<<@AudreyMalia says : Allen Paul Young Robert Martinez Betty>> <<@HarveySidney-r7o says : White Susan Perez Lisa Perez Mary>> <<@CarlEllison-s9z says : Lee Betty Clark Frank Young Cynthia>> <<@MatthewInman-e8h says : Rodriguez Christopher Brown Jose Allen Jennifer>> <<@tolyaulyanov says : Martin Jason Walker Jason Hernandez Maria>> <<@JuanitaaHarris-x1l says : Robinson Amy Gonzalez Barbara Young Brenda>> <<@GeraldClift-s5k says : Hernandez John Lee Margaret Anderson Jessica>> <<@RobinLester-d9k says : Taylor Eric Robinson Barbara Taylor Edward>> <<@nyashamanika8839 says : Nato is criminal>> <<@chosk80 says : Because it is not NATO but an extension of US military.>> <<@ngaraipammahongnao8521 says : The Chinese General there is one of the most unrealistic thinkers. I have listen to few of his talks in youtube, however, I dont find his thinking quite unrealistic. No wonder, despite so much of state power, China can't translate it into respect and real power in terms of diplomacy.>> <<@AnkanBasu7 says : Allow your guests to finish themselves or don't invite them ffs. Liu Xin you keep interrupting your guests in 10-30 seconds, either increase the duration of the interview or reduce the number of guests due to the time constraint.>> <<@madammargarett9648 says : USA seem losing their strategy of trust policies, hegemony and military operation power base in many nations especially china is ahead of developing peace, economy trades, technologies of modernization advance and also spreading goodwill with many foreign nation. That's why US need Nato to join in to against China rise besides alone US can't defeat the smearing of lie, cheat and steal.>> <<@michaelsrensen3398 says : "Why is Nato's hostility towards China growing"? Very simple China, look in the mirror.>> <<@BrianPatrick-s6b says : Western Europe really do not want to spend more on defense...they do not want to build more weapons again ...they want to spend more on their aging population healthcare and welfare benefits...sit back relax drink wine and eat cheese. All that can happen if Russia just lose the war ...economy collapse and guess which country is helping russia win and europeans cannot go back to their good lives>> <<@ronnie2.803 says : Why does China keep saying that they are de dollerizing and that China wants to make its own currency with BRics ? Over on the American side Jeff snider a prominent and popular economist is now today saying that China Is in a HUGE PANIC BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH DOLLARS and are SELLING BONDS SO THEY CAN OBTAIN DOLLARS ? That doesn’t sound like China is de dollarizing or even intending to De dollarize…. Why does China make the world believe that they are de dollarizing & warring with america when actually they are holding hands secretly with usa behind the worlds back?  Who is China trying to frighten? American politicians or the people of the world that have had enough of the backstabbing weaponized dollar and its inflation causing fiat currency. Even the half poor of america are hoping that China and BRICS will do as threaten & de dollarize since the FED printing a trillion dollars every 3 months is making even the middle class join the ranks of the NEWLY impoverished. The world wants an alternative from the NECESSARY STIPULATIONS FOR DEALING WITH the American dollar …& that stipulation is that it requires you to go into debt in order to make any sort of ponzi scheme profit which is already proven to be delusional in practicality…what side of the derivative American dollar is China hiding from the world?>> <<@dmitch1332 says : No country in history has benefited more from the American world order than China. China is discovering that it is not smart to bite the hand that feeds you.>> <<@-pd5rg26 says : What everyone wants to know is why China's actions results global concerns and distability. You need to reflect on your self.>> <<@numinuecooper9975 says : Jealousy>> <<@Sunopeek says : They can't sell weapons otherwise? Why are they insisting on making China an adversary? What's wrong with living in harmony with China as a superpower?>> <<@volleypurba8682 says : STOP COMUNIST PROPAGANDA. SATAN>> <<@rr-ricky says : 不仅北约,世界上大多数国家都反对中国。中国侵略和压迫菲律宾和越南等邻国,夺取不属于中国的领土,但仍然这样做,因为它比小国大。中国人民已经认清了共产主义的邪恶。>> <<@rr-ricky says : 不仅北约,世界上大多数国家都反对中国。中国侵略和压迫菲律宾和越南等邻国,夺取不属于中国的领土,但仍然这样做,因为它比小国大。中国人民已经认清了共产主义的邪恶。>> <<@joergweisensee5149 says : NATO is a criminal organisation>> <<@cbsing2805 says : Those NATO nations are lapdogs of US. NATO just an useless organization if you take out US. Nations like France, Germany, Spain, Italy were big countries, but their leaders too coward to say no to US. Olaf Scholz for example, his capability maybe only 1% of Angela Merkel. Nord Stream II exploded and everyone knew who did it. Scholz still be a good boy and listen to Biden.>> <<@edgardomartinez8455 says : Bcoz of US anger...it's slaves in europe must feel the same towards china.proof that nato is alliance of slaves of the US>> <<@Kit-d8h says : You are just strolling along doing what you think is good - the EU and the USA are running around like headless chickens in a kindergarten, they are so busy fighting for their seats that they forget common sense - or they don't know what that is! - And I am living in Europe, I know!