<<@1upluigi114 says : Love Vivek that was a great speech>> <<@jonathansanders3174 says : Gen Z can’t even save there selfs lol>> <<@dimitriosfreedom9282 says : Eventually Ramaswamy supported Trump? What? The guy endorsed Trump almost immediately he got out of the race for the nomination. Sky news needs to do better research.>> <<@huntertomblin1946 says : Jesus we are fucked>> <<@chloemartel9927 says : Gen Z is too self absorbed.>> <<@HelenThomasCreativeHealer says : Correction. He very much did not swing round to support Trump after running for president. He was behind Trump all the way.>> <<@Claude-Eckel says : The GenZies are the ones who are going to destroy the world as we know it, mate. One generation builds up the wealth, one inherits and governs it and the third tears it down and ruins everything (according to Otto v. Bismarck, 1815-1898). Assuming there are 25 years between each generation, after ‘45 it would be 50 years later, that is, ’95, when the third generation is born which ruins everything. They are now about 30 years old. And they are also known as _‘Gen Z’_ . Just leave me alone with them! They are the enemies of free speech and opinion, enemies of democracy, which has majority rule as one of its key elements, not the other way round, where minorities dictate how the majority had to think and speak. I'm the one who inherited and fought to keep it, who peacefully overcame a dictatorship even. So... there's programmed conflict. Hear me? Conflict!>> <<@lordbrenno6354 says : Hahaha he lost me when he said gen Z and hard work>> <<@munimathbypeterfelton6251 says : "You want to be a rebel? You wanna be a hippie? You wanna stick it to the man? Then show up on your college campus and become a conservative." This guy is delusional, not to mention contradictory. No hippie or other rebel who wants to stick it to the man will ever become a conservative. You can't rebel and be backward-thinking or traditional at the same time.>> <<@TITAN-us2ej says : I like Vivek and he seems balanced on his views but if it's up to gen z then rip to the future generations>> <<@lukestarkiller1470 says : As a Gen Z with a long last name I really felt that. Also I know a lot of people like to make fun of my generation, and for good reason, most of us are pretty ridiculous, but for me and a lot of others in my generation this will be the first election we can vote in, so instead of saying “we’re screwed” we need to focus on making sure Gen Z feels comfortable voting, because every vote counts and if we discourage an entire generation from participating then we’re all screwing ourselves over.>> <<@nhmooytis7058 says : Uh, they’re feckin maroons.>> <<@JK-vu6hl says : Not likely.>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Disagree, All Generations can save the USA if they cease believing Pravada Lies, sorry MSM, and correctly ID the problems.>> <<@AugustinBogdan-v6f says : Does Gen Z run on lithium or hydrogen? I doubt it...>> <<@HailAnts says : Gen Z couldn't change a tire.. 🤣>> <<@Angela-el3gp says : Millennial can lead. I have hope for them. I know some very smart common sense millennials>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : GenZ? Theyre terrified of everything.>> <<@Xeacons says : Vivek should do stand-up! That's the funniest thing I've heard all week!😂😂😂>> <<@MigrantAssassinationSquad666 says : I can't stand Vivek. A RINO snake in disguise 🥸>> <<@MigrantAssassinationSquad666 says : Gen Z'ers couldn't wipe their own ass, without Tik Tok showing them how to lol 😆😆 Dumbest generation ever in Human history.>> <<@BIBIWCICC says : He truly is a clown!>> <<@larryjustice299 says : Thet will be still living with the parents long after I'm dead and gone.>> <<@millabasset1710 says : No nation is exceptional>> <<@timbarker757 says : Gen z were screwed!!!!>> <<@TrickyBoy1517. says : Despite the left's lame attempts at constructing a narrative otherwise, Gen Z do NOT overwhelmingly favor left wing parties and in fact the left is crawling with aging hippies and washed up socialists.>> <<@millabasset1710 says : Gen Z can't even use torrents lol>> <<@SeeTheWholeTruth says : IF your leaders speak in generalizations? You are an idiot for letting them be leaders.>> <<@SreejuAcharya says : Does he have future in Republican?? don't you think he can be great democrate??>> <<@Contractor48 says : Those trashing Gen Z, remember that all this DEI things were brought up by millennials. We are all in this together.>> <<@zhannasverzhina5859 says : Vivek is great person!!!!!>> <<@M77982 says : If it's up to Gen Z we are definitely Screwed>> <<@emperordalektardis says : Considering that Vivek is as much a compulsive liar as Trump I don't think he'll be saving the country any time soon.>> <<@goosecouple says : "America can liberate other countries. But when will the Red states liberate the Blue states ???">> <<@Ascendsean35 says : NIce to see some positive message for Gen Z. THey get ragged on A LOT. It doesn't inspire them when everyone calls them helpless and stupid / lazy.>> <<@thepatriarchy8443 says : I think it will be the Millennials.>> <<@HouMat-if5fi says : Gen Z is the worst generation ever.>>