<<@olphartcoastie8719 says : Is this a case of stolen valor? From what I can determine from ancestry records, his birth name was William Martin Krzewina. (Shown as an unemployed veteran in 1946 draft registration.) His mother, Anna, divorced his father, Felix Krzewina and married Boleslaus Pekrul. (1940 US Census.) National Archives shows a person who appears to be him enlisting in the US Army at Fort Sheridan, IL on 10 Jan 1944. Born on Dec 9, 1925, he was barely 18 years old. He was a machinist’s apprentice with only one year of high school. How could he have gone from a recruit to Normandy in less than six months? Ancestry records do not show him receiving any medals under either Krzewina or Pekrul. Neither do any of the DoD or other military websites I could find. No Silver Star. No Bronze Stars. No Purple Heart. No WW2 hospital records. No record of participation in Normandy, Northern France, the Bulge, anywhere. My father served in a Signal Company Wing in England and went to Normandy about two weeks after the invasion started. He was credited with service in the Normandy, Northern France, the Bulge and Rhineland campaigns. No real action, no glamour; just a GI doing his job. Another relative was a B-17 radio operator serving with the 97th Bomb Group in Italy and was wounded by flak. Found his records. SSG, four Air Medals, and a Purple Heart. My last service in a combat theater was Operation Iraqi Freedom and retired after 31 years. Again, nothing special, just doing my job. I am disappointed that the VFW Post, the city of Milwaukee, and the RNC didn't bother to double-check. I was suspicious just as soon as I saw all the gedunk on his VFW garrison cap and his age. It didn't fit.>> <<@olphartcoastie8719 says : Milwaukee’s War Memorial Museum has removed their 2021 interview of Pekrul. Perhaps they believe he has lied about his service and heroics?>> <<@jmkpns says : Thank you for your service sir. You are the greatest generation for a reason.>> <<@AtalantaYves says : You know his past life don't play on emotional>> <<@ИветтаАврамова says : Он выграл он знает что гаварите малодец вперед а яяяя поболею вот он не предатель>> <<@cookiedog1878 says : Just WOW! What an American Hero!>> <<@AnthonyPlyler says : What a wonderful moment ❤ 98 years old 💪🏽>> <<@cheriehumphrey5657 says : How anyone remained seated during this man’s speech is beyond me, and how the crowd didn’t line up to thank him and hug him for his sacrifice I don’t know. We have very little understanding of what these soldiers went through to stop evil.>> <<@terrastomp05 says : he supports a dictator wannabe.>> <<@andreasbpunkt says : A World War II vet, someone who literally fought against fascists, getting up at a Trump rally to endorse him. The irony is almost too much. This guy, who put his life on the line to take down Nazi Germany’s oppressive regime, is now backing a guy who has a soft spot for dictators, trashes democratic norms, and stokes nationalist fire. Trump’s “America First” slogan, his attacks on the media, and his knack for alienating international allies seem straight out of the playbook of the regimes this vet once fought against. The millions who sacrificed everything for democracy and freedom are probably rolling in their graves seeing this.>> <<@decembergem4598 says : William Pekrul , thank you for your service.May you be blessed with many more beautiful years to come.🙏>> <<@TJM-q7c says : Proverbs 24:24 “He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:”>> <<@goaliefightclub says : One of the more aware older American veterans, most of the old guys are senile and think Biden's doing great for some reason, elderly people are more susceptible to the media propaganda.>> <<@rfree82 says : At 98, he better at speeches than Biden!>> <<@lauriemcfadyen2183 says : A real American Bad ass!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸♥️🇦🇺>> <<@nanmillen1546 says : Sweetheart>> <<@LordEsel88 says : You have my deepest respect, sir. Thank you for your service, and thank you for being an inspiration.>> <<@YohXoX says : Most meaningful endorsment you can have as a President! I bet this man, more than any of us, cringe when someone calls Trump the Hitler.