<<@TaoheedAdebayo says : The world are so fucking crazy U.S and its allies supply zelensky with troops,amo and long range missiles and when Russia want to deal with them they're giving warning how many of want to fight a single country well i belt Russia has bought you people a gift you cannot deny>> <<@TaoheedAdebayo says : Russia is fucking strong more than so called NATO and his allies unbelievable>> <<@MrKlipstar says : 🇵🇹 We don't not even 1 Soldier in Ukraine.>> <<@SophiaHaygiallah says : It will be more worldwide operation!!! She want alll here owns not only Euope but wizard its forbidden!! No damage on this earth>> <<@dragonfly1929 says : Germany forgot WWII loses in WWII …😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊>> <<@dragonfly1929 says : Berlin has to be though a lesson…never to forget this is the the 3rd.time Germany attacked Russia and lost ,every time ..😂😂😂😂😂 😂>> <<@vijendraraju6878 says : Irresponsible leaders of black pope nuns hiding lead to war terrorist org Americans uk europe born to black people along yesterday climate changed to whitish complexion...?>> <<@grahamsawyer831 says : it's worth remembering that in 1941 Germany had over 4,000,000 men in their invasion forces....>> <<@sandwiches-o3f says : Is this like, MAGA for you guys?>> <<@majorpgreen says : At first, I said, they don't want to kill us they need us for slavery and to make more money off of us and to do all the dirty work that they don't want to do, and then I watched the AI video the other day😮we are obsolete, expect more wars. You're not going to try to mess up the infrastructure too much. Expect more heavy man to man combat>> <<@boskostevovic3110 says : Who will fight for the NWO and WEF ? Your going to die for a old Jew in a bikini 👙 ? At the beach 🏝️ klaus shwabs ? Goodluck>> <<@alicjakijewski1012 says : NIEMCY TRZYMAJCIE SIE RAZEM KLASA NIE INACZEJ OBCY ROBI SWOJE PATRYK VEGA"" EVOL EYES""""" CO BEDA ROBIC Z WASZYMI DZIECMI?????>> <<@alicjakijewski1012 says : A CZEMU NIEMIEC UCZYC MA NIEMCA CZYZBY POMIESZALI SERCA!!!>> <<@worldartandmind says : Only the poor and low iq will participate as sacrifice for nato>> <<@marksymns2097 says : When NATO gets serious, russia won't last one day.>> <<@shlomitetro1688 says : Hi Germany remember last time ?>> <<@MikeG-js1jt says : So Stupid, Russia is in no condition to attack anyone, they can barely maintain a line against Ukraine, you guys are making it sound like an impending emergency, you are most of the problem!>> <<@ultrascettico says : 800000 what?🤣>> <<@TRAVIESO_NA says : Funding and profit from War is a past time of the globalist elite, nothing but games with human casualties.>> <<@jenschristianpedersen says : Europe has awaken>> <<@torstendr4777 says : NATO is an very aggressive Alliance, the private Army of the Globalists against other countries and against their own citizens. If you support NATO, you are a nazessist Billionaire without a moral compass or you are a stupid consumer of mainstream media without a brain>> <<@Pppppp443 says : There is only Nato threat.All the wars and inlargement was led by tham from 1991and they bomb without UN Serbia with uranium,people are dieing from radiation there even now.. They stage Kyev Bandera boys coupe in 2014 push arms bussines and reject Minsk agreements..Than they sent Boris to destroy peace talks.Russ and German gas rapid groving economy was stoped and Ukrain has been made a grave yard for all Slavs youth...so stupid>> <<@michaeless8971 says : No way. Germany doesn't have much military material and they will never get 1 million men to be stupid enough to join the military...>> <<@andyfr4072 says : If occidental countries wanted really that Ukraine win the war it would be done for long time… this is not theirs strategy.>> <<@LliamMoore says : So many geniuses and military experts in the comments 😂>> <<@jca8546 says : While the elites will hide in their bunkers, rich safe and full of good food only idiots don't see that.>> <<@francismuganguzi9816 says : This is NATO war against Russia but NATO will lose & vanish in WW3>> <<@darrenmcewan8679 says : The sleeping dragon is awake. Be it for the best for the world>> <<@Bbbrrrrrhhhhh says : If you afriad go to church>> <<@mosesoruari5322 says : Awaken of Nazis>> <<@patrolmanracv says : what a load of rubbish ..more lies from the west ..Ukraine is finished ..>> <<@DelPel-j2d says : NATO is Preparing to “defend “ something>> <<@Xingqiwu387 says : You'd think that German would have learned its lesson in WWII. The current government in Berlin is criminally insane.>> <<@zarni000 says : And who they gonna recruit from? Syrian refugees?? Lol>> <<@zarni000 says : Apparently Germany learned nothing in 2 world wars>> <<@greg1769 says : Germany does not have 800K troops. Germany wants another Russian War Memorial in Berlin.>> <<@luennganau8038 says : NATO prepared death for its 800,000 troops sending the to the Russia Grinding Military Machine.>> <<@gregorydevine6526 says : tks germany .your eyes are open irishman.>> <<@robertlevi3202 says : A bunch of old white men who want to sacrifice the young to gain riches, our creator would be displeased.>> <<@kranyat2024 says : Why people put their hands on guns and fight lol 😅😂 brainwashed in army and etc ....>> <<@dusanzgonc5001 says : >> <<@michaelpatish7248 says : If this was more than just talk, Nato would be producing 10x more artillery shells. To do that would be a huge investment in manufacturing equipment. Do you know of any new orders of manufacturing machines to accomplish that? As it is now Nato and the USA can not produce half of what Ukraine needs to hold off the Russian army.>> <<@mozartvolceski9053 says : Why NATO protect Ukrayna which is not member of NATO? USA and GB want to involve EUROPA in war with Russia.>> <<@Kozara687 says : Какве будале😂😂😂Па, гдје ћете на Русију? Јесте заборавили историју?😅>> <<@placidewilliam says : Its such a shame to witness how these governments uses gullible soldiers to go rob other nations for them. You cant make this shite up.>> <<@emmanuelk.tambwe2628 says : These people are paranoid...>> <<@dopamine3255 says : Also why is america tweaking their military drafting laws>> <<@zinstanbul says : 🏳️‍🌈 😂>> <<@minimummoimeme9774 says : why NATØ ... SAYS in your dreams ... but it is just some guys sometimes blabbering , and propagandists on TV saying _ there is no way armies from europe can operate with an other EVEN WITH NATO . mouth is not guts . they have no food , no oil , no drugs , in a maximum of three months the whole peninsula of EU is [R†P] and US will stay alone far away without navy = game over an consider one very important thing , ukrain had a very ver yvery very special treatment from russia because they are brothers , all other will be vaporised without mercy whatever you think they can prepare>> <<@Illisil says : Be careful, Putin will pull no punches!>>