<<@n.c.467 says : Hmmm...were they filled with anything....🤔.....like....crap????😅>> <<@mitchell-uk9up says : Oh now a trump cookie Mr Bill. Ill take 5 dozen to gove out at dem head quarters.>> <<@4wheelliving132 says : I think this is a great idea. For every customer he loses he probably gains 10>> <<@dRumpfsadouchebag says : Poor business decision to support a convicted felon, sexual abuse and business cheat. Charging 5 dollars for a cookie is a grift dRumpf would be proud of. Vote blue Harris 2024. Horrible nuisance decision>> <<@Mantelar says : Baker looking for notoriety questions life decisions>> <<@getit9066 says : The best part is that most cookies were sold to fat purple-haired hangry lesbians.>> <<@Frankeone says : Take a bite of both>> <<@rifledepot6067 says : Proof the left is tolerant, except if you mention freedom😂>> <<@Jamie-ht5ec says : Trump is a convicted felon. He should be in prison.>> <<@nickscarla-tl9xp says : I ordered a dozen of the Joe Biden cookies but on arrival they were all moldy and decaying 😂>> <<@noabraga3773 says : Shame on these people. No one should make Trump products. He's a felon. A rapist. A fraud. WTF is wrong with people?>> <<@EricRobillard-b4j says : i taste one of the biden cookie and he tasted perished>> <<@OLDIE-R1h says : ❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@mt-zr3xc says : Love it. Can I order some and deliver to Cali. TRUMP 2024>> <<@nightking8490 says : Well, always have a plan to backstab your best friends when they try something on you first. Always.>> <<@allenkranawetter9482 says : It makes customers come together>> <<@journalistedisoncarter says : I'd go there and say "i want a good ol' plain chocolate chip cookie with nothing on it. Thank you and send me some more sometime; just not those RNC or DNC cookies.">> <<@robertmontgomery7314 says : Which way will the cookie crumble?>> <<@rathertiredofthemess2841 says : Well Orangesama bin Chaos Cookies taste like shit!>> <<@MilkyWayGalaxyy says : They are all GAY!!! The two co owners and their delivery driver are all closeted GAY men. And yet they support the republican party who doesn't support LGBTQ+>> <<@jotac87278 says : Republicans buying cookies from a bakery owned by gay men? The irony>> <<@ashleysimmer7786 says : Imagine getting triggered by a cookie lol>> <<@mikelopez5579 says : Great job keep supporting a rapist🎉👍🏻>> <<@debbiehopewell5544 says : No, thanks!!! 🤢🤮>> <<@NoBS1776 says : Stupid>> <<@markio2010 says : That makes sense...fat people.>> <<@ligmasphere901 says : Goofy dry ah looking cookies 💀>> <<@johnking6252 says : Does the cookie taste like a POS ? Hahahaha.>> <<@Orangecar2626 says : ❤❤❤ I believe that Jesus/Trump are almost the same expect Jesus dosen't believe in hiring Prostitutes and Lying and being A Great Malignant Narcissist and I now how to spell MIlk 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂​>> <<@jeffalessi says : Scumbag Cookies...>> <<@jieli3313 says : We don't know the tax bills of any official in China! Perhaps this is what the Chinese government calls a state secret! LMFAO!>> <<@richardb.3808 says : I would not go to a bakery who makes political messages. No matter for which side.>> <<@seekingtruth714 says : Idiots>> <<@thomasreedy4751 says : How can you purposely make a political statement but tell customers to not post political comments????>> <<@ArizonaSquatch says : When you pander to only one side, customers go away. You righties keep pushing you agendas on everyone. Can't you keep politics and religion out of your business? Not everyone wants any of that at places they shop.>> <<@MrKarlos9122 says : trumptards>> <<@ChuckWortman says : Trump cookies need to be made with hot sauce, red meat, and be smaller than stated size. Biden cookies would need to ve left out overnight ,no salt added, and break easily (for I support Democracy but want to win the election. We need fresh cookies with new ingredients)>> <<@southern842 says : Libs cried and you caved. Sounds about right.>> <<@Merly-i6d says : 😊 yummy T cookie 🍪>> <<@Shri_777 says : #Save_Bangladeshi_students✅ #ALjazerra✅ #Bbcnews #CNN✅ #TheWashingtonPost✅ #TheNewYorkTimes✅ #TheGuardian✅ #BBC #AlJazeeraEnglish✅ #TheWallStreetJournal✅ #CNBC #DhruvRathee✅ #UnitedNations✅ #NewYorkTimesOpinion✅ #ABCNews #NewYorkPost✅ #ProjectNightfall✅ #AbhiandNiyu✅ #QuotaReformProtest✅ #DhakaUniversityUnderAttack✅ #DUUnderAttack✅>> <<@s.r6331 says : The Blue Maga back at it again. Shame. Smh>> <<@jillmarshall4718 says : I'LL PASS!>> <<@ginobatyashe says : A lot more higher I guess>> <<@snapfinger1 says : Trump is one tough cookie.>> <<@inagrove1299 says : The cookies are just as ugly as the man himself>> <<@KD0AFK33 says : Youre going to need to add a splash of red to some of those.>> <<@Orangecar2626 says : ❤❤❤Trump/ Epstein Cookies 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@AmandaMack-ok1uv says : Donald Trump is a cult leader, think about it, millions of people wants HIM to lead THEM, none of them wants to be the leader, they want HIM, to tell THEM what to do, that's a cult.>> <<@AlixSullivan1 says : Everyone who is offended is so soft 😂. They're smart businessman attempting to appeal to both of the major parties. If you dont like what They're selling go find an RFK cookie and pipe down>> <<@blazeorangeandcamo says : "It's only a cookie" Maybe in 2028 you can sell Armageddon cookies. Don't think you'll have many people to sell them to though.>>