<<@BillPiche says : Aloha! Go work with Hunter.>> <<@byronmartin6459 says : Fireing squad wall for traitor joe and friends 😮>> <<@topout26 says : The demoncraps treated biden like a freshly wiped piece of toilet paper and flushed him down without a second thought. They are destroying each other and its a wonderful thing to see praise GOD!>> <<@robertpena9293 says : TRAITOR JOE>> <<@LanaDrake-q5i says : Sounds so Sweet>> <<@WheredBidenGo says : I thought democrats cared about democracy?>> <<@wallysmith9261 says : The Biden crime cartel is worrying about prosecution!>> <<@MikeHunt-ErtzToo says : Democrats are the obvious threat to democracy now.. we can all see it on display>> <<@idk-if1bh says : i feel sorry for him>> <<@SannaChesloolie says : As a retired senior Trump better not touch my retirement pension!>> <<@SannaChesloolie says : Whale!>> <<@digitalmultiverse1299 says : Im going to give you my responce and its going to be a recording , Your a messed up YOutube. YOu violate free speach . through your community guidlines.>> <<@ElijahHudson-w5z says : JUST BECAUSE BLACK PEOPLE SUCH AS MYSELF DON'T SPEAK OUT ALL TIME, TRUST ME, WE DON'T SUPPORT KAMALA AND WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR HER CAUSE SHE IS BLACK. WE ARE ALL CLEAR AND WE ALL SEE ILLEGAL ALIENS LIVING BETTER THAN WE DO. WE BLAME KAMALA AND THE WAY SHE HANDLED THE BORDER. THERE IS NO WAY WE WILL VOTE HER IN AGAIN FOR HER TO REALLY BRING ALL THE ILLEGAL ALIENS HERE. NO WAY! WE MIGHT BE SILENT, BUT OUR VOTE FOR TRUMP WILL COUNT.. JUST WAIT AND SEE. LET THEM DEMOCRATS THINK WE ARE STILL SLOW AND STUPID. ALL THE WAY TO THE POLLS. THE REPUBLICANS HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, THIS TIME PRESIDENT TRUMP, BLACK PEOPLE GOT YOUR BACK!>> <<@ElijahHudson-w5z says : MOST BLACK AMERICANS SUCH AS MYSELF, WILL NOT SUPPORT KAMALA AND UNDERSTAND THE MIND TRICKS THE DEMOCRATES HAVE PLAYED FOR YEARS. THIS TIME, THEIR ARE ILLEGAL AILIENS LIVING BETTER THAN BLACK AMERICANS ALL WHILE LOOKING DOWN ON AMERICANS. THEY ARE COMMITTING CRIMES AND BEING GIVEN PASSES. KAMALA AND ANY OTHER DEMORCRATE WHO THINKS WE ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO FALL FOR KAMALA, SHOULD BE ASHAMED. TRUMP WILL WIN, WHAT THE DEMOCRATS JUST DID WAS SO STUPID AND SO IS OUR VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA. NONE OF MY 50 BLACK VOTING FRIENDS WILL BE VOTING FOR KAMALA OR ANY DEMOCRAT THIS TIIME. TRUMP IS THE MAN!>> <<@ElijahHudson-w5z says : I am a 53 year old black person. I am ashamed at the way the Democratic party thinks we are stupid enough to vote for Kamala cause she is just black. We are not stupid this time, we see she doesn't care about us or America. Kamala cares about illegal aliens and using the money that is meant for poor american people and wants us to vote for her to be able to give it to anyone who crosses the borders. NOT THIS TME DEMOCRATES!!!!!!>> <<@jackiepresley5065 says : good riddance>> <<@LeadBariBass says : He didn't drop out. He dropped dead.>> <<@PopMuzik-pg6fu says : Trump was shot then Biden resigns via twitter. All of a sudden Kamala is a World leader how can this get any weirder. Is Joe still alive what happened to Joe?>> <<@bman6502 says : So gop is going to get behind an 80 yr old white man..>> <<@markbogart2617 says : Show some respect he's got mental problems ,being the President really wears you out . I voted for Trump . He's my man>> <<@leslygioia4987 says : It's so funny to see demorats shed tears for this fool. Republicans have been crying since he took office!!! He's a puppet and his party just cut the strings. He's free to be a fool on his own time.>> <<@erickjuma7643 says : Those stats are not real>> <<@Elijah4372 says : Does joe knows that he’s stepping down?