<<@BoeingJetMech says : What is amazing,The DOJ has turned there backs on the Clintons,Obama,Biden/Harris administration, and the Blatant Laws they broke, yet go after Trump which is nothing but Political attacks to keep Trump from running and winning the White House.>> <<@lauriemcadam says : I’ll watch Fox News occasionally when Pete Buttigieg is on to see them crumble under their Trump lies and ….they are the real fake news to me. Now I think CNN is becoming fake as well, God help us all. Jake Tapper you are now as disgusting as Fox News, I hope you are proud of yourself!>> <<@lauriemcadam says : Jake Tapper is a MAGA now! I relied on CNN for years and years, now I don’t trust the channel any more. And Trump calls you fake news … sad! Not this post but Jake’s views after the RNC convention have shocked me. What happened the last month? Did Trump bribe you? It certainly looks like it. Or was it that Hannity called you a wanna-be journalist? I loved Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo on CNN and they were both let go. The only one I’ll watch now is Anderson Cooper …that’s it! Jake you have disappointed me and I won’t watch you any more.>> <<@JonCurlee-o3p says : Joe Biden.an a few state senators.old presidents have been running the country.harris will allow the same .we are DEAD .☠️🇺🇸💅☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️ LET'S GET IT DONE>> <<@melgrant7404 says : Here's the deal .😊nope lost it.>> <<@tonytrotta9322 says : Joe Biden a National Disgrace - The Crew and Rear Admiral Theodore Chandler fought hard in WW2 so Joe could stand there not support Americans and Babble all the time! January 5 & 6, 1945 - aboard heavy cruiser USS Louisville CA 28 with Rear Admiral Theodore Chandler and Captain Rex LeGrande Hicks and crew in Lingayen Gulf, Philippines kamikaze attacks. (1) main battery 8 inch 55 caliber gun turret knocked out of commission by kamikaze and 500 lb bomb but, Lady Lou still shelled the beaches! Currently, this gun turret is in the Nevada Desert used for atomic bomb testing in the 50's. This was close to my dad's 20 mm A/A gun mount - 1/4 of his division was at dinner having a sandwich. On January 6, 1945 - Louisville hit again at signal bridge - massive fireball with death and destruction.Rear Admiral Theodore Chandler (who helped with fire hoses) along with 52 crew men buried at sea due to the kamikaze attacks. My dad Enrico Trotta served proudly on the USS Louisville and witnessed all of this at an age of 20 years old and mentioned that we would never have to go thru life what he went thru. or what other service members went thru. To all our service men and service women - past and present who give us the freedom we have today. God Bless them!>> <<@MidwestFarmToys says : Sorry but he's appeared quite confused for about 4 years now...>> <<@larrylandwehr7694 says : When is Fake Tampon, going to "interview" Tampon Timmy? Inquiring minds, want to know!>> <<@brianantunes8467 says : Jake tapper is a piece of crap. Cnn should be taken of the air as long with fox.>> <<@garyhampton680 says : Has anyone noticed nobody has commented on the EXTREMELY SERIOUS CONCERN for 2 weeks!! SWEPT IT UNDER THE RUG AND TOLD ALL OF US TO JUST SAY Baa Baa Baa like a good sheep. CORRUPTION at it finest.>> <<@Aaronreacher says : Lmao now that it became evident that Biden wasn't fit to lead the country CNN is finally saying something slightly unfavorable about him 😂>> <<@jeradmang says : He has been confused his whole presidency y'all just tried to dupe the people because behind Joe's back, others that weren't elected were destroying this country systematically>> <<@Jacmel-e8w says : TAPPER, the biggest joke on promoter of wearing a thumb ring..CNN all the way!!! 😂😂😂.>> <<@ThawinginVA says : Fact check everything ya'll.>> <<@PA-vq2jt says : Jake tapper is driving America into fascism>> <<@mistergeneration says : Yeah. Coz if you don’t vote for Harris, you’re not black, right? 🙄🙄🙄🙄>> <<@BrookeWinter82 says : I can't believe Fake Tapper has called this charade out. Wow!>> <<@adriee85 says : Crazy he kept his job by bashing President Biden and let the roamed and thief who is a felon and adjudicated rapist just lie. So now I believe you Jake nope. I only stopped by to let you know that. Nothing more.>> <<@eshel1954 says : One question, Jake. Was he as confused as you and Dana Bash seemed to be on debate night? I used to wastch CNN....not anymore. I prefer independent media. They do better at reporting facts.>> <<@tmick7108 says : Jake Tapper is a cub reporter.>> <<@belle326 says : I just love how the same media that told us Biden is perfectly fine until a month ago, is now being honest and saying he is completely confused and frail whenever he is seen on record, something that doesn't happen over a period of one month, but over years. and that same media is now telling us that kamala harris is the second coming of jesus. I am sure its all VERY legitimate news... just dont look at her record haha. or any of her policies or videos of her being interviewed. then its really easy to believe she is fine!