<<@GanondorfsWife says : Weeeell weell weeeell. Bro endorsed Trump and now they're pals! Let's gooooo!>> <<@ThePathOfLeastResistanc says : I only heard one voice . Trumps>> <<@billieeyelash7015 says : Evil. Don't vote for this snake. Not sure what he was hoping to accomplish by leaking this, but it SURELY did no favors to him.>> <<@MrDennisk17 says : And just like that, I no longer like Kennedy>> <<@Psychonaut165 says : Rfk: “hey you’re on speakerphone” Trump:>> <<@chrispalmer9952 says : What a dirty dog.... a typical Kennedy really.>> <<@ML-bu3lz says : Such a total dick move (and illegal)>> <<@APPLEVALLEYTIM says : WHAT A BACKSTABBER....>> <<@jesseboyer4879 says : Bobby wtf bro , now your going to show all the scummy dem voters that they can trust you after all>> <<@morningsky8045 says : With Trump it's always about sharks or giant mosquitos. He makes Biden sound like a Rhodes Scholar.>> <<@ursashaw4806 says : Kennedy is ascending! Go Bobby go!! 💪❤️>> <<@lotus6314 says : It’s funny how everyone but Kennedy and Trump are making a big deal outta this. The media and these comments.>> <<@RhetroRP says : From this phone conversation, it sounds like both are aligned against Biden, or that RFK may have a cabinet role in Trumps admin. Biden asking why he turned his head when he did, sounds sketchy. And Trump saying that he’s seen babies change after getting the vaccine… that sounds bad, and needs more explanation>> <<@RhetroRP says : There’s nothing to apologize for.. it is transparency. This is what’s the people need to hear. There’s too much coverups and info being hidden from the people that put you in office>> <<@thunderlightning9355 says : Bet RFK turns out as TRUMPS A G ... WHAT A TEAM>> <<@derekharkrider9917 says : Wow, RFK secretly recording a call with Trump. What a snake, he cant be trusted. The excuse that his son did it without his knowledge seems like a very convenient and lame excuse.>> <<@desertsol44 says : Yall need to calm down. If you have any idea about RFK’s character, you’d know that he’d never do that, and there is no gain for him to leak a conversation, so it wa so justly done without his consent. There are snakes and infiltrators to Bobby’s campaign and this is an example. In the same way the swamp doesn’t want Trump in, the swamp is even more scared of Bobby because he’s come harder on it, especially on Pharma.>> <<@WhoLeaf says : RFK really fucked up. He needs to at least find the guy who leaked it or he lost his votes>> <<@YlvaBjarnson says : RFK RECORDED A PRIVATE CONVERSATION WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP AT HIS MOST VULNERABLE TIME OF HIS LIFE. RFK IS A RAT! 💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬>> <<@Johnfrancisbuttcrack says : His uncle jfk would be ashamed>> <<@brandywalkenten9085 says : He’s sorry ? Doubtful. If he has people releasing things he has a campaign full of untrustworthy people.>> <<@remingtonhill8283 says : Divide and conquer DTA this is irrelevant and only leaked to stir up drama his son sold out not him and trump is 100 percent right what he’s saying>> <<@FaithAckerman-cb4oo says : Nothing to apologize for because nothing wrong was said in the phone call. Yall are weird.>> <<@rebeccasmith8567 says : What is RFK gonna do to his son? Nothing?>> <<@TheGreatLeslie says : i dont think rfk was the one to leak the call>> <<@CK-ub7jf says : Yip, he has lost all credubility.>> <<@SamuelThomson-qs8py says : Don't understand the outrage. Recording a conversation with a professional? Welcome to America - everything you have ever done is recorded. The call leaking to the internet is unfortunate, but its not a bad look for either candidate to be discussing brass tax candidly over a call. Kennedy will not win, but he makes excellent points. Given Trump's likely victory, its welcome news that they can hear one another out so that action may be taken regarding many of RFK's points. That's good for RFK, thats good for Trump. Finding common ground and working together combines our strengths... if only that would have happened with Ron Paul. Ron had excellent points, but was not perfect since nobody is... but many of his points resonated with the American people so much that he had noteworthy support among the American people. Leaks are a bad look, but this looks good, so maybe an intentional leak for both of them. Both candidates gain by discussing unorthodox political talking points. I admire RFK, not near as much as Ron Paul, but enough to understand the value of conviction. When you care about what you are discussing, it shows. RFK Jr certainly feels passionately about many of the ideas he discusses, like Ron Paul and Trump - there is value in someone who cares about their role in the American system. Nothing about the video is a bad look for any of them. If its news to you that phone calls are recorded, and that shocks your conscious... yikes, you must be living under a rock to not be paying attention to these data trends. It's not like this does not happen. Depending on the state you are in, it may even be legal... 