>> <<@CharlesCowart-bk8xk says : Trump 2024 Maga Rising.>> <<@marianar6805 says : Cadaver Joe>> <<@marianar6805 says : Biden crime family>> <<@GabrielBoorom says : Joe Biden discussions: Democrats: Joe, step down! Joe Biden: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!😭>> <<@marcgrondin5836 says : Tax payer will save on pamper 😮>> <<@dawnlewis6044 says : As a Democrat, I am sad to see President Biden go but it's best for his health and age. I will be a DEMOCRAT all the way 😂>> <<@MelsML55 says : That entire party is in scrabble mode because PRESIDENT TRUMP wasn't supposed to be here.>> <<@SusanCox-pl9qp says : I'd like to know how much money Biden was bribed to drop out.>> <<@toricollins6516 says : Project 2025 is the bigger issue.>> <<@TerrenceSmith-s6i says : How about Clark Griswold? LoL I hope theu don't read this? They might take me serious?>> <<@catholicPrayers444 says : hi im joe message and i approve this biden>> <<@davisracquet says : Jill will never...oh excuse me I mean Dr Jill will not allow him to drop out. She's enjoying the perks that come with being first lady.>> <<@jimcee4822 says : WHATEVER JILL IS SUPPOSED TO BE, SHE IS A PHONY, THIS HAS BEEN A DEMOCRATIC NIGHTMARE FOR 4 YEARS , AMERICA HAS HAD ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!! GET OUT EVIL BIDENS !!!>> <<@craiglist187 says : So hes just going to quit because hes getting beat so badly? Hes a quitter, def never presidential material. Not a leader>> <<@tomkat1883 says : Too big to rig!!! 😜>> <<@tomkat1883 says : If he announces TODAY that he is dropping out, this will also make him a "lame duck" for the rest of his illegal squatter term.>> <<@tomkat1883 says : The Communists will need to decide how to proceed soon. Ballots will need to be printed sooon. Arkansas, Delaware, Kentucky, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wisconsin mail ballots to voters more than 45 days before the election. Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia and Wyoming are 45 days prior to the scheduled election day. Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, South Carolina and Vermont send out ballots 30 to 45 days before the election. And Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Utah and Washington allow voters the least amount of time, giving them 30 days before the election.>> <<@Marjorie-xt1nn says : I think Biden will ask Hillary to run as his VP and ditch Kamala. Kamala Harris was always Obama's choice for having been the President. It was not Biden, back when Biden and others were running in the 2016 elections. Obama always said he wanted Kamala. But Biden for president was the party's choice instead. Obama begged Biden not to ever run from the beginning. But for the sake of party unity Biden felt he had no choice to choose Kamala as his running mate VP. Obama wants Biden to quit, and Hillary Clinton says she wants Biden to stay. The Clintons and Bidens were never friends of Obama. I think Biden will ask Hillary to run as his VP now and ditch Kamala.>> <<@Cheech-gk8bd says : TRUMP WINS>> <<@Jstewart-es3jp says : Food is unaffordable under biden. The rich and elites are richer under biden>> <<@Jstewart-es3jp says : Biden crime family needs to report to prison>> <<@Marjorie-xt1nn says : Obama wants Biden to quit, and Hillary Clinton wants Biden to stay. The Clintons and Bidens were never friends of Obama.>> <<@M13x13M says : A big pay off like Bernie's.>> <<@lindevannoppen807 says : Biden won’t leave till he knows hunter is safe🥺 He will change the law if he has to>> <<@mikemurray1506 says : The democrats don't have a chance>> <<@StellaKraft-k7i says : Get out of our lives !!!>> <<@user-xk1ks8gq9s says : cya lololol>>