<<@ThelmaGray-jg3jw says : Getting sick of FNC never pointing out that Harris is just repeating the outright rhetorical lies the DNC pays the mainstream media to repeat everyday.>> <<@jamesmurphy449 says : I heard Ari Melber threaten Corey Lewandowski with defamation this morning. I have been puzzling over this story all day and I finally figured it out! Listen from 2:01, to where he says *here's how the New York Times put it* All these idiots on the screen, *and* a bunch of idiots in the comments are attributing this quote to Ari Melber *in full knowledge* that Melber didn't say it; he was just *reading* it from the NYT. And Fox didn't even bother to edit out the attribution! They played it and still went bonkers over the quote! How can they, and how *you* be this stupid? Get it together, please! This election is important.>> <<@lewy1 says : A bullet did not go through the ear.>> <<@kdee8166 says : Where was the criticism of Trump when he mocked Pelosi's husband for getting battered with a hammer ? What happened to Trump was karma.>> <<@kdee8166 says : Ear Pillow Guy.>> <<@VIzuFNmS says : The war is not over because the U.S. is supplying the weapons>> <<@shop970 says : Isn't that amazing? Donnie never had any ear injury. Medical records. Or hypersonic bullet. He's great lying. Connecting to people. Gross negligence for the security that day. Hint: Nothing went thru the ear. No pcs of the ear are missing.>> <<@christiantuairau4205 says : All I can say is vote Trump end the madness.>> <<@rico5393 says : FDT!>> <<@Erwin-v4n says : MSDNC host in relationship with Tampon Tim>> <<@CitizenLarente says : LOL...And then the bandage disappeared as he went golfing a day later. LOL..>> <<@xx7101 says : Lol REALITY CHECK MAGA IS SOBBING BECAUSE:In the face of new Democratic momentum, he has grown increasingly upset about Harris’s surging poll numbers and media coverage since replacing Biden on the ticket, complaining relentlessly and asking friends about how his campaign is performing,>> <<@00GrnGT says : Yall say that but a second video came out showing Jack black laughing at the comment. 🤔>> <<@cookiegalleria3837 says : I would not want to see an ear that had just been shot. Democrat or Republican no one should be ok with this. President Biden responded with integrity and compassion. 6:22 It's the media that makes a big news story about a man wearing a bandage. I was a bit young when Walter Cronkite, who was a newscaster - that simply reported unbiased news was on the air. None of those type of journalists exist anymore.>> <<@interlinkedMedia says : Joining the marines out of HS is when people join - not too crazy. Regardless TRUMP24 baby!>> <<@lisaamerson1547 says : Teamsters Union is why Truck Drivers have Air ride seats , air conditioned trucks with power assist steering , and no Triple Plex transmissions .>> <<@danl.8167 says : "the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.">> <<@JonNielsen-n6f says : That’s all bs Biden has lowered the unemployment rate to the lowest level in 50 years and has been on the side of working people. Republicans have been for the wealthy and big corporations and they are given big tax breaks and the working people pay for it.>> <<@budbower4764 says : MSNBC another left wing propaganda network. No news just leftist talking points and hatred.>> <<@Alouha0407 says : MSNBC channel sucks!>> <<@the_murder_crow says : He has my vote glazers local dc 91>> <<@Cmermaid says : Not to burst your bubble here, but he did not grow up in a trailer park, and graudating in two years is normal when you get credits for military, counted as course credits which are a large amount, for basically nothing. so theres that. I mean I am voting for Trump but it's not for Vance. And what is "crazy" about joining the military out of HS? That is typically when you join, out of touch much? Moving on...how is a bandage a spectacle, the dems should explain this...should he have went with ear muffs on? How about a toboggan? A sock? Left exposed to get infected? I do wish they would answer this question, because then maybe they could hear themselves out loud and say, well maybe I do sound pretty dumb right now.>> <<@Rawk_One says : These guys are cookin!>> <<@kaylenemiller1804 says : Jack black is no stand up guy. His show lost their insurance over that comment and no venue would allow them without insurance. He then took back his apology.>> <<@themostlymikeshow says : FMSNBC... Nuff sed!>> <<@PaulSimpson-p1h says : TRUMP24!!!>> <<@CharlotteMckinzie-o4p says : Boycott it just turn it off everyone>> <<@drawntomountains says : Good grief. If he hadn't covered it, they'd gripe about having to see the wound. Or that he did it on purpose to make a point. MSNBC are losers anyway !