>> <<@ClickChase says : .....its been the same for 4 years. None of this is new, CNN. *rolls eyes*>> <<@mustangdill36 says : crooked government, they will rape all americans, they control us, we pay what they say or else. when will we learn we arent the few but the many.>> <<@lizreid-pi1pl says : Why is there terrible background noise throughout this?>> <<@PamelaPhillips-ed9sl says : Grumpy Grandpa here. Pinocchio news trying to change their ways. Sorry that still will not save your company.😂😂😂😂>> <<@arsenioadriano9835 says : Are Americans blind?Kamala was a disaster for the last four years,Trump could make America great again, He did it once.>> <<@LanaLandon says : Biden needs to be under medical care. He appears to be on drugs. He has something going on with his brain- his timing is off and he mumbles. You would think his wife and family would get him medical attention. If i were to see someone acting like this - i would call 911 - letting them know I believe this person is having a stroke.>> <<@vanessativa2418 says : Its like seeing grandpa at home losing it little by little>> <<@cpr1200r says : Jake....nice hit piece. btw...why does Trump believe the British lost to America in the revolutionary war because George Washington and America's revolutionary army controlled the airports. Yup ✈️ 🛩 AIRPORTS.>> <<@martasoto3403 says : 1:47>> <<@mattbritzius570 says : Clearly they were preparing the sheep for Biden dropping out. They were probably told to push this narrative so Biden stepping down would make more sense to the people who were spoon fed the lie he was remotely cogent.>> <<@blackjackmusic1107 says : MSM Have been given the green light to criticize Biden. They want him out. Two weeks ago you wouldn't find a negative word about him from the TV.>> <<@misstina1986 says : Well, he's gone now. Be happy. Sing another song>> <<@erikvynckier4819 says : 25th amendment!>> <<@erikvynckier4819 says : Come'on man!>> <<@iAMTreydiddy says : We've seen this behavior from Biden for years, and the media told us not to believe our lying eyes, he's sharp as a tack! Now they're acting like he's changed overnight. This is maddening.>> <<@jeanettecook1088 says : Mr Biden has Parkinson's disease. His symptoms are no longer controllable by daily drug cocktails. (They bought a doctor who said he's "fit"... but he's really sick, and getting more ill by the day.) His speech centers are affected. He can't raise his arms above elbow height. He needs medical care... and he and his staff need to disclose all this fully to the American people. 🎉>> <<@dgibbsfl says : Regarding Tapper's recent Freudian slip and referring to people who may be inadvertently or otherwise watching CNN content, as CNN's voters rather than viewers.....despite what CNN management may like to think, they are having opposite the desired affect. BIG TURNOFF. What they should be doing is showing Kasie Hunt how to comb her hair.>> <<@rogergagnon5584 says : FreeJoeBiden>> <<@MooonChild711 says : FIX YOUR AUDIO!!!>> <<@ccorbin7128 says : Surprise, surprise. Tapper and the rest of his media propagandist buddies seemed SO shocked after Biden’s disastrous debate performance when, for the last 4 years, it’s been obvious to anyone with any honesty or integrity, that Biden has been in a steep cognitive decline. Fox News showed Biden’s stumbling, decrepit old man gait, and his many incoherent statements when he couldn’t finish a thought or misremembered something or said simply totally false or outlandish. CNN and other outlets refused to cover these gaffes and obvious proofs of senility and only now report on it because it was patently obvious to a nationwide audience during the debate and because he’s losing to Trump in the polls. They need to ditch him, and now have, to have any chance of beating Trump.>> <<@thx113875 says : Coming from a news organization who claims to love president Biden. Clowns.>> <<@corporalclegg914 says : you definitely tried, CNN.>> <<@valeriefitzgerald6080 says : CNN spreading hater aid against Biden! I won’t be watching y’all.>> <<@russellsraglandbusiness says : Embarrassing>> <<@russellsraglandbusiness says : 😂💀💀💀>> <<@thobamngadi5254 says : True American. Confused>> <<@cleofewhite5551 says : all comments are negative for CNN. at least they get 644K on 7-22-24... all these viewers are against CNN... sad sad sad>> <<@susanmartin3762 says : This is as embarrassing as it gets! Why is everybody so afraid to just tell him to go home! Just stop Joe! You've had a good run! Just go home and retire. What is wrong with our country? Who looks for a job at the age of 80? NOBODY!!! That's who. What company would hire an 80 year old man with dementia to be the CEO!?? NOBODY THATS WHO! What is wrong with this place? Why are we given these 2 clowns allowed to run? One republican is a convicted felon and the Democrat candidate is losing his mind! 😡😡😡>> <<@norm2264 says : It was only a matter of time>>