<<@ralphsimpson4593 says : We have an abundance gas but refuse to use it.>> <<@benpasquale6353 says : i wouldnt give chris bowen a job at a library>> <<@guymoschella4066 says : Renewables are not green and clean or cheap>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : Let’s see an election based on meeting the Energy Needs Of Australia .. lets compare Nuclear based on the Economy of Scale Measured in Land mass per GW Power Generation Compared to Wind Solar .. Capacity factors 1 GW Nuclear Power Plant compared and lands mass destruction of each system only Wind Solar Compared Capacity factors Nuclear 92% 90% therefore land mass taken Destruction being 3.4 Km2 (life span 60 – 70 years) Wind 37% ranges between 32 – 47 % therefore to produce the same energy requires an installed capacity in excess 1.9 – 2.8 GW land mass destruction between 670 – 930 km2 (Lifespan 10 – 15 years) Solar PV 27 % varies from 17 – 28 % therefore to produce the same energy installed capacity in excess 3.3 – 5.4 GW land mass destruction between 116 – 200 Km2 (Lifespan 10 – 15 years) The estimated requirements to meet Labor's Regressive iirational Target 2030 are 64 Million Solar Panels, 4000 Wind Turbine and what ever number of Battery Storage Systems which also produces hazardous Waste .. that is not regulated as shown by the Dumped Turbine Blades found in Queensland Bushland Then there's the ongoing replacement Expenditure and land mass Destruction which never ends even after 2050 there will be another crisis its George Orwell's 1984>> <<@Peaceforall1892-x5z says : Solar Wind and Battery is superior to nuclear power. Solar wind and battery can be built for millions and take years to finish, Nuclear Power takes billions of dollars and requires decades. Then the nuclear plant will run around 30 years (which is typical) and you have a high level spent fuel problem that needs to be buried for 10,000 years. However, the DOE hasn't approved transport routes, transport casks, or a national repository after 60 years of trying. No one is willing to expend the political capital to get this done. The result is we have 92 nuclear power stations with high level spent fuel "temporarily" stored in their backyards.>> <<@pennywallace9362 says : Noone is talking about the cost of capturing the sun and wind and worst still the eyesore of solar panels and wind turbines polluting our landscapes......>> <<@oddball3675 says : In the halls of power, the debate does rise, Albanese’s vision, a plan unwise, Car batteries, his bold decree, To power a nation, from sea to sea. With childlike dreams, he charts the course, But his logic falters, lacks true force, Sky News' Credlin takes the stand, Exposing flaws in his command. "Next election," she says with a grin, "A choice we face, a battle to win, Renewables alone," Albanese’s cry, But to reason, it cannot fly. Peter Dutton, the voice of sense, Sees nuclear power, not just defense, "Not against renewables," he states with care, "But nuclear’s role, we must declare." To reach net zero, keep the lights aglow, A balanced mix, the wise shall know, Yet Albanese dreams, with eyes shut tight, In a fantasy world, where dark meets light. His childish whims, they do expose, A leader's folly, a nation's woes, For power needs more than fleeting rays, And winds that wane in tempest's blaze. So, Credlin speaks, with clarity and might, Against a vision, lacking sight, For a future bright, and energy secure, A leader’s wisdom must endure. In the clash of ideas, the truth must reign, Not dreams of youth, nor thoughts inane, But solid plans, with reason's guide, To lead a nation, with hope and pride. OddBall>> <<@oldgolfer7435 says : Credlin forgets that her former boss insisted that climate change was "All crap", and obviously knows that the Liberals have lost that race. As a comeback they now believe in renewables, but add a new thought bubble in uncosted and expensive nuclear./ One day they will get it right, but do not hold your breath.>> <<@raygale4198 says : Talk about spreading lies and miss information, where's my cement trowel. A Nuclear plant has exactly the same water needs as any other thermal (gas, oil, coal, biofuel) plant. The steam is in a closed loop, the only water 'usage' is if the plant uses open cooling towers, the same as any other thermal plant. These people have no idea what they are talking about at all, please please get some actual engineers to inform the general public how they work before we are all sitting around in caves trying to recharge our Teslas by moon light.>> <<@testedtrue7693 says : Turnbull should look at Canada who is using huge amounts of Hydro and still investing in Nuclear. They also have renewables and gas fired power stations. Turnball could learn something from the old saying. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. In fact Labor should try that out>> <<@testedtrue7693 says : this guy should look at nuclear reactor that uses river water to cool then puts the water back into the river. This plant operating now. Labor is built on lies and misinformation>> <<@peterjames174 says : manipulated by the richest people because they will make lots of money from the bullshit.>> <<@michaellevis4702 says : Isnt yellow cake free its in the ground so its needs water but the water would b recycled, lets see how bowens floating turbines off the coast fare in a DEEP TASMAN LOW they'll line the shore like blue bottles>> <<@barrysylvester3613 says : Who pays for all the infrastructure, are those costs factored into the cost of renewable energy..