<<@dadrocha7741 says : When Donald Trump was President, he walked into North Korea WITHOUT the secret service and nothing happened to him. All he took was a nice suit and a big set HUEVOS.>> <<@brandonmichaels5194 says : “They did their jobs flawlessly”. I really don’t understand how this woman ever got to be in a position of any authority, let alone this role.>> <<@ramblinlamb6459 says : Stripper Cheatle should be arrested. She stripped DT's security details.>> <<@jackpotbcv says : This woman is a scapegoat. This is too deep for a simple dismissal. They should investigate further because it is clear there is political motivation behind all this nonsense. How does a 20yo man without any type of specialized training manage to overcome all security protocols from the secret services to the point where he has all the time in the world to settle in, locate the target and fire several shots? Unfortunately for the people behind this, the mission failed. Trump is still alive. She has no choice but to withhold all information necessary for the investigation. This has to involve big names, and I believe the Biden administration is heavily involved in this.>> <<@JD-re3cj says : She should be charged and convicted as if she herself fired those shots at Trump. She is 100% accountable. There is no way this isn’t an inside job.>> <<@DesmondTroy420 says : First lady trip was to pull security from President Trump detail. Plain as day.>> <<@DesmondTroy420 says : CIRCULAR! NOT "PAC-MAN">> <<@DesmondTroy420 says : Preparing a perimeter defense is like preparing any other position defense, but the platoon must disperse in a circular configuration for all-round security.>> <<@zilosorno8270 says : The media the enemy of the people. Donald Trump>> <<@cristobalarenas3999 says : CNN=💩>> <<@jamesrossiter6155 says : OF COURSE no one was diverted trom Trump's detail, they kept it small from the beginning to allow potential assassin's to succeed!!! They FED President Trump to that shooter!!! Bringing Trump out TWENTY MINUTES AFTER the threat was IDENTIFIED, and allowing CIVILIANS to die is CRIMINAL!!!>> <<@jakeraught4939 says : this is what happens when you put diversity hires in powerful positions and not just DEI leadership roles. same thing happened to Boeing>> <<@Wack373 says : Maybe she’s acting stupid cuz Incompetent is better than Complicit>> <<@Wack373 says : I wanna join Biden’s team, in whatever way. Seems like you never get fired. SAFEST JOB in the world 😂>> <<@HARDMASADA says : He may have been a register (R) but here's the rest of the story ~~ This would have been his 1st time voting....>> <<@grafxgrl8030 says : Local law enforcement is not equal to the secret service in any capacity. You oversaw this detail and failed.>> <<@JamesJetland says : he secret service did not try hard trump wanted to get rid of the F.B.I branch that's why just like the cops did not try hard after black live matter riots>> <<@toyoda701 says : even the seagulls are calling out her BS>> <<@SuperProGro says : Better not be copycats who have success. That would signal total failure of SS. So why should that even be a factor?>> <<@tcmixman says : She is answering more questions to cnn than to congress 😮>> <<@John..219 says : DEI hire.>> <<@collegiate.nightlife says : Kim Cheatle is a fine example you can't have a female in charge, just like Kamala Harris. Vote for Trump y'all!>> <<@nnenneodoom8988 says : CNN called him Hitler, Nazi and a threat to democracy through out trump's leadership....and some of your guest and panels even jokingly talked about him being taken out. what did you expect? Offcourse it will incite violence. I pray America finds their way back. This division is destroying a great nation that used to be reveled by the world. A Strong America is a secured World❤>> <<@Sayres434 says : Mayorkas is her boss>> <<@KV-nh1ts says : Here we go again, a woman blaming men for her own mistakes, and male-bashing feminists finding it impossible to accept that just because a man calls out incompetence, doesn't mean he's a misogynist who hates "strong" women. Real strong women don't blame others for their errors.>> <<@tennisace40 says : 5 hrs and they learned nothing. Stonewall completed.