRANDON!! VOTE TRUMP 2024!! ULTRA MAGA!! 🙏🙏🙏>> <<@nictrew says : Trump is playing it smart right now and I absolutely love it. They are correct, as soon as he names a VP that will take the light off of Biden. He needs to feel the heat and be exposed as much as possible.>> <<@davidblick2192 says : The left media (CNN, NBC,CBS, ABC, etc.) has lost the narrative on this. People have now seen what they have not been willing to admit.>> <<@joycesmith8120 says : Lies>> <<@andyrobertson9685 says : Nancy needs to join the exit strategy! 👋 ✌️ leave for the republic!>> <<@andyrobertson9685 says : 7 democrat senators are trying to separate themselves from a losing ballot. Their only hope is that they agree Biden should resign his candidacy. Good luck, you’re all doomed , or America is doomed>> <<@parrisestatessouthernhomec3246 says : Folks they’re only doing this to make it look like joe wasn’t installed in 2020 because they know they can’t cheat again>> <<@outdew7010 says : Biden is probably still rolling in the $ from China. Why would he quit? The money train will stop!>> <<@Debra-j4o says : Where is the parent the pelosi sure isn't thinking about the rest of America, the biden's aren't America, this country is becoming disgusting>> <<@Debra-j4o says : This is ridiculous, just send a couple U-Hauls to the White House and tell him it's time to pack it up, yeah they'll probably have to drag you out screaming and kicking her feet with her new high heels stilettos, that's life>> <<@Debra-j4o says : ❤trump❤>> <<@richardjohnson2965 says : Be cautious ….because Harris will be unbearable. We need to dump her too. Total incompetence in this administration.>> <<@gunguy5409 says : I imagine when Democrats have these conversations with Biden they do it around his bed while he slowly falls asleep on them all leaving them wondering if he heard them or not>> <<@SteveHorowski says : TRUMP 2024 FJb>> <<@SteveHorowski says : FJb>> <<@Huntersrealplug says : I think Biden should be jailed if he broke the law his mental faculties should not matter... They say ignorance of the law is no reason to break it>> <<@dipaknadkarni62 says : Trump 2024!! MAGA for all of us.>> <<@rickygarland4634 says : The asking the wrong one two step down they need to ask Jill instead of Joe>> <<@darrylgrodi6668 says : Kilmeade you sound like Biden. What did you say?>> <<@RR-vz2ld says : Democrats pretend they're ok Biden having nuclear codes and allegedly being in charge of the military, but wouldn't let him drive their children's or grandchildrens school bus.>> <<@tom-er6yb says : here is one for the senate Dems. if your feeling your going to lose your seat switch parties to GOP and show Schumer the front door !!>> <<@BrianCalmenson says : Nancy pelosi said it without saying Biden should drop out. American's know this already. She is not the sharpest pencil in the box>>