>> <<@MarkForbes-dr4ie says : Does he believe the billshit that comes out of his mouth.>> <<@Raysofsunshine-sw2wv says : Bring it on, the quicker the better - Labour thought the majority of the population were racist, stupid with the Voice Vote and soon found out where that got them. They will find out the same with Nuclear - yet again calling anyone who is in favour a dickhead, nuttier. Go ahead keep spew your rhetoric BS regarding renewables and see where it get you - you environmental vandals!>> <<@MrSaywutnow says : Notice how all talk of immigration vanished once the Liberals started dropping the N word (nuclear)? Yes, energy policy is important, but it's being used to distract from a far more important issue - demographics.>> <<@gregrobins5615 says : Surely now all you Labor fans are questioning why you voted for this current dud government ? Is there anyone out there who seriously can defend this rabble ? It's gone beyond stupidity now !>> <<@richardconlan5780 says : Hello Plumber>> <<@MarkBrown-gc6hr says : Its a choice between poverty and mass migration and sensible grubbermint. Vote One Nation.>> <<@stephenrose9154 says : If the Labour Party goes to the election on the basis you suggest then, perhaps Australia will give a similar vote to that of the voice.>> <<@rockynikki5806 says : A choice between a chance at cheaper power or a never ending sink hole of dread. Come on, A no brainer>> <<@monkeysezbegood says : Do people have any idea how much of a subsidy nuclear will need ...... This is a political stunt>> <<@paulblackburn5356 says : I think that the policies that most parties run on are secondary. The most important thing is the kind of society they want. If you think socialism is the way to go, then vote Green/Labor. If climate change was a desperate issue, these parties would be prepared separate their social policies from their, supposed, save the world policies. It seems that communism is the answer to all the world's problems. I just find it ironic that, where socialism/communism has been the law of the land, the environment hasn't been that important and corruption has been rife.>> <<@MrMarsMink says : I cant believe that this labour government thinks that people are stupid enough to believe their obvious lies. I believe in renewables, but we're not there yet....In the meantime nuclear is the best option. Hanson & one nation at least have a handle on reality>> <<@EricSchneider-u6p says : The gullible will believe Albo the Weak’s crap about the dangers of nuclear power, but this charlatan won’t mention how many countries have a successful nuclear power based energy source.>> <<@jamesgowing3856 says : Blackout Bowen has no idea. Renewables are not cheap at all>> <<@user-ie8ob6vd8x says : The Labor government is not renewable.>> <<@VincentStafrace says : This is really to support the majority of the comments I have seen here. Including Peta Credlin on her report. Are we being Conned here? I apologise for a lengthy response but if I were to write a thesis on this...with some credible references of how we have been blinded.... Our Government... Have we learnt nothing from earlier civilisations? Keep the populus ignorant and gain control over them. Divide and conquer. Any of this rings a bell. In other words Prey on the weak minded, create a division to deflect attention from the real culprit...feed them BS so they believe it and have them vote for you whilst making them pay for it. So... it will be those unfortunate uneducated voters that Bowen , Albo, Chalmers, are targeting. Plus , lets add some more with some + 600000 new immigrants in the last 2 years totally ignorant of what is going on and will believe a government that granted them a Visa. Nuclear: To Be or Not to Be? The Honorable Bob Hawke had it right. Why Is Bowen so misinformed... or is he? ...Surely if I know this, than so must he...and so should you. If he does know...why the BS? "As of August 2023, there were 167 operational nuclear reactors in Europe. France has by far the most operational reactors, with 56 units. " Ref statista.com Statista - The Statistics Portal. Has anything gone wrong in Europe after all these years? Other than have cheap electricity? Look at where the UK is now . Going downhill. Any news of melt downs or crisis? No Chernobyl , no Fukushima. Yes the Paris Agreement is about emissions and we joined it but most seem to have missed the message, a gift , especially Bowen .....or has he? Stupid or a hidden personnel agenda? The message from the Paris Agreement is ..."the way to lower emissions is to go NUCLEAR" as they did. They gave us the answer, years ago, and so did the rest of the world. Our current government chose to completely ignore it and our previous government face dso much flack from the Greens that were not strong enough to do what was right despite votes. Bowen saw fit to think he is smarter than the French and ROW, or maybe, he is smart as it is more profitable for him to go renewable and ignore the message from the Paris Agreement. The world handed him the answer on a platter. So why ignore it? He is simply capitlising on the fear that Al Gore and the guardians of Greta Thunberg stirred up and created a cult of alarmists to suit his/their agenda. It suited them as they profitted well by it. It seems to me that those that hate capitilastis