<<@rjb073 says : Good by, Joe. Enjoy retirement.>> <<@timoneckler6557 says : Right wing show. Your show and opinions are ridiculous.>> <<@PeggyCollins-wj8eg says : I have a bit of advice for joe and mikka.....SHUT UP!>> <<@Mr.Alwaysright-z8q says : Iran had nothing to do with it>> <<@screamengine says : I wouldn't know of him only for people talking shit about him. His "wife" interests me but only when he's talking while on mute.>> <<@jerryvonb205 says : Scarborough looks just like the shooter!>> <<@alanmerrick2841 says : THERE'S MORE NEED TO FEAR, PANDERERS ARE HERE Sung to the tune of the toon Underdog. When feminists in this world appear, And change the Laws that we Revere, And hoodwink all who see or hear, The cry goes up both far and near for Panderers, Panderers, Panderers, Panderers. Speed of lightning, power of thunder, Fighting for who rob and plunder Panderers, Panderers, Panderers. When in this world the headlines read Of women’s hearts of hate and greed Who rob and steal from men in need. To keep wrong right with blinding speed go Panderers, Panderers, Panderers, Panderers. Speed of lightning, power of thunder, Fighting for who rob and plunder Panderers, Panderers, Panderers.>> <<@davideickholt8012 says : Joe Scarborough is hate monger plain and simple,like hate love you’ll this show>> <<@donaldwebb9148 says : That's the kind of talk that makes him look like an ignorant person.>> <<@trex2092 says : Joe Scarborough is from my hometown of Pensacola, FL. He knows better than to cross the street, change a tire on the side of the road or bicycle publicly. He would be Road Kill instantly. BTW he used to represent the people from the NW Florida District as our "representative", he was re-elected and then mid-term he bailed on us, YEP Walked off his job. What a looser.>> <<@marklittleton996 says : The man is sick.>> <<@JuanMartinez-kn2qs says : Yes,yes,yes….. this show and a dozen more are full of hatred and are toxic. If Biden wants unity, these shows have to go…>> <<@RobertColfack says : Joe just said less then a month ago Biden is as sharp as he's ever been now Biden is gone and now he thinks Harris is the best thing since the invention of slied bread...>> <<@dannylesch2318 says : I'm sorry but morning Joe is so funny to watch. He shouldn't be a political commentator. He should be a comedian.>> <<@karlkuster6413 says : Beatie eyed Scumborough needs to keep his moronic piehole shut. Take DEI and shove it up Cheatle's ass. A 5 ' 2' SS female agents can't protect a 6' 3" male. Like mostly every liberal ideology it doesn't pass the test of common sense and human logic which means everything that they spew is classified as mentally deranged.>> <<@Djcam59 says : What a clown Scarborough is! A big nerd>> <<@andynaz5631 says : Why does scarborough still have a job?>> <<@smudge6831 says : Who the hell listens to Joe Scarborough. He’s an embarrassment to journalism>> <<@mariaconte3989 says : Joe Scarborough is a sick man, cancel him comp,etely , I remember when he was normal What Happened.>> <<@darrinmarberry507 says : When I listen to Joe Scarborough speak.I feel embarrassed for him>> <<@Cmr_5vifail says : The deep state ,instead ofGeorge cooly ,should take from a KGB agent or anyother such professional services or even a non American Not western catering services for a better plan as the world is not in 60s>> <<@marciawood2061 says : All New York MSM morning shows should be cancelled.>> <<@samuelhollowell4484 says : FJB & FJS>> <<@The_Resistance_1961 says : I saw video footage of that roof and I literally shit my pants at the thought of having to scale it. Then again I have explosive diarrhea and that might have something to do with it too.>> <<@generaljane7643 says : Joe Scarborough is unhinged.>> <<@ramiromejia7705 says : MSNBC is part of the democrat party!!!>> <<@DONT_BE_SHEEPLE says : TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME IS REAL! I See Amy Schumer got a gig on The secret service thanks to her uncle Chuck!>> <<@tomjardel9274 says : Unhinged irresponsible incompetent dishonest bitter hate monger mast of all this guy is a self serving liar. And a plain old fashioned asshole. He should have been fired when it became obvious that the only thing that means anything at all to him is to dehumanized Donald Trump via lies and smears and false accusations even though Trump was a thousand times the President that Biden was. Him and his cronies are the biggest threat to our constitution and our democracy than anyone. Talk about looking stupid this clueless knucklehead said 1 or 2 days before Biden put his dementia on full display during the debate. He said that this Biden is the best version of Biden ever. Are you kidding