>> <<@PaulRubino says : 1:07 JD Vance ❝Grew up in a trailer park and joined the marines right out of high school ... *which is crazy* .❞ Crazy? It's crazy to join the Marines after high school? Crazy?>> <<@ernpedrotti8929 says : Why in the world would anybody watch these fake news channels. I don’t know why they just make up all these lies do they really believe what they are reporting>> <<@88Clinton says : aaahhh yes lets just focus on the ear bandage comment lmao why does his remark about the ear bandage even friggin matter.>> <<@michaelboccia6665 says : ari Melber thinks he knows more about bandaging a wound than a plastic surgeon. What a foolish statement .>> <<@paulrobbins6080 says : The Democrats used to be the party of the working man and woman. Today, they're the party of the trans man and woman.>> <<@wadeyearsago says : It's going to be epic when Harris flays this old man in a debate. (which like his health plan and releasing his taxes isn't going to happen.) The former prosecutor will eviscerate the felon and convicted sexual assaulter and tax cheat . Epic.>> <<@Birchsongsltd says : Populists. 😂😅😅😅 OMG yoose all outta yo minds>> <<@tracydimond3759 says : I "drank the koolaid" and voted for obama twice. But the minute trump came down the escalator i knew he was the change we actually needed. I kept telling my husband that trump would be our next president. My husband and i voted for trump twice, and we'll proudly do that again this November.>> <<@anthonywillet222 says : Why is joining the military right out of high school Crazy!? Some people might call that patriotic. Of course that word never is used in this society these days. I personally know several people who got an amazing headstart on their careers and training from the military. And when they got out of the military, they didn’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt to have to pay back, starting off their careers behind the eight ball financially. People are just now starting to realize that the military and trade schools are a much better way to start making money much earlier in life. Not to mention that they have a life skill right out of school. How many college graduates do you know that have either a bachelors or a masters degree in something And they are working at a restaurant or a Starbucks instead of what they studied in college?>> <<@anthonywillet222 says : Why is joining the military right out of high school Crazy!? Some people might call that patriotic. Of course that word never is used in this society these days. I personally know several people who got an amazing headstart on their careers and training from the military. And when they got out of the military, they didn’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt to have to pay back. So they started off their careers behind the eight ball financially. People are just now starting to realize that the military and trade schools are a much better way to start making money much earlier in life. Not to mention that they have a life skill right out of school. How many college graduates do you know that have either a bachelors or a masters degree in something And they are working at a restaurant or a Starbucks instead of what they studied in college?>> <<@ULTRAMAGAPROUD says : Melber's manpons are not a prop. He needs to fill his orfases to stop the stupidity from free flowing.>> <<@dylankrejci9965 says : Illegal immigrants saved Donald Trump’s life>> <<@veegee1744 says : He doesn't need to look for a spectacle...... You crazy dems provide him with ample opportunity to debunk alllllllllllllll of the spectacles you create>> <<@workct4102 says : Chuck Todd belongs in kindergarten>> <<@SullySadface says : If anyone has doubts about his ear, go watch Brandon Herrera's ballistic analysis of the attempt on Trump.>> <<@danwachter4717 says : As a Democrat, I am appalled and insulted at what these would-be journalist at MSNBC. I am done with MSNBC. I will not be watching them in this lifetime.>> <<@jameswhite5927 says : MSNBC hosts are all paranoid, lying, and scared out of their shorts!!! They read too many the sky is falling stories!! They are out there!!>> <<@Fowlesr40 says : Read or listen to JD's book. Just amazing. He is the common man.>> <<@ameerameerr8993 says : The energy and enthusiasm make watching so enjoyable.>> <<@CuzKatieSaysSo says : I am So glad Jack Black did not laugh and agree with the horrible statement of don't miss next time. Even as a joke it's completely unacceptable. And I would have been very sorry to have to put Black on my list.>> <<@CuzKatieSaysSo says : I've always hated MSNBC, and this is case in point.>> <<@GeorgeL.3 says : People are getting sick of paying the democrats failed agenda all while every company can't hire enough employees due to subsidized laziness.>>