<<@BanglaDesh-xb2gs says : ❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@BanglaDesh-xb2gs says : Sah hasina good govana for bangladeshi>> <<@SHAHNABI says : HOW SMART DO U NEED TO B TO B CORRUPT...NOT MUCH, JUST A LITTLE BIT.😂>> <<@sashilemla6229 says : Omg..a peon...>> <<@sahadatahmed6926 says : Iam students Bangladesh plz help me Bangladesh students 😢😢>> <<@nahidtrishna9529 says : Save us from hasina she is killing too many students. Two of my friends got kidnapped.>> <<@Withut567 says : Its a genocide we are living in hell>> <<@Snigdha03-its says : I'm a student from Bangladesh. Innocent students, including a 17-year-old boy are being arrested on false charges. Police are checking phones for protest-related content and arresting individuals indiscriminately. They are also raiding homes at midnight, taking away students without explanation.>> <<@mdriazahmed2879 says : Step down hasina...she is a mafia pm with out vote>> <<@MdShahadatHossain-q4q says : Mother of genocious hasina>> <<@hasanfaysal-t4l says : save Bangladesh>> <<@Justgo766 says : Hasina is a mafia government for Bangladesh. He and his team are totally involved in corruption.>> <<@supritomroy4235 says : She is a dictator.who killed the students.>> <<@Cheesecake-iv4lp says : As a Bangladeshi,  we desperately need this to go viral, so many people can see and help us. The Government is trying it's best to keep this news hidden from the world- its truly disgusting and disappointing they are killing their own people and the brains of tomorrow's and the people that COULD  have brought glory to our country. I haven't had internet for 3 to 5 days, the Government shut them down so this couldn't spread>> <<@yaoman6117 says : His son is a billionaire and 3rd richest person in Bangladesh. But the reason is unknown for all how he becomes the most richest.>> <<@abubokorsiddique8096 says : We're not safe in Bangladesh, Save Bangladeshi Students, Save Bangladesh from hasina>> <<@abubakkarsiddique9023 says : I'm from Bangladesh.. Our prime minister killed at least 200 students.. Shutting down our internet connection and committing genocide..we want justice for our martyrs.>> <<@shaheen8344 says : Her peon/servent made 4 billion taka then how much she made last 15 years...>> <<@zarthustra7 says : Save Bangladesh from fascist razakaar friends of Ha mas>> <<@zarthustra7 says : Razaakars make Hamas look like sa ints - and they are proud of it>> <<@zarthustra7 says : The country has been prosperimg despite problems and this makes CIA unhappy>> <<@Aitai0709 says : Just think, government kills student...wow>> <<@tronsafin4037 says : They have killed more than 200 students. The government shut down our internet so that we cannot share images of the dead people. Haseena is a dictator.>> <<@MYBLOGS90 says : One demand, pull her down and send to jail.>> <<@MYBLOGS90 says : Its very easy to understand, if peon is this level of corruptted what is the level of her.!>> <<@aferrous9290 says : Madhroof Hosain Madhfi is another corrupt police man>> <<@taratowell9059 says : Her pion have 400 million. How could she will stop it? This corruption keep her Power. The corruption people protect her.>> <<@mohammedehsan5533 says : These corruptions were approved by Hasina to remain in power.>> <<@14130kk says : She and her party all are corrupted I cannot tell you how much torture and oppression common people are suffering inside Bangladesh. He shut down the internet for four days and killed thousands of students. So that can take control of everything without any pressure from the outside world?>> <<@mdnazmulhasanrony7476 says : Step down hasina save Bangladesh>> <<@moktijodda-1971 says : Bangladesh dictator's government & police army killed at least a thousand students and civilians. Thousands of student and civilians are injured. Now government forces have arrested more 5 thousand students and civilians. Please save Bangladeshi students 🙏🏼>> <<@ObiramBanglarMukh says : Hasına Mother of Criminals>> <<@anwarhoshen8855 says : Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is the most shameless lie in the world. His government cruelly oppressed the people. How brazenly and brutally a prime minister ordered the killing of people in an international crime>> <<@mintusaren895 says : Jal debo ta be sab na, amra pan korbo ki.FROM WB>> <<@buffalosoldier2623 says : US trying to carve out a new country to contain India. Wion has sold out and is now US backed and will do their masters bidding. Wion are traitors to India and their own people . I like money as much as the next guy , but to betray my own people and country is something i could never do even if the world was on offer. 🤮>> <<@shoaibmanzoor6817 says : Second marriyum nawaz hai>> <<@shoaibmanzoor6817 says : Meri Dua Bangladesh k best future k liy from Pakistan>> <<@SaidurRahman-bh2kl says : 90% of people Don't want Hasina, she is a dictator>> <<@SaidurRahman-bh2kl says : Fascist Hasina>> <<@SaidurRahman-bh2kl says : She is a dictator>> <<@mafuzmafuz9698 says : Bangladesh Prime Minister is autocratic>> <<@Football-rk3gn says : This lady and he dad are crupt>> <<@TRADING-HUB-BANGLA says : আমিও আন্দোলনে যোগ দিতাম, তবে আমি বাইরে থাকার কারণে এটা আর সম্বব হলো না। তোমরা শিক্ষার্থীরা আন্দোলন চালিয়ে যাও। সফল আমাদের ওই হবে ইনশাআল্লাহ। দেয়ালে পিঠ ঠেকে গেলে ছাত্ররা কি করতে পারে সেটা তা সকলেই জানে।>> <<@TRADING-HUB-BANGLA says : আমিও আন্দোলনে যোগ দিতাম, তবে আমি বাইরে থাকার কারণে এটা আর সম্বব হলো না। তোমরা শিক্ষার্থীরা আন্দোলন চালিয়ে যাও। সফল আমাদের ওই হবে ইনশাআল্লাহ। দেয়ালে পিঠ ঠেকে গেলে ছাত্ররা কি করতে পারে সেটা তা সকলেই জানে।>> <<@LutfunNahar-d5l says : The people of Bangladesh believe that the current fascist regime has been ruling the country for the last 20 years with the support of India. This perception stems from the idea that without India's backing, this dictator would not be able to survive even a day in power. The frustration and anger of the Bangladeshi people towards their own government are thus directed towards India as well, seen as a supporter of the regime. However, India now has an opportunity to change this narrative and clear its name. By supporting the people of Bangladesh in their fight for freedom and justice, India can help to remove the dictator from power. If India chooses to stand with the people rather than the oppressive regime, it will not only strengthen the bonds between the two nations but also help the people of Bangladesh to forget past grievances and move forward with a sense of solidarity and mutual respect. Please support the people of Bangladesh in their struggle and do not support this dictator. Your support can make a significant difference in restoring democracy and justice in Bangladesh.>> <<@sunnyj6068 says : She is the biggest leader of corruption>> <<@millennialsgoals says : All millionaire usa visa free country😂😂>> <<@abdullamia9038 says : আমরা যারা প্রবাসী আছি আমাদের যাদের মনে দেশপ্রেম আছে ছাত্রদের দাবি মেনে নেওয়া না পর্যন্ত ব্যাংকে একটি টাকাও পাঠাবো না আমরা সবাই সহমত হই>> <<@golamrabbani9368 says : We live in a totalitarian>> <<@muhammadsohel3454 says : She is mafia in our country (Bangladesh)>>