<<@kathleenwatson says : I was also kicked off a Southwest airline for trying to put my luggage in the overhead bin - first come, first served. The flight attendant said “Mame you can’t put your luggage there” because she was helping someone in the “A” line save a seat. And I said “oh, I think it will to fit my luggage there” but stopped when the flight attendant said “Mame, get off the plane.” I got scared & moved a couple of rows down - the plane was fairly empty cause I was in the ”A” line. Stowed my luggage & sat down in an empty seat peacefully. The flight attendant harassed me to get off the plane & I asked what I did wrong. She got on the loud speaker and had everyone exit the plane so there were no witnesses. The attendant then called the Las Vegas police who then handcuffed me, bodily pushed me in wheelchair, took me to the Henry Clarke Detention center, beat me up (I am 68 years old with a 9 disc spinal fusion), threw me on a jail cell with vomit glued to the floor, striped me of my clothing to the bare minimum, no shoes and had the air conditioning at about 60 degrees, would not let me call my family, would not tell me how long I would be there, then eventually released me 17 hours later onto a side walk on downtown LV with no phone, ID or credit cards!! I was called an “old white lady white whore” by the police officers. So, this kicking people off airlines is too much power in the hands of airline flight attendants. BTW, I tried to sue Southwest. They lied and ganged up on me because I didn’t have any witnesses. Southwest in las vegas is Evil! That flight attendant, Janette, should be fired!!!!! I am traumatized & being treated for ptsd. I still don’t have feeling on the top of my hands. I had to drive a rental home to California on a fractured coccyx - 528 miles and my butt was black from bruising! I still suffer from the injuries & it all started with a nasty flight attendant in a bad mood & helping someone save a seat!!!! Something must be done! It’s a loss of civil human rights!!!>> <<@meloapril7530 says : This can only happen in the so-called land of the free...>> <<@derrick072 says : Sue them!>> <<@kylebrister7608 says : The fact is Terrell Davis is one of the nicest people who ever played in the NFL. This is a shame & a sham.>> <<@leonelsanchez566 says : Boycott United!!>> <<@xxxnamkhaxxx says : At Terrell Davis family: Please sue UNITED.>> <<@xxxnamkhaxxx says : BOYCOTT UNITED! FOR LIFE!>> <<@Mario-Loco683 says : Why won't they show the Flight Attendants FACE?!? SHOW US!!!!>> <<@TedAlba-v8p says : We know United Airlines hire DEI, this is what ya get from privileged guy which is above all scrutiny. Only reason justice is somewhat served is the "Super Privilege" of Owens with Goebbels media.>> <<@irvingberlin-o8h says : Thank gawd yo ur husb and stifled hi s base insti ncts and inste ad acted w hite duri ng the arr est,>> <<@ZebraFacts says : I've watched this couple recount their experience over three different networks. I was hoping to hear an explanation of why the pilot crew didn't investigate before landing. Why the FBI and the LA Sharifs didn't ask Mr. Davis what happened. Telling me that United said this or that is always going to be the outcome. Not only is it always the outcome but apologizing to his lawyers instead of the Davis family is just an added insult. It tells me that all they are concerned with is the impending law suit that I hope is very large. The only way that you get these people's attention is to take their freedom and or their money. A significant amount of their money. The flight attendant should be prosecuted for false charges to the FBI and the LA sharif department.>> <<@tammyames6208 says : You can’t ask demons to talk to your kids and explain. They don’t have feelings they are only sent to harm. Talk to your kids about Christ, because He is The only one who can help them understand!>> <<@FlinthillsFloyd says : Hopefully blacks will boycott United. I certainly would pay extra knowing no blacks would be on my flight. United will be known as a white only airline. 😊 Blacks please don't fly United so whites will have first class flights!!!>> <<@topgun6981 says : This is so unbelievable and troubling on so many levels. Poor guy and family 🙏🫶🏾. This is Unf…n believable. TD is such a class act and he has an amazing wife who is his pillar of strength. Those poor kids..honest to Christ 🙏🫶🏾>> <<@numbernineemission says : Sounds like the flight attendant was one of them wt sissies>> <<@briana5957 says : I'm curious to know if he was NOT a public figure, would the airline have acted so swiftly in relieving the flight attendant of his duties and issuing an apology?>> <<@JC-qw4xw says : The captain should have investigated and have the authority to rule on things happening inside the plane and make the call if police or fbi are necessary. No biases or loyalty (to flight attendants). Flight attendants should be regularly evaluated for COVID PTSD and or racial biases or mental issues.>> <<@altanbayar says : dignity? nah>> <<@jgrefphenreed71 says : Law suit>> <<@irismedinaelston says : Sending my thoughts and prayers to Terrell and his family. This is heartbreaking.>> <<@vernalwilliams1166 says : The flight ✈️ attendant lied to hurt a passenger the plane that he works on he's garbage we are tired of these evilous people.