<<@ireneminzenmay4075 says : Look at the UK thats gonna happen here. Bastards>> <<@Alchemetica says : Get off credlin your not a journalist or a credible person.>> <<@MariannaMiranda-rg6xr says : The Labor party are doing whatever they can to bring Australia to its knees.😡😡😡>> <<@mudbutton2 says : They want to import more welfare dependent Labor voters.>> <<@drupegler7338 says : How many lies does this government get away with. Fuck Labor>> <<@riordan39 says : Why are they doing this? Doesn't make logic. They cannot be serious. We have enough issues internally, without adding this on top.>> <<@MJ-ku5xt says : They are taking illegal alien workers instead of American citizen workers !!!>> <<@petermclaren2665 says : Australia moves up to 9th place in the Global Happiness Index. https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2023-03/Ipsos%20Global%20Happiness%202023%20Report-WEB.pdf>> <<@MichaelMontanari-d3g says : Importing voters??>> <<@adamali2886 says : We need an election as soon as possible>> <<@JeannineCoventon says : Don't worry most of the country is talking about our Governments deep corruption levels now permeating most of our society.>> <<@maxinegalpin6068 says : More lies on this agenda for Labor 😢😢😢>> <<@anitacohen8753 says : They can't! If Australians think it will be different with the other side, thy are having themselves on!>> <<@foed65 says : The area I live in, is now home to thousands of new immigrants and they're still coming. The supermarkets and shops employ mostly them, even the mayor is one of them. Do you see the pattern? Australians are being kicked out of jobs, houses and opportunity. Labour has one goal, and that is to destroy us.>> <<@wesaynottoday7629 says : Oh these cucks that we call our representatives....they have been found wanting whilst letting an invading non assimilating population into the country....look at Europe....wake up..>> <<@bmgbambam3310 says : Elections is coming goodbye Labor🤣>> <<@BarbaraMacDonald-bq1lb says : Its all planed, look at other similar countries>> <<@davidtewhakaara6660 says : Homelessness is growing by the day because of sleazebag elbow and his labour cronies pocketing money that's not theirs>> <<@vicgallimore6756 says : ALBOW, DOING THE W. E. F. BIDDING.>> <<@ScottRichmond-nh5uj says : Migration is being used for Labor Votes, Evil Albo!>> <<@timandjacquinicklin9596 says : Its a labour government , just like Blair did th the uk this labour communist is going to float the country with low life third world labour to float the labour market with shit. We are short of professional tradesmen whilst we are being floated with shit .>> <<@raygiddings2715 says : You go down to a Centrelink and all these migrants are signing up and are also being given Government Housing and that is what is happening and the Australian people are being kicked to the side because Anthony Albanese and his Federal Government couldn't give a shit about Australians and is putting Foreigners first and Australians are ending up homeless to cater for Foreigners and this useless Albanese Government is completely UN Australian and if you are Australian you are screwed.>> <<@helloworld6126 says : Labour is useless. No brainer>> <<@davannaleah says : Smothering Australia>> <<@markuswilmes3694 says : Sky news should be called coalition news it’s so disgusting too have a whole channel dedicated to smearing one political party when they all don’t care about Australians only themselves>> <<@rodsloane706 says : So typical of Labor governments. Just adding to the housing crisis, and CoL crisis. And it's doubtful that they're having a serious look at just who, what they're letting in. Putting us at risk really. Again....typical Labor.>> <<@ACDZ123 says : WEF agenda doesn't care what Aussies want ...labor have sold us out>> <<@lloydsingline340 says : And there are thousands of illegals that they dont count.>> <<@chuckmaddison2924 says : Australia has a population density of 3 per kilometre. Singapore is about 8276.58 . So I can see where the government is heading. UK is 279 and they are cranking it up>> <<@hl5910 says : They were lying about slowing it down they couldn't care less what the Australian people think or feel.>> <<@andrewwarcup684 says : Farmers need to come into the 21st century. Overseas, produce is harvested by machine, not cheap overseas labour.>> <<@Steve-ow7lc says : Why western populations vote for disingenuous Socialist parties who lie to them again and again and again is beyond me. Stockholm syndrome? Wait until Australia becomes an Islamic country there will be no opposition parties or democracy. All likes will be deleted. This comment will be shadow banned. YouTube are 'editors''.>> <<@Kim-q8x says : Good story, Peta. Please keep your focus on Australia. We aren't hearing about the globalist WEF control of the agenda in Australia !Why not ??>> <<@sl2462 says : Someone tell labor they don't need to approve every application they recieve. The libs had a 1 million applicant visa backlog for a reason. Rank the applicants based on merit and qualifications and send rejection letters to the ones that don't make it.>> <<@Kim-q8x says : Following the American Democractic line. Elbow would be globalist driven by his boss WEF.>> <<@Kwesekara1672 says : impoverishmentpolicy>> <<@peterschaefer2946 says : no that cant be right>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : Migration levels under this "do nothing " federal government will never be fixed😂😂😂😂>> <<@kathysmith1843 says : they’ve gotta get votes somehow>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Why would they want to wind it back ????? No matter what the so called "experts" tell us, high immigration is causing this country to collapse ..... and that is exactly what it's supposed to do. Does anyone believe excessive immigration is helping us ??? It's only help Labor and the unions.>> <<@Leftyintollerable says : All probably from countries that don't assimilate to our way of life.>> <<@solark2232 says : Albo got the joe biden handbook and then added $1.5 trillion worth of fire starters for "power">> <<@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 says : Red Clare has failed us again. How many 3rd world migrants from most overpopulated continent we are to take in? The globalist ALP has stopped representing the interests of working australians (citizens that live here at the moment) 🐏🇦🇺>> <<@asifulzead says : Labors damage to the country will remain for decades>> <<@wilbur1884 says : Telly lodda go to maye of diss yee-auh. It's nault to DIFFY-CULT TA-SAYE LAYBOUR'S GOWWIN INDA LAYBOUR 🤪. IT'S ONE OF DA RAISEN'S WHY.👋🤣👋🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👋🤣>> <<@indica8510 says : Australia couldn’t supply water to its citizens at the current level without water restrictions that should match immigration.>> <<@starstarlightful says : And, we the people DONT WANT THIS!!.......LIsten to us you arrogant leftist fools.....you work for us not for your own personal agendas. The only thing Labour excels in is mediocrity!>> <<@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 says : Want a wage rise or to get on the property ladder?>> <<@KT-bb1tb says : Retribution on Australia, for Him Losing his Vanity Project the 'Voice' !>> <<@nicethings2070 says : Never has there been so much blocking. Makes you wonder.>>