<<@McLKeith says : Yeah, and there is no collective delusion among Republican supporters? Get real, Fox so called News lost $787.5 million for its lies about Dominion Voting Systems. More lawsuits pending for other Fox lies.>> <<@jieli3313 says : The Xi Jinping government not only distorts global information! It also distorts the Russia invading Ukraine and destroying a country as normal behavior!>> <<@rowyourboat5361 says : Trump and project 2025. DEEP CUTS IN BOTH SOCIAL SECURTY AND MEDICARE. THE INTENTIONAL BANKRUPTCY OF SOCIAL SECURITY WITHIN 5 YEARS. they've been trying to get rid of these for years- they call them entitlements even though we all paid into them. A TOTAL NATIONWIDE BAN ON ABORTION AND ABORTION PILLS. CRIMINALIZING POLITICAL PROTEST, CALLING IT TREASON. and so much more. think they won;t do this??? THINK AGAIN. they got rid of roe vs. wade and thy can't wait to end social security and the affordable care act.>> <<@PhotoDesigner1 says : How about the delusion on the other side? ..... Have we forgotten the almost ONE MILLION dead Americans ..... The "HOAX" that became a medical emergency when he contracted it ...... MARINE ONE landing on the White House lawn to wisk him away to the ER .....?...... How about physicians reporting problems accessing personal protective equipment (PPE) ...... SORRY, I'm not voting for the Orange Panhandler ----- COUNTRY FIRST.>> <<@caseyjones8203 says : GET OUT! SOMEONE JUST MAKE SURE HE PRESSES THE RIGHT BUTTON FOR COFFEE!>> <<@teret6719 says : This entire thing is not a surprise to anyone. It's all going according to plan. This has been orchestrated by the puppet master all along.>> <<@teret6719 says : It's up to the president to suside. What Nancy?????????? She told us plainly that they're going to stand back and watch him implode during this evening.>> <<@LyingKayleigh says : Hate and fabricated news has no place in our country now. What ever happened to news? Real. News!! Fox News is not news…it misinformation, brutal attacks, and childish taunting. Stop it!!!>> <<@LetTheMurdochsDestroyAmerica says : In July 2020, Fox News aired a photo that edited out then-president Donald Trump from a photo where he was seen posing with Melania Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell at Mar-a-Lago which was shown during a segment about Maxwell's arrest at the time>> <<@DesertSurfer says : Suside lol. Drinking a little heavier today eh Nancy?>> <<@zachariahbarber5794 says : Fun fact: Democrat men.... Are actually women...>> <<@sgholt says : Pelosi is just a worthless TDS fan, pushing the democrat BS...Pelosi is a criminal>> <<@The00Dude says : Collective delusion is republicans vote for a convicted felon, who tried to steal the 2020 election, and when he failed, claimed it was rigged, and then stole top secret documents to sell! They should be having the same discussions Democrats are!>> <<@gremlin1952 says : MORE LIKE COLLECTIVE CORRUPTION>> <<@sher167 says : Only you are delusional. You support a corrupt man. Dictators, bashing America at every turn. And you call yourself patriotic.>> <<@sirwhistler says : All these people are delusional>> <<@Realgrande says : Biden is rested and he is back, he will kick butt in this press conference, he has all 4 cycildars firing in that huge brain, all 4 light bulbs are burning bright he will show us how he can deal with the problems of the world (homosex, wars, pestulence, famine, frogs, boils, blood in the Nile). So in conclusion: you democrats should stop your bltchin' and let him run against the great Trump who will defeat him in all 50 states and become the second coming of Jesus.>> <<@edmclendon9399 says : Get rid of Joe Biden then deport all his illegal guests.>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : Astonishing perspective, thank you.>> <<@andrewdavis6428 says : Trump is a criminal he will lose in Nov🇯🇲>> <<@billyrayboo7315 says : Nacy dumbass>> <<@annthompson6389 says : Country FIRST! DEMOCRATS HAVE put USA LAST!!>> <<@jogilbert4267 says : Trump will definatly Maga! Project 2025!>> <<@ezraepizon5303 says : The problem is not Biden, the problem is the democrat policies AND Biden….