>> <<@ysela6506 says : It’s not about race people it’s about Flight Attendants acting like Karen’s!>> <<@YogaBlissDance says : THIS MAKES ME SO ANGRY! His wife is beautiful and well spoken. Beautiful couple. This shouldn't have happened. Exactly the "flight attendants intent"....to trigger this hUGE SCARY RESPONSE. Their dad was a hero to them and now this image of him being taken away it's horrible. And yes it could happen to ANYONE but more likely when factor as race comes into it makes it an additional trigger for some folks (flight attendants.)>> <<@Robsav-yx6vi says : This poor man and FAMILY. Omg This was SO wrong I hope they make to right for his entire family.>> <<@AdelquiDot says : 'I was stripped of my dignity': Terrell Davis recounts getting handcuffed after United flight>> <<@sd560 says : A racist flight waiter 😂😂😂😂😂 fire the freak!!!>> <<@thle8972 says : I would check with other passengers to know for sure.>> <<@AnthonyMcAfee-p2k says : That wife is a real one...love to see it. She said we are not gonna mix words and call a spade a spade. She legit!>> <<@luvpkroses says : Sounds like the whole process needs an overhaul/training>> <<@eddykhatib2055 says : Flight attendant needs training on how to get a cup of ice😂>> <<@eddykhatib2055 says : The flight attendant is so fragile he got his feelings hurt 😂>> <<@eddykhatib2055 says : United airlines is about to get that checkbook out for that that 100 million check>> <<@virgilgambrell7154 says : I've known to witness airport police, customs inforcement to deal with matters like this, but seeing the FBI was way over the top.. They wanted to hemiliate him and his family purposely. Racially motivated is what it was.. I'm so sorry this happen to you and your family.>> <<@Maddies-k1z says : No touching!!!! Ong>> <<@Maddies-k1z says : I understand, but you should off never touch anyone!!!>> <<@FlyingMonkeys69 says : It was obviously a huge mistake by the attendant. But, If that’s all it takes to “strip your dignity” then you have much deeper issues you need to address. Most folks don’t know or even remember who you are. Just handle it like a man and accept the someone owes you a big apology and maybe a few years of free travel and stop playing the race victim role. It just makes you look like you’re just after a big payday. Watch how Scottie Scheffler handled his situations and follow>> <<@SopranoAlive says : We see the double standard here: A Dad and upstanding citizen and former athlete/role model gets handcuffed and led off a place for simply tapping a flight attendant on the shoulder to get his attention for some ice for his son, while a convicted felon with 34 charges against him still gets to run for president of the United States!!!>> <<@LordDudeious says : I do not care about your political views. That is Terrell Davis, Hall of Famer, ruthless on the field, the gentlest man in the world in real life. That is insulting to everyone. His integrity is beyond question. Sorry... he's just not that way. Never has been... that false report should have been quashed, and the real arrest made. I've followed that man's career most of my life. He just isn't that way.>> <<@LordHavMerci says : Damn, FBI didn't even read him his rights - believed the attendant's baseless accusation with no corroborating evidence. All around failure in processes and protocols. Completely unacceptable. Terrell Davis & family must seek justice and compensation>> <<@Nvidia1970 says : I understand. If you're escorted by air Marshall or sheriff.. why, fbi???>> <<@user-sh8ty7lb3u says : CNN is one of the most evil media outlets along with MSNBC>> <<@jennyc1542 says : We’re so sorry this happened to you but why would this company be responsible for an employee’s racist meltdown. As an owner of a business how can I be responsible for all the actions of each of my employees if one of my employees shouts back at a guest and it ensues in an altercation why come after me with a lawsuit? That’s not fair!! What did I do hired someone who later turned out to be a nut?>> <<@maryettamoore4765 says : Caucasian, gay men should not be flight attendants. They do not have the demeanor for it.>> <<@maryettamoore4765 says : How come they're not showing the flight attendants pitcher? If it was a black man, his face would be plastered all over the d*** news. The media in this country aint SH...IT either.>> <<@whenpangmetsteve444 says : What is the reporter asking him? She is very racist herself. She couldn’t even say the word “black.” Then proceed to ask “in that moment, did you feel your blackness?” I’m not understanding what she is asking. Sounds racist and divided to me. Just look at the wife’s face after the reporter ask that. 😲>> <<@leninmercedes6567 says : I hope they fired that flight attendant>> <<@Rmp1280 says : Such a disgusting overreaction. How tf did they call the FBI for this>> <<@bva5362 says : Please, do not hold back! Sue the airline for hiring such a jerk ( I don’t curse, lol); and sue the flight attendant for ALL you can get! I can guarantee, this will continue to happen if you do not take them for the max!>> <<@Sclass_Ent says : " Did u FEEL ypur BLACKNESS" 😂😂😂>> <<@Sclass_Ent says : Would we We care if it weren't Terrell Davis>>