are actually funding the likes of Bowen, Al Gore and Thunberg who contribute nothing to the community but are capitilising on people's fears right down to our children via brainwashed teachers. The true captialsist profits also but provides jobs to stimulate an economy and support families and lives and a social structure. Chaos: Bowens view seems to be .. " We will spend trillions of taxpayers $ thru tax and spend it on renewables to appease the activists for votes and get Greens support despite the fact that I actually know has no ROI at all but it buys me time in government. We don't have to tell anywone that in the process we will be creating a chaos and an environmental disaster. We will leave the mess of cleaning up the spent lithium which is so revered right now, or the selenium in solar panels which is toxic or the deteriorated Wind-Turbines to someone else years from now That won't be my probelm. I will have my golden parachute to jump off the Australian crashing plane I created. That will be someone else's problem. " If this is not what is going through his mind then........my 5yo grandaughter has a higher IQ. Hope and logic. I have attended several Science Energy conferences over the years and been subject to an abundance of credible information. The most profound came from a French professor, after giving a 45min talk on Green Hydrogen. She questioned "Why is Australia having an energy problem. It is abundant in energy materials. What is the problem with Nuclear. I grew up nex to one?" That was more than 5 years ago. We sit on more than 40% of Uranium resource on the planet. Yet happy to sell it to others. We sell Gas to others and buy it back for more. We sell our Coal, the cleanest in the world whilst China builds >100 Coal fire plants every year contributing to more than 31% of the worlds emisson. (Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/271748/the-largest-emitters-of-co2-in-the-world/#:~:text=China%20was%20the%20biggest%20emitter,percent%20of%20the%20global%20emissions.) Selling us back the wind Turbines and Solar panels we could have produced here and create jobs here. CSIRO... "Australia is the world's 14th highest emitter, contributing just over 1 per cent of global emissions" https://www.csiro.au/en/research/environmental-impacts/climate-change/climate-change-qa/sources-of-co2#:~:text=Australia's%20contribution%20to%20global%20greenhouse%20gas%20emissions&text=According%20to%20the%20June%202023,as%20compared%20to%20June%202022. Does anyone think this is really going to have an impact on the planet? Are we being Conned... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J50hWO2DKHc An ABC interviewer won't accept hard core facts from a qualified Dr Adi Paterson. prior CEO of ANSTO.. please watch and I rest my case.>> <<@VincentStafrace says : Are we being Conned here? I apologise for a lengthy response but if I were to write a thesis on this... Have we learnt nothing from earlier civilisations? Keep the populus ignorant and gain control over them. Divide and conquer. Ay of this rings a bell. In other words Prey on the weak minded, create a division to deflect attention from the real culprit...feed them BS so they believe it and have them vote for you whilst making them pay for it. So... it will be those unfortunate uneducated voters that Bowen , Albo, Chalmers, are targeting. Plus , lets add some more with some + 600000 new immigrants in the last 2 years totally ignorant of what is going on and will believe a government that granted them a Visa. Nuclear: To Be or Not to Be? The Honorable Bob Hawke had it right. Why Is Bowen so misinformed... or is he? ...Surely if I know this, than so must he...and so should you. If he does know...why the BS? "As of August 2023, there were 167 operational nuclear reactors in Europe. France has by far the most operational reactors, with 56 units. " Ref statista.com Statista - The Statistics Portal. Has anything gone wrong in Europe after all these years? Other than have cheap electricity? Look at where the UK is now . Going downhill. Any news of melt downs or crisis? No Chernobyl , no Fukushima. Yes the Paris Agreement is about emissions and we joined it but most seem to have missed the message, a gift , especially Bowen .....or has he? Stupid or a hidden personnel agenda? The message from the Paris Agreement is ..."the way to lower emissions is to go NUCLEAR" as they did. They gave us the answer, years ago, and so did the rest of the world. Our current government chose to completely ignore it and our previous government face dso much flack from the Greens that were not strong enough to do what was right despite votes. Bowen saw fit to think he is smarter than the French and ROW, or maybe, he is smart as it is more profitable for him to go renewable and ignore the message from the Paris Agreement. The world handed him the answer on a platter. So why ignore it? He is simply capitlising on the fear that Al Gore and the guardians of Greta Thunberg stirred up and created a cult of alarmists to suit his/their agenda. It suited them as they profitted well by it. It seems to me that those that hate capitilastis are actually funding the likes of Bowen, Al Gore and Thunberg who contribute nothing to the community but are capitilising on people's fears right down to our children via brainwashed teachers. The true captialsist profits also but provides jobs to stimulate an economy and support families and