<<@EllenLoehnis says : what if the climate deniers are wrong? what's plan B? Must be to vote Blue if you want to live on this planet>> <<@Jukio-n3y says : Days are longer because we're in the summerπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@maxhell4033 says : Now you know, farts influence the length of the days.>> <<@Joe-ri3nf says : How did this garbage video get on my timeline? Days getting longer by 2.62 milliseconds per century is the most irrelevant piece of information about the climate change hoax I've ever heard.>> <<@SebastianYap-xj9ju says : Infinite one god the father uncut hands fury order all demons spirits as imagine dragons sings demons worship mighty demon 😈 chief demon Beelzebub is mighty demon has rainbow 🌈 above head is bright pillar cloud by day and mighty angel has fiery pillars for legs is burning bush by night as Moses lifted up snake 🐍 is space man sings the killers so read his mind sings the killers and make mighty demon has rainbow 🌈 above head as Moses lifted up snake 🐍 is mighty demon 😈 has rainbow 🌈 above head so Satan appears as angel of light divided boundaries of nations people kingdoms governments according to number of sons of God called peacemakers follow snake dragon Satan is mighty demon Beelzebub has fiery pillars for legs appears as burning bush by night and mighty demon 😈 Beelzebub has rainbow 🌈 above head and face like sun of woman clothed with sun has 12 stars as crown walks on moon rules with iron rod. Angel was never created because angel was with God from the beginning so in the beginning the word was with God. Angel was with God Mighty demon Beelzebub is Satan first born of all creatures appear as light of world is mighty demon has rainbow 🌈 above head and face like sun of woman clothed with sun has 12 stars as crown walks on moon rules with iron rod Four horseman of apocalypse Satan chief demon Beelzebub 😈 has rainbow 🌈 above head and face like sun of woman clothed with sun has 12 stars as crown walks on moon rules with iron rod. Arch angel Michael Gabriel Jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ Angel of lord 4 horseman of apocalypse Satan chief demon Beelzebub>> <<@aviishai8135 says : For me days are getting shorter man>> <<@youreinmyoffice4273 says : Let’s see if days will be short in winter>> <<@ig..3091 says : Not while I’m at work! The day before dragging…..>> <<@alhazed says : A day might grow a maximum of 2.62 milliseconds per century? Yea. thats not a big deal.>> <<@ConfusedAstronomicalMode-xj2nz says : Days not getting longer its getting shorter>> <<@Monkofmagnesia says : Every planet in our solar system is going through a climate change. Are humans to blame for that? Do not make me want to unsubscribe!!!>> <<@Shyhalu says : Its called summer.....>> <<@canman5060 says : Day is getting longer because the sun is getting bigger !>> <<@thaq8.2 says : Draddle draddle>> <<@himelahmed8648 says : Save Bangladesh Save Bangladesh students 😒>> <<@FerdinandAkin says : Is there anything carbon dioxide cannot do?>> <<@nikkicake8131 says : This has got to be a joke πŸ˜‚>> <<@RGV.1 says : Why on earth would ANYbody frett about milliseconds every 100 years? Who will be left to proof their nonsens by then.?>> <<@fromriverstotheseapalestin7030 says : Only deep rooted muslims knows why the upcoming days in near future will be lengthy>> <<@martytube821 says : Clowns!>>