'gasp'. This is a professional inconvenience, but its far from a nuclear event for any of them. Thats just my reading on the tea leaves though, we all have our opinions.>> <<@woIfson says : Trump cant trust no one>> <<@sp4263 says : Kennedy is a sly snake & he's getting f'd over by a bigger snake Trump. Kennedy's campaign is dead as he rolls over for Trump.>> <<@theskorpiqn3789 says : The comment section is full of idiots... Do you really think Robert would try to set up Donald after he had just been shot!? Have you ever heard the man speak before you jump to conclusions? Do you actually know anything about his character? I use speaker phone ALLL the time and I'm 40. The videographer is secretly recording and leaked this, use your damn brains you've all been brainwashed to be so divided. Robert did nothing malicious this is a phone call to see how Donald is after the assassination.... Jesus you people trust nothing anymore...>> <<@ArtsyLadySiobhan says : And??? We’re hearing this why??? Trump is awesome!!!>> <<@antonydiaz4751 says : White Australians return the land you stole to the aboriginal people ..>> <<@lasvegas8179 says : It speaks volumes about this opportunists 💩 character.>> <<@sasham1280 says : I would be so angry if someone recorded my conversation with anyone, it’s private, personal no one’s business. It also breaks the trust you had with that person, I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to do that. Was Trump aware he was being recorded? Lost all respect for RFK Jr>> <<@bobbybrown1230 says : Fake news his son recorded it. But that’s typical coming from a republican channel>> <<@No-Name-f8p says : RFK is a total LOSER 😂>> <<@dollarinhand3443 says : He can not apoligize for something he did intentionally he knew he had it on speaker phone and that others where in the room as well as the camera man unacceptable. Next people are going to think it is okay to commit a crime and all they have to do is say sorry. This shows you the character of a person loud and clear>> <<@cray8on says : Damn Rfk /: I wanted to vote for you>> <<@Denniss7420 says : This audio is Edited. The 1st part is from 2019 - the small doses Trump was referring to childhood vaccines which Trump admitted (through prior Tweets) that Barron was negatively impacted. Then they merged in the 2nd part about the sh00ting.>> <<@bobbyketchup1466 says : Insane Trump. This should be played endlessly on media. I've seen babies change after being vaccinated many times. This is insane no matter how you slice it. He doesn't need to apologize.>> <<@Cece-o9q says : So one day after he "survived an assassination attempt"....he calls RFK, Jr about childhood vaccines. The call is recorded and leaked. This is the biggest bunch of tangerine bulls* I've ever seen. How many more publicity stunts is Trump going to pull before the election?>> <<@skulengu6854 says : It was a little ironic that Trump talks about a dosage made for a horse after promoting Ivermectin which was literally made for a horse. But it is still quite wonderful to hear candidate Trump speaking politely about Biden. It’s also good to see that Biden made a call wishing Trump well after narrowly escaping an assassination attempt. We have the to drop the hate. Part of loving your country is loving the people in it. We don’t have to agree about what is best for our nation, but we can disagree without the vitriol.>> <<@StarrlaRo says : Omg RFK is a kiss a$$ to apologize.>> <<@BudStickly says : So everyone hating in Robert in the comments are not for transparency?>> <<@adventurousdoglover says : I couldn’t figure out what my whole issue was with the whole administration and it’s because they treat us like my parents treated me growing up so much gaslighting and manipulation to make sure you don’t see the truth and then one day you wake up and realize it was all a lie. How do these people keep getting away with doing things when if someone else did them they would be hammered and in so much trouble>> <<@he_made_graduation says : what's wrong whit 2 people having a civil discussion?>> <<@slappytitz says : RFK sucks>> <<@kittypoop says : his son just ruined his career, what a judas, it always comes from the inside>> <<@bmrrw1809 says : All the people in the comments saying Kennedy has no integrity, voting for Trump, like Trumps never done anything like this 😂>> <<@ItsMrstoyouboo says : Im still voting for RFK. Yall over here crying over a bigoted, felon like trump over a phone call. All these people old as hell yet yall holding them deep for accountability for all their developing Alzheimer's.>>