lives and a social structure. Chaos: Bowens view seems to be .. " We will spend trillions of taxpayers $ thru tax and spend it on renewables to appease the activists for votes and get Greens support despite the fact that I actually know has no ROI at all but it buys me time in government. We don't have to tell anywone that in the process we will be creating a chaos and an environmental disaster. We will leave the mess of cleaning up the spent lithium which is so revered right now, or the selenium in solar panels which is toxic or the deteriorated Wind-Turbines to someone else years from now That won't be my probelm. I will have my golden parachute to jump off the Australian crashing plane I created. That will be someone else's problem. " If this is not what is going through his mind then........my 5yo grandaughter has a higher IQ. Hope and logic. I have attended several Science Energy conferences over the years and been subject to an abundance of credible information. The most profound came from a French professor, after giving a 45min talk on Green Hydrogen. She questioned "Why is Australia having an energy problem. It is abundant in energy materials. What is the problem with Nuclear. I grew up nex to one?" That was more than 5 years ago. We sit on more than 40% of Uranium resource on the planet. Yet happy to sell it to others. We sell Gas to others and buy it back for more. We sell our Coal, the cleanest in the world whilst China builds >100 Coal fire plants every year contributing to more than 31% of the worlds emisson. (Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/271748/the-largest-emitters-of-co2-in-the-world/#:~:text=China%20was%20the%20biggest%20emitter,percent%20of%20the%20global%20emissions.) Selling us back the wind Turbines and Solar panels we could have produced here and create jobs here. CSIRO... "Australia is the world's 14th highest emitter, contributing just over 1 per cent of global emissions" https://www.csiro.au/en/research/environmental-impacts/climate-change/climate-change-qa/sources-of-co2#:~:text=Australia's%20contribution%20to%20global%20greenhouse%20gas%20emissions&text=According%20to%20the%20June%202023,as%20compared%20to%20June%202022. Does anyone think this is really going to have an impact on the planet? Are we being Conned... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J50hWO2DKHc An ABC interviewer won't accept hard core facts from a qualified Dr Adi Paterson. prior CEO of ANSTO.. please watch and I rest my case.>> <<@joycelynbennetts says : This person Bowen is an embarrassment.>> <<@damon4802 says : A choice between keeping the lights on some of the time, and keeping them on all of the time.>> <<@markobrien5808 says : Bomen is this country biggest joke ever never had a real job never will the blok is a joke 🤓>> <<@MidnightPursuit says : Sky news always only telling one side of the story>> <<@ThomasMitchell-lt2vo says : We are not as stupid as government thinks we are, and certainly nowhere as stupid as they are.>> <<@markmccann5711 says : Hes a dickhead on his best day ,not to mention a filthy liar .>> <<@aaronmoffatt4771 says : No .choice between a lying uni activist or an ex police officer.woke or common sense.love of country or divide the country>> <<@vincentcacciola7161 says : Cheaper electricity and no immigration, affordable housing and rentals these things to hell with the rest of the crapp>> <<@petermercer5968 says : The labour government is Finnish. The next prime minister will be Peter Dutton the liberal party.>> <<@timcoller177 says : The clown prince Chris Bowen is at it again peddling his misinformation - what a buffoon>> <<@rob6543 says : 3960 people are entering Australia every minute and there worried about climate change 😂>> <<@morrisgland887 says : I know what I’d like to pitch well before the next election …>> <<@RobW-e7i says : Vote Labor and you will get only renewables. Vote LNP you will get both renewables and Nuclear.>> <<@Peter-ge9oi says : Renewables are cheap cause its the sun and the wind ?? What a naive childish fool. What about the cost of set up. The debt for that' will not be paid off before its time to replace all the aged , failing panels and turbines. So we the taxpayers will end up paying way more for electricity that will still need to be backed up with gas or coal. Brilliant.>> <<@sarahbatsford4791 says : Bowen is off his nut, renewables???? How about Labour pack up their desks to never be seen again. Extra $100 a quarter to keep warm, where are we in the dark ages. The planet is fine, no climate problems so shove renewables>> <<@littletony1764 says : My forecast is that within 25 years, nuclear will be Australia's principal source of power, with renewables becoming obsolete and laying scattered around the country, rejected by the people. And the billions of taxpayer dollars spent by Labour and the left will be for nothing. Nuclear energy will undoubtedly be required to sustain Australia's energy needs in the future, and this fairy tale of renewables will be long gone.>> <<@kevysrandomstuff5835 says : No tax rebate for me, infact has taken 1% more than last year>> <<@drmarine1771 says : Delusional morons. And propaganda they're pushing>> <<@Hades-fi5wc says : gee....this guy is so incompetent ....bring on Nuclear Power ...>> <<@John-kl3ue says : My vote will have nothing to do with that ! I can’t stand this piece of garbage! He’s a liar and has an unhealthy dark obsession!>>