>> <<@tonytrotta9322 says : Mr. William Pekrul - Thank you for your service! My dad proudly served on the USS Louisville CA 28 heavy cruiser in WW2 and passed in 2017 at age 92 and witnessed (52) sailors and Rear Admiral Theodore Chandler buried at sea due to (3) kamikaze hits in the Pacific. My dad always said you will never have to go thru what we went thru in WW2. God bless our service men and service women and veterans - Past and Present! It is great to hear the history as you have stated for only someone that was there could tell it as it was Great video!>> <<@d.a.dupree7484 says : Thank you for your service, sir. #MAGA 🇺🇲 🇺🇲>> <<@rishav_killerx6011 says : He looks Healthy and Speaks Better than Biden even after fighting the War>> <<@marcodarko6941 says : Like most.. he obviously hasn't been paying attention and doesn't realize this has been happening for at least a decade and half now. jOe's current regime = b.o.'s third term C'mon man! Wake up people!!>> <<@backachershomestead says : Thank you for serving our Great country!>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : at 2:30 LOL yes, the fascists were defeated... by moving to the USA:) *Rammstein - Amerika (Official Video)*>> <<@mrozboss says : Lady liberty smiles today bless all our veterans ❤️ lest we forget>> <<@SeeTheWholeTruth says : Integrity never fails.>> <<@crispinjr.dulatre1866 says : Thank you for your service and sacrifice. May God Bless You.>> <<@Thegoldmine1 says : He is more capable to be president than Joe Biden>> <<@thedreadedsyntholbaby763 says : How does this guy look younger and speak FAR better than Biden? Seriously mind blowing>> <<@andregunawansilaen6718 says : Thanks for your service Wiliam.>> <<@raymondsolisjr.1262 says : It's a shame that this gentleman looks and talks better than 8 o'clock Joe>> <<@hardinmichael1981 says : The man is more coherent than Biden and Harris put together.>> <<@DutchPlanDerLinde says : Its not just America the whole western world went mad in the last 30 years>> <<@alessandrogordillo1998 says : People today scream "Nazi! Nazi! Nazi" and barely distinguish between what is even a nazi. This man and his fallen brothers, faced REAL nazis and suffered unspeakable horrors because of them. Yet, here he is, still fighting for his country for the hidden nazis in it. Uncle Sam tips his hat to this man, with grateful tears in his eyes>> <<@lorettapace3945 says : ❤🇺🇸❤️>> <<@Chainsaw_HM-2 says : Ladies and gentleman… I present you one of America’s *TRUE* badasses!>> <<@wslymf says : this is my amazing grandfather :)>> <<@TheClownCunt says : He looks better that Biden>> <<@mikebonin1635 says : What a great man & patriot, God bless you>> <<@SPG25 says : This man is an inspiration! Thank you for putting this clip up. God bless all our WWII vets. From around the world.>> <<@juneshannon8074 says : What a speech! This guy is magnificent. What an asset for Trump.>> <<@jessminer1606 says : Thank God for your channel. I live in the US and I saw none of this fine man speak.>> <<@juneshannon8074 says : Our country is an ally of America. I, like many Aussies, am embarrassed by their recent performance>> <<@leroylindblom2513 says : >> <<@hadrian3487 says : At 99 what a magnificent gorgeous smile. I will remember his speech at this convention for a long time as well.>> <<@Carolb66 says : God bless you sir, & thank you. ❤>> <<@_loveableidiot says : This man is the reason we are all free today. The reason why i get to sit at home in peace and comfort, why i get to go to the grocery store and be fed , and why i get to sit here on my phone to watch him speak. Im 24 years old. I will never take for granted what these war heroes did for every generation that is born today. He'll never read this but i still want to say thank you. Thank you for putting your life on the line to free America so we wouldn't have to go what you went through. May you live a long and healthy rest of your years sir.>> <<@fok8810 says : he speaks better than biden>> <<@bignutz-re8xl says : Thank you for your service Sir.>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : Please, show us Afghan Veteran and Senate nominee Sam Browns speech too>>