<<@user-ck7qe4ik4f says : Voting for someone who encouraged January is fighting intelligently?>> <<@raygunn737 says : We shall war.... W.A.R. Whites against replacement. THE WRATH OF THE AWAKENED SAXON by Rudyard Kipling It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate. They were not easily moved, They were icy -- willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate. Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate. It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate. It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.      "This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of strength descends upon those in its service.">> <<@dt8762 says : March for Jesus Christ!>> <<@BarbaraFlowers-wq1ru says : Okay all right yeah I hear you decency you say honor and integrity okay well then a criminal will never be able to give you that>> <<@tx12standstrong70 says : msm needs to stop>> <<@BH-LGB says : This is what we mean when we say they https://youtube.com/shorts/pzk2NSdVPwg?si=80KLNQj-BeT8eIuN>> <<@LA-rv2fr says : "restore decency?" ... trafficking the lie that "they tried to kill our president?" Miss me with that.>> <<@JerryWalker-u3p says : The country has changed because parents expect to raise their children by law by school and by church and failing their kids and blaming everyone else>> <<@lydiatrevino5948 says : This is the republicans wanting to get the point across…democrats will have nothing like this…Trump2024💙🇺🇸💙>> <<@QuantumOfSolace1 says : Fight!! Yes we are getting destroyed as a Country by the Dems!!>> <<@mikefischer7833 says : Intelegently. Boy are you on the wrong side of>> <<@Richard-xc3jd says : These people>> <<@lcferrferr6811 says : wow, does everyone see that he is a plant?>> <<@scottreagan4062 says : Democrats and MSM have screamed hate and division for 9 years , they advocate for violence and excuse it.>> <<@deliafamatigan8764 says : Biden 2024.>> <<@RossellaPerry says : Bare responsibility Democratic propaganda machine . Democratic politicians always say falsehoods and lie . Biden in every speech brings up 34 felonies manufactured by the Democratic party. They have tried to imprison Trump and failed . The only thing next is kill him . They knew there were people full of hate they created . Trump still is in danger til elections .>> <<@elcidlord says : Waaaaaaaah! Call a waaabulance! FDT !>> <<@dannyfromtheville3613 says : "Extreme left and extreme right"? Lol! There's that both sides crap again lol smmfh. Dude said this was a fight that could be won intelligently then said he wasn't interested in toning it down lol. One of your own tried to kill your 34x convicted felon ex-president so who's this "they" you're talking about lol🤣🍿. 🔵🌊>> <<@kennethboydsr3966 says : The two party system we have now needs to be replaced with something better. It creates too much of a competition. We have enough good people in this country to come up with a different system.!!!!!!>> <<@deerichardz says : They pray for a man that knows nothing of religion, yet compares himself to their Jesus oO SMH>> <<@JCarey-zx7wo says : What losers>> <<@conspiracystacker says : Both sides are in a cult>> <<@deweyrobinson5639 says : Stop the rhetoric? Where has the violent rhetoric been coming from for the past 8 or 9 years and just who has it been coming from! You All know who, It's trump! At the rnc convention, All that we heard was Hate and talk of revenge!>> <<@lizperry4875 says : THEY WHO?????????????? Please tell me who THEY is PLZZZZZ>> <<@sarahmccoy1941 says : Decency and Trump are two words that just do not go together.>> <<@Sundaydoug278 says : When Trump came into the picture it feels like America started going crazy>> <<@schmuelsonsradang4301 says : I agree with the guy that this isn't a time to tone down. The Biden Adminsitration have put themselves in hot water and realize their blunders, it backfired amd they want us to tone down? FJB! and CNN.>> <<@schmuelsonsradang4301 says : The Fucking CNN and its journalists have been at the forefront of this madness. CNN hasn't been transparent and aided a lot in persecuting Trump. Reviews of CNN coverage on Trump in the past 4 years shows that the fucking media has been anti Trump amd propagated hatred. Fuck CNN!>> <<@YeseniaPineda-lm6fu says : Who almost killed trump? Who is he talking about? This boy was bullied at his school every single day. Maybe he didn’t like to hear this president bullying people every single day. And he was a republican and so is his family too.>> <<@lynncollier4615 says : What a joke! Restore decency? Trump is a person that doesn’t know what it means to be decent. May be if he was getting something for himself.>> <<@ashleev4605 says : YES. Turn up THE TRUTH and tone down the lies that led us here.>> <<@FinnJets says : “No one likes extreme left, and no one likes extreme right”. Yes. Exactly. The problem with Trump in my opinion is that he is extreme right. Now I’m not saying there aren’t bad extreme leftists too, there certainly are, but not a presidential candidate.>> <<@TonyPay-f4v says : CNN and Jake Tapper are now complicit in getting this madman charlatan in control again !! thanks A-holes !>> <<@jon-yw8nh says : Look at all these lizards now scared of there own actions>> <<@Sin3xtreme says : They, being a registered republican, what Muppets>> <<@kristiandoon8976 says : Coveting the denial of your vulnerability is pathetic.>> <<@saulorosco1493 says : Rhetoric? Like liberty and justice for all?>> <<@tropicalblum says : 🤮🤢🤮>> <<@theanimeplaya4141 says : Ppl really act like trump is Jesus or something>> <<@jimjludington4666 says : He's not the president it trump.>> <<@rahul1980ization says : "This is not a third world country" Really??>> <<@richardcollins6684 says : Extreme Right or Left>> <<@lindaeereboutcorder1168 says : Maybe it was a warning for the pompas ass to get off the stage…>> <<@janehearons5923 says : Violence?>> <<@user-sp6zq2qo1i says : Third world country? Hmm it certainly appearing that way... and the word fight 😂>> <<@Eff-id7nh says : Crazy...Trump pays the NYP to print nasty stories about his opponents, calls names, LIES like he breaths but you want us to believe the right really doesn't want to fight for real! Gaslighting!>> <<@haineko1989 says : "THEY almost just killed our president" ????? IT WAS A FREAKING REPUBLICAN WITH 20 GUNS IN THE HOUSE O_O What the hell is wrong with you, Murica O_o' And the lady who says "this is not a third world country" sounds so crazy to an European, of course you are XD After Obama you just plummeted and drag behind Sommalia in our eyes XD But bro, I watched a video on CNN site "‘I hate that’s what I’m doing’: Dems dabble in misinformation after Trump shooting" you did, and I hate your approach to news - or CNN's editor's approach to news, with just making shocking soundbites, with pressing those ladies to somehow admit they are as crazy as MAGA for having "it was staged" thoughts and doubting... Bro, just no O_o Watching from the other side of the ocean we watched a violent GOP mob encouraged by GOP president attacking your Capitol, and you try to argue that the idea of it being staged by Democrats somehow is the same as a GOP sympathizer with a GOP gun-loving dad, who practices everyday with even harder targets, missing GOP president being staged by GOP... As we say in here - please don't turn logic into a whore. Have standards.>> <<@chommie5350 says : It's the damn media>> <<@Krack2805 says : Oh no, after showing violent depictions biden and other democrats on a constant basis, now they're crying about rhetoric 😂😂😂>> <<@sandranegron-ke9jh says : Well you can get out their , since you know everything>>