>> <<@tng4550 says : the first moment she opened her mouth with the arrogant statement of "the buck stops with me" I knew she was a Narcissistic egocentrical tyrant. No humble person would ever utter those words. She goes on to prove that with her refusal to cooperate, take any blame or answer questions. Not only should she resign, but the person responsible for allowing her that position also needs to go. She does not have the ability to see that she had one job to do and failed miserably. I am sure there are many many people who actually know her that are smiling. Oh and narcissistic egocentrical arrogant people like her DONT resign. I would imagine she is a big bully. She actually is the one who made the decision to surround 6 foot trump with short females not capable of carrying or covering him.>> <<@db90990 says : Secret Service: TOO Secret & too Many secrets>> <<@antclerfont8478 says : Now Homeland security Is investigating the Secret Service... Isnt that imteresting... Oh I can see a mass of resignations a mile away with this one. Heres the problem tho: Trump didnt wanna pay for extra security, so whos fault is it to actually PAY for extra security?>> <<@ChefAppleby says : She is an absolute clown show…. Wow>> <<@angelita1895 says : Why didn’t y’all ask for the same accountability for the insurrection on January 6? Politicians are a bunch of hypocrites and so are the people who voted for them. At least I’m true to myself and never voted.>> <<@Vaportrail56 says : FIRE HER NOW!>> <<@perkins1439 says : She's a suspect she should be nowhere around this case..>> <<@dabarman says : am i hear the secret seaguls?>> <<@Nil-js4bf says : I heard from Senator Hawley that local law enforcement is furious that she's unfairly throwing them under the bus. Between these two, I trust Hawley more. Also, hilarious that James Clapper is still here as a respected bureaucrat, after lying to congress about NSA not mass collecting data on US citizens while Snowden remains in exile.>> <<@justinedse8435 says : James Clapper committed perjury.>> <<@jldlott says : Instead of blaming Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, Republicans need to question the Butler, PA police chief and ask why he did not have enough protection outside the perimeter. He will testify that Trump and his rally organizers do not pay for their services. Trump and his rally organizers stiff every other jurisdiction so Butler, PA gave Trump and his rally organizers what they paid for.>> <<@fazzfoodjoint5380 says : I was worried that my ex-special forces snipers wouldn't be able to transition the sloped roof I was very very worried about that>> <<@SparkleP8nter says : "what we increased was what WE FELT was appreciate for THE FORMER PRESIDENT, and for THAT EVENT on that particular DAY" Meanwhile Jill Biden & Kamala were also in Philadelphia that day... THEY were priority. She words it exactly how it went down>> <<@richardvp2028 says : I love how she can sing like a bird to a reporter but can't answer the basic questions of our Congress members.>> <<@samfisherman9058 says : PRESIDENT TRUMP NEEDS PATRIOTS BODYGUARDS.>> <<@samfisherman9058 says : WHAT A JOKE, THIS LADY DIRECTOR TOOK NO RESPONSIBILITY IN THIS UTTER FAILURE>> <<@rafiroston8599 says : Can someone kick her back to defending Cheetos!>> <<@davidnorth3411 says : She is down dressing each question , no real yes or no , she clearly has her agenda of keeping her job>> <<@bhpscotland807 says : I can tell she's lying :- Her lips are moving>> <<@Carlos-im3hn says : I thought Dr. Jill Biden drew over 50% of Trump's Secret Service detail away, to her own Dr. Jill showing in the nearby area as Trump's fateful campaign day. The Bidens exposed Trump to the shooter and removed SS protection for Trump on that day ! Really.>> <<@Rosie-di6ed says : I wonder if this SSD Kimberly Cheatle is a Trump supporter! inquiring minds want-ta-know...>> <<@ff-cq5hh says : Criminals investigating criminals. I would feel 1 inch tall as an agent.>> <<@CdA_Native says : Wait, What? I thought DEI hires were the best possible answer to ALL our problems!>> <<@nickkuzinski5380 says : Whos Whitney Wilde? Actual journalists who ask actual questions work at CNN? Does not compute😮 Please advise>>