<<@jones7952 says : Mr President, what is the day, date, month and year?>> <<@electricman523 says : Democrats love democracy sooooo much that they are forcing their democratically-nominated candidate to drop out of the race!>> <<@tccaltasgary7209 says : Well joe blow as alwaya your stupidity is showing... Frist it came out that Oboomer wasn't born in the us his husband big mike told the world that second yes your damn right Trump said to lock up those rioters for braking the law duh that's common sense>> <<@ClintRichard says : Who writes this drivel for Teleprompter Biden to regurgitate word for word he doesn't know what day it is>> <<@mscarolynnigro says : I like how this channel low key mocks Brandon>> <<@nongmin88 says : He's a nasty SOB.>> <<@commatodatop264 says : Desperate brining up george floyd. They want to keep us at each others throats.>> <<@Zzoro1987 says : He’s a disgrace>> <<@chrishelbling3879 says : Wrong, that was Hillary who said Obama wasn't born in America.>> <<@jessedorame9064 says : I thought this was SNL>> <<@61066clocks says : Its over with joe,, save what little energy you got left for the old folks home>> <<@solidarnosc9663 says : Kamala Harris is NOT black.. this guy is completely gone and needs to be removed from his position. Honestly, enough is enough.>> <<@catherinefriederich says : Joe, you are Amazing! Forever in my heart for what you do for America your entire adult life!❤😮>> <<@morningsky8045 says : Don't often come to this channel for obvious reasons, but I can only hope most of these comments are being made by American fruitcakes rather than Aussie ones.>> <<@mirrorsforfaces3412 says : Biden is cooked on both sides>> <<@flimmaytinstone8980 says : Joe Biden has Parkinson’s. The freezing. Eyes stuck open, speech, soft voice, all classic Parkinson’s symptoms. It’s sad but it’s true. The guy has to step down.>> <<@Uuu29-fy2vc says : I vote Biden; Australian opinion do not matter>> <<@raymarsh4620 says : Baby Boomer crazies. They have to hold onto office because the next generations are going to look around and wonder: What the hell have they done?>> <<@Sig.40 says : Imagine someone trying to translate Biden’s noises to sign language>> <<@mlnags2829 says : Joe showing many signs of late stage dementia. The anger is getting worse and slurring snd screaming- dementia!!!>> <<@jonathanfriedlander8563 says : A MASHED POTATOE SPEAKS ????>> <<@laszlovandor4770 says : V.P. is an INDIAN !!!!>> <<@ed7848 says : 🤔 Hmmmm. Which way is out? 😱 I know the stairs are somewhere. 🤦🏻‍♂️ IDIOT!>> <<@laryjohnson5736 says : brandon has always been a proud liar.>> <<@avaangel433 says : "hggyfgookkhewTRUMPnbhhIihgff">> <<@tomgann9383 says : I can’t understand anything this presenter is saying. I guess it’s hard to speak clearly when you’ve got so much of Rupert Murdoch’s anatomy going down your throat.>> <<@robertordish3754 says : You know...when someone is trying to listen to someone you might want to turn the FU#%^^$ING music off.>> <<@annaagolli4140 says : After looking at that birth certificate he eventually coughed up, I'd bet money he's not a citizen.>> <<@ADR-oc2pz says : Joe Biden SUX>> <<@hectorsoliz5839 says : Most Americans know Joe Biden is not a man of his word.>> <<@benjover5663 says : He ordered a Bullseye put on Trump, and it failed, NOW he wants to Lower the temperature in case theres a Bullseye on BIDEN>> <<@johndaley4661 says : More hate speec from Biden.>> <<@johndaley4661 says : Joe Biden pushed a crime bill that put more black men in jail then I have ever seen in my life.>> <<@johnnoflin7157 says : They got proof that Obama wasn't born in America>> <<@attinavan947 says : OH NICE, Guess they edited over sound as the speech was really hard to listen and make out. Due to the echo and bad sound, prob needed to fine tune the slurring, but I do like all this audience sounds also. its amazing to what lengths they have to go to make him decipher from the prewritten teleprompters speech, to sound changes>> <<@michaelangelo9119 says : The dnc has problem strategies where they have to lie about Biden dementia and Biden failed and unpopular policies. But the dnc brought it on themselves the past years Some insiders may be engaging in election interference since Biden hasn’t held cabinet meetings since Oct all who covered Biden dementia could be criminally liable>> <<@jennamarie982 says : Ppp are DYING because of YOU>> <<@jennamarie982 says : You are an ASSASSIN BIDEN AND TRAITOR TO THE USA>> <<@RJiiFin says : "I know black people. The first black president of America was Putin... uh.... Zelensky!">> <<@razz-8031 says : Is Joe aware you are only allowed 1 vice president ? There's 1 black job Joe.>> <<@marydetsch2819 says : Sounds like there are only 20 people in that room.>> <<@razz-8031 says : YT/Google is really working overtime deleting even the most respectful comments and/or replies.>> <<@melyblazegardens1883 says : From a woman of color I disagree with Biden about Trump doing nothing about George Floyd murder. Trump had a task force investigate every police station in our cities and towns. Stop lying Biden.>> <<@Logan-py8we says : the hate speech and the lies just continues - pathetic>> <<@RealNiggaBob says : NAACP is a joke>> <<@dwtallone says : And The Idiot's Applaud. If I was a Black Man or Woman, I'd be disgusted by this disgusting rhetoric. Biden is an absolute moron. His age has just added to it. I wonder how many times he has used the word "Sick"? Joe Biden is Sick And I have to question the mental health of anyone who would vote for this.>> <<@Turbo4Joe363 says : "If you dont vote for me you ain't Black" Yeah, sure Dementia Joe! BTW: Cackilng Kamala is NOT Black. She is 1/2 Indian and LESS than 1/2 Black....go figure!>> <<@greg8958 says : More Hate Speech from Mumbles>> <<@billbonu1639 says : Dude is pathetic.all he has is fear and hatred because his job performance is so bad.>> <<@CrimeaRiver-t9n says : More biden hate rhetoric>>