me? What an idiot. Hahaha, that is no doubt the stupidest statement of the year by the stupidest person on TV. At the bottom of this guy's stupidity lies an angry bitter frustrated jealous asshole who is desperately trying to become relative by being the biggest liar who tells the biggest lies about trump out there. This type of lonely pathetic phony jackass with a tiny penis needs to be trashing one of his betters to make himself feel better. Look up "LOSER" and no doubt you will find this guy's picture. Him and the rest of this extremists radical left wing media is a huge part of what's wrong with our country. Him and his have dragged down one of the most important profession's that we have here in America. Our free and open press who are supposed to protect us from politicians who get out of control and go to far. Our press was there to tell the American people the truth. Then this Bozo and the other Bozo's on left wing cable news stations have destroyed our trust in the media and our government has taken full advantage of the crooked dishonest news media our country has ever had. Our free press were once the envy of the world. And people like this nimrod has turned it into an embarrassing crooked laughing stock. What a total asswipe and what a trader this piece of S**** is and can't help it will always be. How does he sleep at night? What does he tell his kids when they ask him, Why are you such a joke daddy?>> <<@silverdime3685 says : Morning Joe has outdone Joseph Goebbels regarding mass defamation and dangerous malice projected on an individual or group. Geobells and Scarborough have consistently repeated that their separate and innocent targets (being people who have been legitimately charged with nothing) should be eviscerated from existence. That they are by far the most malignant people on earth and must be treated as so. This is a crime and led to what happened on Saturday.>> <<@VincentWilliams007 says : Where's Clarice Starling when you need her? Clarice, Clarice, Clarice...>> <<@frenchiemomma1879 says : They need some Rhonda Rousey type women if they want to hire women for these positions! This is not a job for an average woman. Physical fitness means a lot regardless of what the woke may say.>> <<@mamabearWojo says : If Joe and Mika were cancelled 🎉🎉🎉>> <<@jeffknighton6599 says : Does anybody say anything even close to the number of shockingly dumb things per minute that Joe Scarborough serves up, daily? It's almost like the show is a sport to see how much dumb content a TV show can get away with.>> <<@tbolin25 says : Nearly 1,800 posts, just ask yourself over the course of your life how many men do you know who've had a dead nubile twenty something turn up dead in their office?? Simple question with a simple answer!!>> <<@RobMeadows-c9y says : Demonuts want the wars>> <<@jamesedinger7669 says : MSNBC fell short for not pulling the show the other 364 days.>> <<@sheilah4525 says : Some cowards submit their honor just to…. you know….. and I bet he can’t even do that anymore, this loser.>> <<@codyparsons6800 says : Joe Scarborough is a clown 🤡 and only the dumbest people in America still tune into his little show of lies.>> <<@vickywahle5804 says : I am like the poor girl bodyguard of Trump but I couldn’t protect the President ,He needs man as tall them him. Women are not strong enough for carrying a man like him.Women are very strong but not for this kind of thing.>> <<@johnconnolly3635 says : Morning Joe should go. And be gone forever they are horrible and can take the view with them>> <<@bissonFamily says : Joe and Mika loved Trump before he ran as a Republican. I wish they would air some of those old clips.>> <<@XLBiker13 says : Joe Scarborough is a complete moron.>> <<@jeffking695 says : Joe Scarborough has lost his mind. Joe B is smarter.>> <<@kissannmcauley4429 says : Four eyes is out of hes mind 🤪>> <<@antbonyziemiak208 says : TRUMP NEEDS PROTECTION FROM THE SECRET SERVICE>> <<@debbieharris7 says : oh brother>> <<@johnmartins94 says : A) On cancellations: You either believe in free speech, or you don’t. Cancelling programs / firing people, should be a business decision. B) The Secret Service debacle, is beyond incompetence. We are in deep trouble people. C) When you get unhinged persons like Joe; Joy; Rachel; Whoopi and certain lawmakers as well (see Maxine Waters), they only get traction amongst people who are INCAPABLE of prioritizing logic and reason, over emotion.>> <<@oliw5963 says : Month ago Joe Scara said Biden ist laser f...n sharp as ever. How can anyone let this god damned liar go on?>> <<@timarrington2245 says : Gets the dems out...>> <<@timarrington2245 says : Scarborough, go live in Palestine>>