>> <<@dennishungerford4146 says : RNC considering paying CNN for hosting debate?>> <<@dennishungerford4146 says : Union boss calling for solidarity in message!>> <<@Tony-k9i says : Joe is a tomato can>> <<@GMCvideos2012 says : Biden in 2020 hiding in a basement. Trump in 2024 hiding on a golf course. I guess that's how you win nowadays.>> <<@Sylvia-f3h says : <>>>> <<@alicemarie3506 says : Wait! Does Dana Perino NOT want Republicans to win?>> <<@swanfeather6228 says : And the LORD WILL SEND A STRONG DELUSION !! ITS HERE .✝️❤️❤️❤️ Look around the 🇺🇸 its TIME FOR YOU TO MAKE A CHOICE.>> <<@jrculbertson7463 says : THE ONLY THING I'M HEARING IS THAT THEY ARE ONLY CONCERNED ABOUT THEIR PARTY....... NOTHING ABOUT WHAT'S BEST FOR OUR COUNTRY AND OUR PEOPLE! FJB AND HIS ENTIRE FILTHY TREASONOUS CARTEL 👎😡🖕🤬. TRUMP TSUNAMI 2024 👍💖🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@lasersbee says : The Debate clearly showed that Biden is totally useless without a Teleprompter....The Debate was another Nail in the Biden Coffin. That Senile Old Man Democrat Liar Biden should stay in the Presidential race. It will 100% Guarantee a Trump landslide Win in November.>> <<@magnuspyro says : Democrats love to lie>> <<@Shawn-OpenMind says : Everyone should watch the move "Idiocracy" and you will see what politicians on both sides are trying to do to our society. They want to dumb us down and make us so agreeable with their ideologies- It is sick and those of us with common sense and a logical brain will not let it happen. Trump is common sense and MAGa is where we need to arrive in the future if you want to save the country and our children.>> <<@LarryaproudU.S.citizen says : Whatever happend to "what is best for the American citizens, and how can we best serve them?">> <<@Shawn-OpenMind says : I would have to say that many democrats are delusional and do not operate in a logical way. Am I wrong?>> <<@binkibinks4635 says : The worst of it is not the deceit that we have been subjected to from the Democrats and the media that the president is competent, but that there is no accountability if Biden were to become the Democrat nominee for president. Assume that a group of aids and administrators take over if he wins a second term. And it is inferred that will be the case as it already is today. There is no context in which the comander in chief is elected and it is implied that someone else ( singularly or by committee) will do his work and not be heöd responsible for the fallout when things go sideways.>> <<@dsquared341 says : Delusional Tim Ryan thinking Kamala helps democrats lol.>> <<@dr.dumddum904 says : Why aren't the white American majority the Democrats core constituency any more? Democrats used to be for the white working man. Now they're for everybody else!>> <<@MrMnmn911 says : Joe Biden is effete.>> <<@jfmallon75 says : Casey is done for... PA is done with that guy>> <<@joeblowfromidaho3642 says : In other words, Ryan is signaling that the Dems are going to reinvent themselves as centrist "pragmatists" for campaign purposes, in order to gain votes, then change right back to being communists the second they've won the election and kept their clutches on power. And the zombified lemmings will, as always, take the bait.>> <<@tonyug113 says : Yet Removing Biden will be Extremely UNdemocratic - the democrats have already voted him in as king, just not annointed yet.>> <<@mbishop5954 says : Its too late. Biden is running for reelection. This is buyer's remorse. No refunds or exchanges. Huge mistake.>> <<@heh701 says : Guy complains about democrats being delusional, then proposes Kamala as president, her winning, retaking the House, and adding to their lead in the Senate - just because she's not Biden.>> <<@HeatherRose2023 says : “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭KJV‬‬>> <<@purplestareye says : Been happening as long as Ive known liberals!>> <<@yepyep7629 says : How stupid are democrat voters? You don’t like the president and vote Republican in can understand that. Why would you cut off your nose to spite your face and get a Republican congressman or senator?>> <<@invisible1572 says : The economy was great under Trump, so he loses that argument.>>