>> <<@douglaswong6975 says : NATO: China China China China China: Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou>> <<@Noodleanrgry says : More fake crap>> <<@bunnyfreakz says : NATO is just new imperialist Europe Group.>> <<@richardgoh6697 says : NATO is 100% controlled by US which foolishly is very anti China. And as US keeps hiking up tariffs on goods from China, it doesn’t help reduce US inflation. Hence as China has started to diversify and expand her markets, US’s high tariffs hurt US more than hurting China. If Pres Biden now cancels all tariffs on imported goods esp on those goods from China, US inflation shall start to go down and he might hv a chance to be re elected, otherwise he is doomed.>> <<@loneranger114 says : india is not "neutral" or "non alliance." india only looked "neutral and innocent." india is constantly claiming itself to be "friendly and harmless." In fact india is good at using and playing one side against the other side and again using and playing the other side against the one side. And this is india.>> <<@ryanwalters6184 says : Thanks for the good laugh. Imagine being scare of the avengers. Spiderman is the REAL criminal 😂 That is the logic here...>> <<@beautyofnepal8531 says : don't called it nato use your mind>> <<@currawong2011 says : Just imagine their nerve: The great war enablers NATO and the US, are describing China as an enabler in the Russian Ukraine war....More bullshit from the great bullshiters. Back to the paddocks boys. Chew your cuds and try to behave yourselves>> <<@wesleyclayton1168 says : Profits from arms sales..since no countries could spare 2% budget>> <<@danreid9856 says : This guest appears to be a bald-headed guy sitting on the devil's lap. Did he call himself a professor?>> <<@cangzhang3849 says : may be China should just stop all transactions with EU NATO US, and whatever country wants to follow their master's lol>> <<@blalien777 says : Let's just call it what it is, WHITE SUPREMACY! The west believes they should control the world because of their skin color being "Superior" than others, and Jesus is "White". Which WE ALL KNOW IS NOT TRUE!! I wish these journalists would just say it and stop beating around the bush!>> <<@jeffery-r1l says : very informative. Presenter is very knowledgable to ask very good questions to those experts.>> <<@abc-mp5er says : Too much censorship in here. Writing the truth on what NATO has done got consored repeatedly.>> <<@katiarazumova7871 says : To add to discussion on NATO moving part of its capacity to the Pacific, I suspect it is trying to position itself for a bargain with Trump if be becomes President- support in the Pacific against China in exchange for Trump's support of NATO's war against Russia in the Ukraine.>> <<@Luke1959 says : With NATO wanting to expand to the Asia Pacific are they going to rebrand themselves as 'POTATO'? Pacific Ocean Trans Atlantic Treaty Organization 😂😂 Conflict instigators is all they are! Go home, and stay there!>> <<@mishka110 says : The US and EU elites want total economic control of the world. NATO is just the guys with broad shoulders who protect the mafia bosses. The elites (Blackrock etc) wont stop as their goal is supremacy not unlike a country many years ago that called itself the super race and was re-branded as 'exceptional'. Its all the same ideology honed to a modern setting and trying to be more successful this time. Follow the money and you can never go wrong which reminds me of the lastest competitor to China's BRI which is BlackRock’s recent acquisition of Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP). It’s not just a business maneuver; it’s a seismic shift in the financial world, hinting at the future of investment and the evolving role of private capital.>> <<@MaAndong2336 says : The trouble with superheroes is that they need super villains in order to justify their existence.>> <<@smallking4967 says : it was pre planned. no matter how anyone will question and analyze their move, it will be useless as there is no logic unless a bigger scope is utilized to see beyond the countries. there are the globalists without citizenship. the countries are mere pawns and their leaders as spokespersons if compromised with corrupted elections.>> <<@roopnarainpersaud1177 says : The US is the enabler. The US has provided over 1 trillion in military aid to Zelensky to perpetuate this war. And even Zelensky wants wants peace talks but the US led Nato has dictated that Zelensky must not engage in peace talks with Russia.>> <<@skkhoo62 says : Hello China, have you ever considered why the US and its vassals keep on scapegoating China? The answer lies in 2 factors, which are, (1) they are basically racists and (2) China through your own non-confrontational actions were perceived by the average Americans and Europeans as cowards.>> <<@Lost_Johnny says : China does not have justify its relationship with Russia to NATO. It NATO who is the aggressor, but its also losing badly in Ukraine. The EU needs to regain some sovereignty.>> <<@jasonlim4545 says : Even if China is helping Russia, it’s justifiable since US is arming Taiwan to the hilt in its provocation of China. Europe should stop mimicking the hypocrisy of US who has no business to arm Taiwan which it recognises to be a part of China!>>