<<@JoelTopsom says : Nuclear energy is the obvious solution but albo is so messed up he thinks its dangerous. Look at how many countries use it with 0 issues.>> <<@JoelTopsom says : Australia sells its gas overseas then buys it back, unbelievable. Labor wants to stop the gas because the union superannuation groups all invested heavily in renewables. This is all about money and votes. Albanese is a corrupt little weasel and needs to go.>> <<@corrinefarrell6726 says : Don’t usually agree with Justin but I do on this one. He’s right Chris, you’re not a child.>> <<@rent7142 says : Talk about cash for comments.>> <<@patriot388 says : Blackout Bowen will not be happy! 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@adamali2886 says : Gas is cheaper and more reliable than electricity>> <<@newshound2521 says : Anything but "lefty" power eh Sky!>> <<@kevinwong3722 says : Surprise surprise>> <<@judyboast4020 says : My parents had a gas stove so I grew up with gas in the home. There was only one time when I had an electric stove and didn't like it so my home has had gas for over 34 years. When the power goes out I can still cook a meal or have a cuppa.>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : "The latest Gas Disconnection Report shows that the Jemena Gas Network in NSW has added 35,000 customers in under two, while AGN in SA has an extra 9000." In under two? Years I suppose. Nice work if you can get it. It's just The Internet. Don't take it seriously.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Rubbish. Gas is going nowhere.>> <<@hollysmith1347 says : Why? It's more expensive then my electricity bill. I prefer gas to cook with. But it's more expensive. Somehow my FIL's is a 3rd. And we had 5 people living there and heater was being used. We have 4 and no heater being used.>> <<@jonathoncalabrese2035 says : And that’s why they want it gone. Stop you from eating>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : now you going to have people asking whn buying a house is doas it have fiber optic and gas>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : Rubbish.>> <<@hotchihuahua1546 says : How is saying gas is more efficient in homes being cleared on this post ? Is YouTube run by idiots ? Never mind I know the answer to that !>> <<@JohnsonCranium says : When people choose with their wallets… that’s what happens 💁‍♂️>> <<@andrewdunlop2966 says : Australia is a tyrannical punitive State of fines and taxation but only for ordinary citizens.>> <<@onlythaclonessir2525 says : IN INDIA THEY SHOWER IN PETROL DON'T THEY ?>> <<@wilbur1884 says : WUTT ABOAT DAVAYE ALUTTA PROUD HE'S STILL ALUTTA PROUD OF DEE OLE NAULSTEOUS OF DAMNED OLE DAYOOH'S AND EVERYTING LIKE DAULT 😮😂😮😢😮😂>> <<@HelpBangladeshi says : The internal situation in Bangladesh is very turbulent. The Chhatra League, along with the Bangladesh government and police forces, attacked the ordinary students of Bangladesh, who were on the streets demanding jobs and reform of the discriminatory quota system in every government. sector of Bangladesh. Bangladeshi press and media are not covering the news. We need international media focus. help us Focus on our typical students who are being attacked, bleeding or bitten. The world should know this. Please help Bangladesh general students 🥺🥺🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩>> <<@chriscoghlan692 says : Years ago gas was promoted as the clean energy source. What changed.>> <<@SlobArt says : Oh, not electric?>>