<<@markburtscher818 says : he always been washed up>> <<@rkymtnchi503 says : Most of the world hates Trump, no surprise here.>> <<@xest1759 says : good for him lol trump sucks>> <<@M.H.I.A.F.T. says : Conservatives love to say that liberals get offended/triggered by everything. Then when someone makes fun of their orange messiah, they prove themselves the biggest snowflakes of all.>> <<@mikewolf417 says : Why worry what a Star Bore has been has to say.>> <<@GoogleHater-h2o says : Trump using that music is an insult to ALL Americans ! Trump is greedy and no supporter of AMerica for teh people ??? And honoring those who died for America ??? Trump has implied that he feels they are the suckers and fools. He dodged any military service himself !! A coward.>> <<@gregoryjones8388 says : I used to like him but not anymore he’s more political now than before it’s pathetic>> <<@TAGATOR says : Pathetic has beens commies like Mark Hamill is why I no longer view democrats as Americans!>> <<@mr.anything424 says : He’s right, trump’s a fraud>> <<@AnaMaria-wn6jn says : So your’re a Kool-Aid junkie, huh? Explains why you’ve looked like HELL for the past 20 yrs. ANYONE could have played Skywalker better than Mark Hamill. He’s a TERRIBLE actor compared to Harrison Ford. Other than him lucking out with the role in the Star Ward franchise, he’s barely acted anywhere else. He’s washed up has been. A nobody.>> <<@2012blueridge says : Someone should ask mark how he went from Joe be wan Kanobie to Kamala Binx>> <<@Andredelagarde says : They hate Trump because they claim Trump is full of hate, when I see more hate coming from those hypocrites than from Trump himself. I am Mexican born and raised, I am not offended by Trump, because he was talking about illegal in migrants who indeed bring drugs and crime, that is what he said about Mexicans, which started the whole hate towards Trump. I should hate him, but I hate nobody, in fact I will vote for Trump in 2024 because I am tired of wokeness.>> <<@JerryBagus-ul4pj says : Shhhhh>> <<@TxpNoveske says : Hammil is a mental midget brainwashed leftist. I wish hollywood washed up actors would just their ignorant pie holes.>> <<@sophiethepillowqueen says : Who cares what this has been has to say? He a nobody who’s done nothing of late except play a fake character. So I’ll ask again. Who cares?!>> <<@alexxander1768 says : (I will never read a reply) Mark Hamill? He had literally no talent and got carried the entire Star War series by supports like Han Solo and Yoda. Glad to see he's miserable though, even with probably $100 mil to his name.>> <<@donaldchase329 says : Virtually every entertainer that has elected to get involved in Politics via their vile comments have basically destroyed their careers. No matter which side they are commenting on they are alienating half their fan base and that pretty much lasts for life. Do they not realize that basically they have become irrelevant merely due to picking sides in national politics? Yes there are one or two exceptions as some have actually taken an active part but even then there was only one who was relative successful at it. No I am not talking about Trump.>> <<@standingontherockofages says : 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast ROMANS 10:13 For “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. ◄ Acts 3:19 ►  KJV New International Version Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,>> <<@steviechapman5309 says : The grandfather who wanted his grandchild aborted .>> <<@dudelebowskithe2nd373 says : Wtf is wrong with these Hollywood morons?>> <<@johnclarke7626 says : Never mistake an actor for the heroes they have played. Except Keanu.>> <<@StaindHand says : Hamill believes he is as big a star as Ford- ffs>> <<@thomascox9525 says : This the only way a washed up actor can stay relevant.>> <<@davidtaerea3493 says : Hamil, once threatened a young girl in the parking lot......................the young girl, kicked his ass !>> <<@societyofroodest.590ad9 says : As a Republican, I can tell you that I wouldn't go see a movie with this clown in it ever again (if he could get another movie now). What a schmuck. I hope they remake Star Wars, and they cast J.D. Vance as Luke FU&$*@g Skywalker!>> <<@chadchadly3564 says : Mark Hamill is a nasty little gremlin and I cannot stand him.>> <<@LordJunes says : Actors should be banned from talking about politics. They are our heroes from our favorite movies and their opinionare ruining an entire franchise. How the hell am I supposed to watch Star Wars now without thinking that one of the best characters is an asshole? (as if Disney alone wasn't enough)>> <<@smithbrownjones says : Hamill also mocked the assassination attempt, if memory serves me right, and he deleted the post...>> <<@chazgeorgebatmanhotline7069 says : He finally joined the Dark Side>> <<@sheilacarns4227 says : He is so ignorant a man died ,a father protecting his family and they mock???? Mark is a pussy?>> <<@JustAMindlessDrone says : Who knew that Harris stepping in was going to take down Trump, too funny. So much butt hurt. Shame, was looking forward to Trump going full dictatorship after he won. Women losing the rights to everything like voting. "I have A dream">> <<@gman8591 says : Look at the little old white man... I am a white man and you are embarrassing to the race. Why don't you go back inside and watch Jeopardy or something..... make yourself useful and do what your boyfriend tells you and go take the garbage out.>> <<@jessrosenstock2797 says : What a loser.>> <<@LotusRose745 says : He has already joined the dark side>> <<@SkorLord says : Who?>> <<@jgrave10 says : Well looks like "Luke" went over to the darkside. Fortunately "Obi Wan Kenobi" didn't have to witness "Luke's" destiny as "Lord Douche Bag".>> <<@peterpaul231 says : Useless leftist has been.>> <<@David_Theisen says : “Weak little man”??? Let’s see how strong you are if someone blew your ear off Luke Skywalker!!!!>> <<@mikederleth3442 says : Luke,,, no one is your father>> <<@DarthAlphaTheGreat says : It’s one thing to not wanting people getting shot for being fascists and stupid. It’s another to not call them stupid and being a fascist.>> <<@DarthAlphaTheGreat says : Grow a spine Republicans.>> <<@dickenscider4082 says : We all mocked Donald and his crazy cult followers with sanitary napkins on their ears.>> <<@steeldragon2640 says : due to hamills rant I will definitely be supporting Trump, if hamill is against it then it must be the right thing to do.>> <<@tcb4jesus says : Marks entire career is Star Wars and nothing else!!!!>> <<@seynpurrp says : ive lost full respect for mark after this.>> <<@loudtaste1046 says : Mark you were in 3 over rated movies get over yourself>> <<@davidwhitehead9756 says : Mark Hamill thinks he can make himself more relevant by criticizing Donald Trump. In truth Mark is a one-hit wonder. Aside from Star Wars, what will he ever be remembered for?>> <<@jamestyer8294 says : Well Harrison ford is no better he once called donald trump a sob.>> <<@malikm16 says : Way to go Mark Hamil!! Still my Skywalker!!>> <<@wayneleroy6382 says : He's a typical leftist coward and traitor as are most Hollywood d-bags, really just a disgrace and a worthless t💩rd.>>