<<@nathemstreet says : Snicker…doodles…>> <<@maximolopezjr2249 says : '"Could serve as a moon base for future explorers?" That's assuming there isn't something else already living in there.>> <<@zipperdan3969 says : Is nobody taking this seriously?>> <<@scottbrown9521 says : This make more sense building base on moon then maybe Mars .>> <<@omnibus01 says : you can put your weed in there.>> <<@l.a.r.worldwide8243 says : Could be anything down there ... Could be a tremor hole>> <<@NIVDOR says : That’s where the Crota’s End raid starts.>> <<@flatearth8459 says : 👎--> 🌎🪓. The Moon Sun and Planets confirms a flat Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fLscrLC5cY 👎--> 🌎🪓. NASA stop with your false theories because, we live on a flat Earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBCp1Vmxz6M>> <<@davidellis5135 says : America and Russia have huge delta shaped nuclear powered space transports with immense wingspans , I've been studying them for quite some time, built by several defence aerospace contractors , they are like cruze liners, except these don't go on water.>> <<@FlakoDaDon-Dada says : This cave is not a natural formation>> <<@sandragayle7866 says : looks more like a sink hole that"s still growing, but what would that matter to nasa like the american gov. they never listen.>> <<@ritajohn2408 says : Genesis 1:7-9 7 And God made the firmament, and divided 👉the waters which were under the firmament 👉from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. Psalm 148 ESV Praise the Name of the Lord 4 Praise him, you highest heavens, and 👉you waters above the heavens!>> <<@ritajohn2408 says : Future base on moon 😂😂😂 No one can leave the earth. NASA all lies. https://youtu.be/W0_s40NjOQg?si=-r56HT9YVem8Hb3d https://youtu.be/XhIwZuPGfss?si=GnKc7yskp_B1d2Ht https://youtu.be/1oCNGcbwxWg?si=YWYABxuzh-z5j4Ei>> <<@m.gilbert1176 says : Spelunkers dream.>> <<@numberyellow says : "That wizard came from the moon..">> <<@noobmaster006 says : Complete BS>> <<@warrensmith8069 says : Do NOT enter the dark ominous Lunar Cave 😮 According to many space movies this will end badly. Just saying 😊>> <<@judi5562 says : Big deal. Don't we have more important things to focus on. Give me a break.>> <<@IvenRossall-te3sx says : UFO Home Base👽 Look Deep inside and You'll See an Entire City and Military Installations, with Families & Schools✌😎>> <<@somejackball says : no thanks>> <<@simondhont9615 says : Plato's new exile place>> <<@ianmerkin6488 says : How Slow is Your News.... Those Pictures have been Around for Years,,, Also There's Some on Mars,,,Just To Ruin it for the Suprise....>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : Luke Skywalker has entered the chat>> <<@Hendoggy909 says : Sounds like a Twilight Zone episode>> <<@yogibbear says : Adolf's cave!>> <<@ogreth9438 says : Old News... There are tliteraly hundreds if not thousands of those on the Moon.>> <<@alfonsedente9679 says : Omg! A cave on a moon? How is this possible?>> <<@poopsmcgruder says : This is fake>> <<@4stringz. says : moons bootyhole>> <<@tagiscom says : And according to an former FBI agent it is full of aliens.>> <<@AppalachianPatriot says : The Moon is hollow.>> <<@NE-Explorer says : Thats no moon>> <<@KurtBoulter says : The idiots have to make it to the moon first, rather than making outlandish claims about future moon bases, as we have heard this sort of pie in the sky crap, since they faked it in the late 60's!>> <<@inconsideratebox3000 says : Wow, that's crazy. Anyways...>> <<@jjsc4396 says : This has been known for DECADES! My God, have you NO science history background at ALL!?!>> <<@WernerVonWeener says : That’s the moons ass hole>> <<@SpookyDookySr says : That’s the alien hidey hole. 👽>> <<@Inkwaber says : I used to respect and admire NASA, but I can't trust anything they say or do after I found out they edit out "anomalies" from their photos before releasing them to the public. Despicable. NASA = Never A Straight Answer. I bet this "discovery" is either a red herring for something else or is being covered up as "just a neat cave".>> <<@baronteddyvonforsthoffer2567 says : Sinkhole>> <<@letshavethetruth-hv1go says : They always knew they getting us ready for new info.....>> <<@J.D.Mc. says : Let's focas on actually getting TO the moon first. Since we can't even get past the van allen belt. 🙄>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : Too bad can’t believe a word they say>> <<@markhill9275 says : Wankers, that's the moons arsehole! You've just been mooned!!!>> <<@wyattkrumanaker6116 says : damn the housing markets really that bad 🤣😭>> <<@ZinoviyaUlyanov says : Nice No Man's Sky moon!>> <<@derrickjenkins2455 says : The moon rang like a bell for hours, after NASA crashed a probe into it..... that's not a hole, its the entrance to a facility.>> <<@Serusization says : Looks like a hole to me, not a cave>> <<@Daemonlinks says : The Americans went to the Moon fifty years ago, but forgot how and so didn't go back NASA tells me. 😂>> <<@etsequentia6765 says : That's the service entrance into the maintenance area next to the moon operations center in the core.>> <<@TruthFreedom-de3zy says : Fake!!!!!!!!!!>>