<<@waynebaker7073 says : Nar fast food sux .>> <<@matthewpetherick921 says : Hralufth em>> <<@L0b0ts says : How about getting rid of junk politics. Labor continuing to destroy jobs.>> <<@jamiechippett1566 says : Leave my pink sprinkled doughnuts alone! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘ love them. Get paid out big time over it. So what! I love them ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘>> <<@The_JONX says : Censorship is dangerous.>> <<@snowqueen_8958 says : *eyeroll*>> <<@KurtBoulter says : These calls show, that they believe people are so simple-minded, that advertising works on the vast majority of people? Which may actually be true, yet the Victoria Government should NOT have the right to say where food advertising should & should not be.>> <<@coldstone3327 says : Targeting kids. Instead of food worry having trans drag queens reading book to kids and wanting to have transgender surgeries on children. That's what's going on in the the USA>> <<@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 says : 3rd world migrants are eating on public transport smelly foods. Well I agree with this one, when you migrate you must follow customs and manners of the locals....๐Ÿฆ˜๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ>> <<@ohwell2790 says : Economies are failing, inflation is not going down, jobs, immigration is out of control, housing shortage and this is what the government is worried about. Same in the US.>> <<@margienielsen5939 says : Yep good idea. Ban it>> <<@robertcatterson8835 says : And stop giving our taxpayers money to migrants.>> <<@warrenklaus-tm1oo says : Let's be honest with ourselves govt causes far more serious and life threatening issues. So using this joker's reasoning there us a serious argument for banning govt. Most excellent idea !>> <<@firststep7750 says : I agree with this.>> <<@simoncooper6752 says : I'm not saying they should be banned outright, however, I do wish there weren't quite so many as it gets really annoying.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : I thought the Victorian Government needed revenue from any way possible>> <<@BigGen222 says : Yet the gambling ads on the telly are rife.>> <<@Aussie-Nan says : What happened to people knowing how to eat properly and feed their children healthy foods? We are just putting the blame on advertising or is it an excuse for being lazy.>> <<@jenzag7621 says : The government's should mind their own bloody business.>> <<@Goober_000 says : LOL as if they would. Their core voter base are overweight government employed women.>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : Ban junk food? How about ban huge liquor stores like Dan Murphy's? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@AnneSchneider-j6y says : If people want to eat junk food its our choice.Seems like the government is now trying to tell us what we can and cant eat.If people want to get fat thats also their choice.Back off government.>> <<@officialkingofswag67r.g53 says : Australiaโ€ฆ. A country where youโ€™re forced to live to 85 in complete misery so the government can tell the rest of the world about how good health care and country is!>> <<@filipos7459 says : Amazing they should ban the corruption from their own ranks first>> <<@peterjames174 says : it's called communism people old enough to decide for themselves .>> <<@peterbarnhoorn7879 says : Another distraction by our Govt...ffs..๐Ÿ˜ฎ>> <<@lispyDribbler says : Banned on public transport, then plain packaging, then locked in a cabinet so you can't choose on the spot, then a ridiculously high tax, then a black market, then a junk food war. What could possibly go wrong.>>