<<@FredBouck says : Sorry he needs to go he's the worst president ever doesn't have a clue to whats going on.>> <<@Sherminator895 says : his lil run haha>> <<@MarialiceOHara-e1r says : No one should vote for Schiff>> <<@dannypowers4995 says : Riden with Biden 2024 just watch.>> <<@Ulster96789 says : Trump is measuring the democrats up for their orange jump suits.>> <<@susansmith1925 says : Really?>> <<@mikeses4392 says : The democrats refused to allow primary opponents against Biden and joe received 14,000,000 votes, but it’s fine to disenfranchise those people if it gives them a better chance to win??? That’s not right….😮>> <<@thumperjdm says : @0:10 Look how wide the soles are on Biden's shoes, so he doesn't fall down!   They're damned near snow shoes!! hahaha fjb>> <<@cat3309 says : Keep Joe in! Trump, for the win!!>> <<@bigtobacco1098 says : 4 years ago 😅😅😅>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : Biden's last attempt failed>> <<@ndlsumr says : On the contrary, he's the PERFECT Democratic candidate - he's divorced from reality, hallucinates (i.e. shakes hands with people that aren't there), and blames everything bad on Trump while taking credit for every good thing he isn't responsible for, just like his voters.>> <<@the_big_dog813 says : The Democrats nominated Biden, they should live with that decision. Cowards.>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : YouTube is becoming a basket case. Wokeism at its finest.>> <<@jule3480 says : Schiffty>> <<@HMASJervisBay says : ‘Serious concerns’ Are you kidding its about time Sky came out from under the rock. Sheesh! And I'm a subscriber.>> <<@carolhigginson5509 says : "Ahead 2 points??" Another lie by demonrats>> <<@Boaz833 says : Also remember nearly EVERYONE who worked directly with Trump have ALL said he is unfit to be president, including his vice president, chief of staff, secretary of state, secretary of defense, national security adviser, attorney general, homeland security advisor, press secretary, white house aids, etc. Even his current VP pick compared him to Hiler. But nearly everyone who works directly with Biden has high praise for him. The few dems who say he should withdraw are people who almost never interact directly with him.>> <<@hobarttobor686 says : Jill...need go peepee>> <<@Suwshi says : He gotta Go.>> <<@omuerta7605 says : ya think?!?!?! LOL>> <<@dennismoyer8463 says : Nursing Home Joe Gotta Go!>> <<@EZZMONEY says : Joe Biden has viability issues being a human as opposed to being a ghoul>> <<@Jason_Merchant says : Senator Bob Menendez could replace Biden on the ticket 🤷‍♂️>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Ban joe Biden from ice cream>> <<@mcathawk1490 says : Trump 2024!!!>>